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SRI LANKA: Special Operation Unit A Welcome Move

An Approach Different to The Organized Crimes Bill   10 June 2003 AS-20-2003   A Statement By the Asian Human Rights Commission – AHRC A Special Operation Unit (SOU), established under the...

UPDATE (SRI LANKA): Michael Anthony Fernando (Tony) 

Dear Friends We are pleased to update you with the following on Michael ‘Tony’ Fernando: SET ASIDE ‘PATENTLY FLAWED’ DECISION SWIFTLY UN Rappoteur Tells the Supreme Court of Sr...

SRI LANKA – Severe Torture and Illegal Arrest by Biyagama police 

Severe Torture and Illegal Arrest- Chandana Kumar and Ajith Shatha by Biyagama police Victims Hetti Kankanamalage Chandana Jagath Kumar (23 years old) and Ajith Shantha Kumana Peli (32 years old) Dat...

SRI LANKA: Death Threats

Dear Friends Below is an urgent appeal forwarded from Reporters Sans Frontières regarding death threats to journalists and correspondents. We would urge you to take action and contact the Sri Lankan ...

SRI LANKA: Horrible Crimes but No Possibility of DNA Tests

A Comment by the Asian Human Rights Commission – AHRC The killing of the Hamer family in Dehiwela in Sri Lanka has added to the list of horrible crimes that are taking place in the country on al...

A Campaigner Against Disappearances in Sri Lanka Wins Prestigious Kwangju Human Rights Award

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission Since 2000, the Kwangju Human Rights Award is presented yearly in honor of the 1980 Kwangju Uprising, where the Kwangju people fought against the milit...

SRI LANKA: Workers Rights – Korean Factory Closes in Sri Lanka 

SITUATION: Complaint Against Young Seok, Song (Y.S. Song). Tel number in Korea: Tel:+82-2-2272-4340 Tel/Fax:+82-2-545-1031 Name of the factory in Sri Lanka – Young Jee & Ones Lanka (Pvt) Ltd...

SRI LANKA: A Law To Encourage And Reward Torture – A Comment On The Bill On Organized Crime

——————–The justice system of Sri Lanka: What a damn mess—————— A Bill entitled Prevention of Organized Crime was gazetted ...

UPDATE (SRI LANKA): Michael Anthony Fernando (Tony) 

Dear Friends, Over 2,800 persons have signed the online petition to the President and Prime Minister of Sri Lanka urging immediate action to be taken to undo the blatant injustice suffered by Michael ...

SRI LANKA: Torture and Illegal Detention; Police Hit Man with Iron Bars 

SRI LANKA: Torture and Illegal Detention; Police Hit Man with Iron Bars ——————————————————&#...

SRI LANKA: Highest compensation to date awarded Sri Lanka torture victim

HONG KONG, Friday, April 4, 2003: The Supreme Court of Sri Lanka today awarded a torture victim a record amount in compensation. In the case of Gerald Perera, who was tortured by a group of police of ...

SRI LANKA: On the misconduct of the Chief Justice of Sri Lanka, Sarath Silva

In the addendum to his 2003 report to the UN Commission on Human Rights, the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers Mr. Dato’ Param Cumaraswamy stated that he continues to ...

UPDATE(Sri Lanka): Please Sign the Online Petition to support Michael Anthoney Emmanuel Fernando (Tony) 

Dear Friends, A local solidarity group for Mr. Michael Anthony Emmanuel Fernando (aka Tony) in Sri Lanka has launched a petition for release of him. AHRC has launched a petition on behalf of Tony on 2...

UPDATE (SRI LANKA): Denial of fundamental rights; Need your action to save Mr. Fernando 

Dear Friends, We reproduce below a letter written by the Asian Human Rights Commission at the request of the parents of Mr. Michael Anthony Fernando, to the Sri Lankan authorities. We urge you again t...

UPDATE (SRI LANKA): Reproduction of a fundamental rights application and an open letter in the torture case of Mr. Fernando 

Regarding our previous appeal on the torture case of human rights defender, Mr. Michael Anthony Emmanuel Fernando, who was an applicant in a case of fundamental rights.(Ref: S.C. [F/F] No. 55/20030), ...

SRI LANKA: Extra-Judicial Killing — Allegedly by officers attached to Kalutara South police station 

This case is about Yoga Clement Benjamin alias \”Rasa\” (47), married with three children, a Catholic and a Tamil of Hillview Road, Pannila, Kalutara South in Sri Lanka. He was shot and ki...

UPDATE (SRI LANKA): Seven suspects of rape and murder case brought to court

Dear Friends, We have been informed that seven suspects in the rape and murder of Sholamali Umma Devi were brought to the Nawalapitiya Magistrates Court on Feb. 28, 2003. A young Tamil woman, Sholamal...

UPDATE (SRI LANKA): Newspaper report on the torture case of Anthony Michael Emmanuel Fernando 

Dear Friends, We are sending you the following translation of a newspaper report on the torture case of Mr. Anthony Michael Emmanuel Fernando (see more details at

SRI LANKA: A human rights defender denied of fundamental right to a fair hearing and tortured 

SUMMARY While presenting his petition before the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka, Mr. Anthony Michael Fernando was convicted and imprisoned under contempt of court. His fundamental right to a fair trial wa...

SRI LANKA: Regarding the torture and contempt of court case of Anthony Michael Fernando

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has carefully studied the complaint of torture made by Anthony Michael Emmanuel Fernando on 16 February 2003 and the previous contempt of court case against hi...