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SRI LANKA: The Challenge after the Tsunami: Getting the Children back to School in Sri Lanka

In recent days, the work carried out by UNICEF in Sri Lanka to draw attention to the plight of children affected by the tsunami is most laudable and is an example that must be taken up by others if ch...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): List of items urgently required in Kalutara, Matara and Batticaloa districts to deal with tsunami aftermath

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission is sharing the updated information about items urgently needed to the people affected by tsunami through local authorities in Kalutara, Matara and Batti...

SRI LANKA: A man brutally tortured by Kalutara North police

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a man named Mr. Kavirathna Priyantha Kumara de Silva (37) was severely tortured by the Sub Inspector (S.I.) Weerasi...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Police officers interdicted regarding three torture cases of Gerald Perera, Lalith Rajapakse and Channa Prasanna Fernando

[RE: UP-81-2004: SRI LANKA: Continuing death threats to human rights activists and torture victims after murder of Gerald Perera; UP-77-2004: SRI LANKA: More death threats to a torture victim and a hu...

SRI LANKA: Ministry of Health announces list of medical items required to deal with tsunami aftermath

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) shares the grief of those faced with one of the worst natural catastrophes of recent times by way of the tsunamis that devastated several countri...

SRI LANKA: The State must undertake its obligations as protector of the people in tsunami aftermath

As Sri Lanka attempts to deal with the aftermath of the tsunami, the critical issue in the minds of everyone who wants to help, within the country and outside, is the function of the State as protecto...

The tsunamis’ aftermath: Need for urgent responses

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) shares the grief of those faced with one of the worst natural catastrophes of recent times by way of the tsunamis that devastated several countries such as Ind...

SRI LANKA: The initial arrest in torture victim Gerald Parera’s murder case

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 24, 2004 AS-68-2004 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission The initial arrest in torture victim Gerald Parera’s murder case The initial arrest in Gerald ...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): The rape case pending for over three years in magistrate court

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is gravely concerned by the exorbitant delay in the rape case of 16-year-old victim Rita, by the Attorney General’s Department. According t...

SRI LANKA: Sri Lankan NPC probe into top police a critical test of its credibility

According to the latest news, the National Police Commission (NPC) of Sri Lanka has received documentation based upon sources in the ministry of defence on 22 police officers allegedly having close li...

SRI LANKA: One month after the shooting of Gerald Perera: No justice yet

Gerald Perera was shot one month ago in broad daylight, while traveling to work in a bus.  This was an event that received maximum publicity in all media. The nation was shocked that the victim of on...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Continuing death threats to human rights activists and torture victims after murder of Gerald Perera

[RE: UP-77-2004: More death threats to a torture victim and a human rights defender; Witness protection is urgently needed, UP-76-2004: SRI LANKA: Gerald Perera died after gunshot; His family needs ur...

SRI LANKA: Another alleged police murder of a man by the Moratuwa police

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information of another alleged police murder of a man, just 26 days after the murder of the torture victim, Gerald Perera, who died ...

SRI LANKA: Lives of torture victims endangered due to the lack of witness protection

On the 21 November 2004, Gerald Mervin Perera, victim of a well-known torture case was shot as he was travelling to work in a bus in the early hours of the morning.  In his pocket was the summons iss...

SRI LANKA: Contempt of justice causes legalised cruelty

It emerged over the weekend that there had been some kind of deal to keep a former Sri Lankan government minister out of jail on contempt of court charges, but it fell through. Reaction to the jailing...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): The investigation into Gerald Perera’s case is dragging; Urge the IGP to arrest the accused without further delay

[RE: UP-77-2004: SRI LANKA: More death threats to a torture victim and a human rights defender; Witness protection is urgently needed, UP-76-2004: SRI LANKA: Gerald Perera died after gunshot; His fa...

Collapsed rule of law buries the foundations of human rights: The AHRC International Human Rights Day Statement 2004

As we commemorate International Human Rights Day on December 10, 2004, the state of human rights in most countries of Asia is very bleak. Without serious efforts to defend these principles, life in a ...

SRI LANKA: A hierarchy of Justice? The CID investigation into Gerald Perera’s killing is dragging its feet

It has now been eighteen days since the shooting of Gerald Perera in broad daylight, while he was travelling to work on a bus. Gerald died three days later, on November 24th, from the injuries that he...

SRI LANKA: Sri Lanka seeking to institutionalise torture in police stations and impunity for those who carry it out

There is much evidence that shows that in Sri Lanka, which already suffers from the endemic use of torture, the authorities are failing to take steps to eliminate this abhorrent practice, in line with...

SRI LANKA: Call for Inquiry Commission to Probe into Security Issues relating to the Assassination of Judge Ambepitiya

The assassination of the High Court Judge Sarath Ambepitiya took place on the 19th of November. To date, no one has owned up to the responsibility for the failure to provide security to the Judge, who...