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CAMBODIA: 29 families face illegal eviction after the military disobeys a court order

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that an army general named Heng Kham Van, who is also the chief of the Committee of Immovable Property Management for the Royal Cambo...

CAMBODIA: Continuous demolition of village homes and the violent assault of a woman in Palin town

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that on 11 February 2007 at 11:20 am, two military officers named Vy and Thol allegedly demolished the home of a villager named Keo S...

CAMBODIA: Two women almost buried alive for protecting their land

[NOTICE: The AHRC have developed a new automatic letter-sending system using the “button” below. However, in this appeal, we could not include e-mail addresses of some of the Cambodian au...

CAMBODIA: AHRC Fernando: “rule of law in Cambodia is being deliberately hindered by the elite who are benefiting financially from their draconian grip on power” 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following statement which appeared in the Phnom Penh Post:  AHRC Fernando: “rule of law in Cambodia is being ...

UPDATE (Cambodia): Killing of a villager working against illegal land concession by a tycoon senator

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information on an alleged illegal land grabbing case involving about 250 families that had been forcefully evicted from thei...

UPDATE (Cambodia): Army generals of the opposition party were released on bail

[NOTICE: The AHRC have developed a new automatic letter-sending system using the “button” below. However, in this appeal, we only could include e-mail addresses of a few of the Cambodian ...

UPDATE (Cambodia): Development company allegedly frames and assaults villagers to seize property

[NOTICE: The AHRC have developed a new automatic letter-sending system using the “button” below. However, in this appeal, we could not include e-mail addresses of some of the Cambodian au...

CAMBODIA: One village chief illegally sells indigenous people’s land to a private company in Mondolkiri province

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that Mr. Ket Bun Thann, chief of Pou Teut village has sold 400 hectares which is under a collective ownership of a Phnong indigenous ...

CAMBODIA: Governor illegally and violently evicts 229 village families

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to inform you of another brutal and illegal eviction of 229 families from Number One village, Sangkat Number One, Sihanouk Ville, Cambodia...

UPDATE (Cambodia): Sihanoukville governor orders 105 families to leave their homes within 7 days

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that on 19 January 2007 Sihanoukville Governor Say Hak allegedly issued a notice bearing number 0026 to evict 105 famili...

CAMBODIA: Malicious criminal lawsuits must be stopped

The legal system in Cambodia is today rife with malicious criminal lawsuits by the rich and powerful against apparently innocent persons. The suits have variously related to political parties’ m...

GENERAL APPEAL (Cambodia): Forcible eviction and blockade of food supplies against the villagers in Kompong Thom province

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concerned by a blockade of food supplies set up by the Cambodian authorities to force 180 families of disabled war veterans, widows and...

CAMBODIA: Arbitrary arrest of army generals of the opposition parties

[NOTICE: The AHRC have developed a new automatic letter-sending system using the “button” below. However, in this appeal, we could not include e-mail addresses of many of the Cambodian a...

CAMBODIA: Police bury a corpse of an alleged rape victim without postmortem

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes with deep concern regarding the failure to conduct a proper postmortem examination by the police before they buried a female corpse recove...

UPDATE (Cambodia): Investment firm’s alleged negligence destroys family home in blaze and then provides no compensation

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to update you on a land dispute that was reported on earlier this month involving the forced eviction of two communities from the Sambo di...

CAMBODIA: Two communities lose their land over a shady government contract.

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a Chinese investment company named Global Agricultural Development Cambodia Co. Ltd allegedly bulldozed and cleared...

CAMBODIA: Government silencing critics ahead of elections

At a school inauguration ceremony on January 5 at Kompong Cham province, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen issued a stern warning to all political parties against criticising their competitors in order...

UPDATE (Cambodia): Torture victim released on bail but charges against him still remain and no investigation has yet to start

[NOTICE: The AHRC have developed a new automatic letter-sending system using the “button” below. However, in this appeal, we could not include e-mail addresses of some of the Cambodian au...

CAMBODIA: Nine families from a village in Phnom Penh are facing forced eviction by the municipal authority

[NOTICE: The AHRC have developed a new automatic letter-sending system using the “button” below. However, in this appeal, we could not include e-mail addresses of some of the Cambodian au...

UPDATE (Cambodia): No investigation into injuries of two women; ten villagers sued and one still detained

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received further information that two women were severely beaten up by thugs hired by the 7NG company but the police have not started an inve...