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PAKISTAN: The AHRC salutes a 16 year old boy who sacrificed life to save 2000 students

The AHRC also pays tribute to a police officer SSP Choudhry Aslam who was killed in a suicide attack by Taliban A 16 year old boy has saved the lives of 2000 fellow students and school staff by sacrif...

THAILAND: The Failure of Justice for Somchai Neelaphaijit

In late December, just days after the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) claimed that the file for the case of the disappearance of Somchai Neelaphaijit had been lost, Niran Adulayasak, Directo...

INDIA: Paramilitary Still Squats in Chhattisgarh Schools

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from CGNet Swara, an organization promoting community journalism in India, regarding the continuing occupation and use of educational ...

PAKISTAN: The social injustice behind the practice of dowry-when greed dictates society

Each year, in South Asian communities, thousands of young brides lose their lives over dowry disputes. They are burnt, killed or maimed by husbands and in-laws whose material demands remain unfulfill...

INDIA: ”कुपोषित बच्चे की कहानी बैगा मां की जुबानी”

मण्डला जिले के “मवई“ ब्लाक में स्थित ग्राम “चंदगांव“ के  निवासी मति...

PHILIPPINES: Some comments on the murder trial of Temogen Tulawie

On December 18, 2013, the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 19 in Manila City, commenced the trial of Temogen “Cocoy” Tulawie, an indigenous activist, who is being prosecuted for fabrica...

BANGLADESH: Authoritarian obstinacy wins, democracy loses

The Bangladesh Government and Election Commission have jointly staged their tragicomic ‘general election’ on January 5, 2014. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) reflected pre-election realit...

AHRC TV – Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup, Episode 12

The Asian Human Rights Commission is pleased to announce the release of the 12th episode of the Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup. We start this episode with a special AHRC report on the sham Banglade...

ASIA: Poet in search of justice

Wednesday, January 8, 2014 (All day) The true or genuine creative writer of the calibre of a sensitive poet writes not for the entire public but for a self expression of some of his intimate feelings ...

PAKISTAN: Balochistan; 160 persons extra judicially killed, 510 disappeared and 50 decomposed bodies were found during 2013

A child of 15 was arrested by the security forces in October and there has been no response from the authorities The disappearances and extrajudicial killings in the province of Balochistan continued ...

INDIA: Innocent children forced to live in prison with convicts

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the National NGO Child Rights Coalition and local journalists about children housed in prison in Kokrajhar, Assam. The AHRC is co...

PHILIPPINES: Three tortured and falsely charged activists freed

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is pleased to inform you that the three community organizers whom were reported to have been illegally arrested, tortured, detained and falsely c...

INDIA: Absence of compassion & justice must not be the norm on Punjab

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Punjab concerning the protest by fasting held by Mr. Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa, who ended his fast after 43 days, on 29 December 2013...

SRI LANKA: AHRC calls on the Sri Lanka Human Rights Commission to intervene in the death of a suspect in police custody!

Justice Priyantha R. P. Perera Chairman, Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka No 165 Kynsey Road, Borella Colombo 08 Sri Lanka   FAX; +94 11 2 694924 / +94 112 696470/ +94 112 689558 Dear Jus...

BURMA/MYANMAR: Judge convicts two villagers accused of theft, knowing police tortured them

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about a judge in Burma (Myanmar) who convicted two villagers for having stolen a box of gold jewelry, even though he kne...

ASIA/SRI LANKA: AHRC expresses concern regarding the safety of the common opposition candidate Maithripala Sirisena

The Asian Human Rights Commission expresses concern regarding the safety of the common candidate of the opposition Maithripala Sirisena, who has faced several attacks during the past several days. He ...

BANGLADESH: Fake election will cause further bloodshed

Bangladesh’s incumbent regime is forcing the nation to witness a fake ‘general election’, scheduled tomorrow, 5 January 2014. All the opposition parties, except the allies of the rul...

PAKISTAN: Second phase of Long March for Baloch missing persons covered 600 kilo meters — the government withdraws security

Civil society groups must resist the evil designs of the Punjab government to stop the marchers from entering the province The second phase of the Long March for the recovery of hundreds of disappeare...

INDIA: Press Statement on the communal violence in Muzaffarnagar district in UP

Press Statement on the Report  prepared by Mohan Rao, Ish Mishra, Pragya Singh and Vikas Bajpai, December 30, 2013 A team of independent academics and a journalist carried out an inquiry into the com...

PAKISTAN: The religious hate campaign prevented the burial of a one-and-a-half year-old child

A one-and-a-half-year-old infant was buried four days after she died from pneumonia in Toba Tek Singh, Punjab province. The girl, who was from an Ahmadi family, died on December 19, and was taken for...