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PAKISTAN: The families of 720 Christian and Hindu sanitary workers are displaced with the connivance of the police and Rangers

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a century old settlement of sanitary workers from the Christian and Hindu communities were forced to vacate after t...

SRI LANKA: Disasters hit 1.6 mn people, but Met equipment remains outdated – UNP

Billions of rupees had been wasted on government propaganda exercises but the Meteorological Department was not properly equipped and the Disaster Management Website, too, remained outdated due to lac...

BURMA/MYANMAR: Amnesty does not free all political detainees 

The Asian Human Rights Commission welcomes Order No. 51/2013 of 30 December 2013 by the president of Burma (Myanmar), issuing a general amnesty for all persons imprisoned or facing trial or investigat...

ASIA: Conversations with a chameleon (katussa) – some thoughts for 2014 

As I wanted to discuss many things, and as I found no one else to discuss these things with, I was happy to see you on a branch of a tree in our garden. I told myself, “Ah, here is someone I can tal...

INDIA: No redress for sexual harassment at the work place

Sabita Lahkar, a Guwahati based female journalist called for a press conference on September 10, 2003 demanding justice publicly for sexual harassment at workplace. She was working as the Chief Sub-ed...

SRI LANKA: Badurueliya Hospital to be reopened after weeklong shutdown 

In the early morning of December 27, the authorities addressed a large crowd of people protesting outside Badureliya District Hospital. They had come to support a Member of Parliament who was staging ...

SAUDI ARABIA: Ahmadis persecuted in the Kingdom 

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to forward this statement regarding persons who chose to join the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam and the treatment they received thereafter. It is extremely perturbin...

SINGAPORE: Handling of riot aftermath exposes national laws and practices that violate international standards

Dear friends,  We wish to share with you the following statement from the Think Centre, an independent non-governmental organisation (NGO) in Singapore. First registered as a business (RCB) on 16 Jul...

ASIA: AHRC TV – Human rights Asia Weekly Roundup, EPISODE 11 

Today, December 23, 2013, the Asian Human Rights Commission releases the 11th Episode, of the Human Asia Rights Weekly Roundup with special reports on Labour Rights from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and In...

INDONESIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Indonesia interferes in the investigation in the death of a West Papuan activist

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the death of Danny Kogoya, regional commander of the Free Papua Movement (Organisasi Papua Merdeka, OPM), in V...

SRI LANKA: An advertisement for a newly released book on the police and rights

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following flyer on the occasion of releasing a new book on the police and rights authored by Frank de Silva, a forme...

PAKISTAN: Break the barriers and speak out 

The open debate about the denial of equality between men and women may be seen as historically recent. However, the reality of gender imbalance has been a factual data for centuries and unfortunately,...

INDIA: AHRC mourns the tragic death of Khurshid Anwar 

The AHRC condoles the death of Mr. Khurshid Anwar, a writer and activist reputed for his life-long struggle for upholding the rights and dignity of the downtrodden, not only in India but the whole sub...

BANGLADESH: UN should act immediately to save Bangladeshi lives 

Mr. Ban Ki Moon Secretary General of the United Nations Office of the Spokesman for the Secretary-General United Nations S-378, New York, NY 10017 USA Fax: +1 212 963 7055 or 2155 An Open Letter to th...

ASIA: AHRC TV – Human rights Asia Weekly Roundup, EPISODE 10 

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to inform you that we have released the 10thEpisode of the Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup today, December 18, 2013. In this week’s news roundup we be...

INDIA: Middlemen chop the hands of two bonded labourers in Odisha 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received disturbing information from  local media KBK Samachar and CGNET Swara regarding two bonded labourers in Kalahandi district of Odish...

SRI LANKA: Catholic Bishops on independence of judiciary and independent Commissions 

Following is an extract from the Pastoral Letter of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Sri Lanka, entitled ‘Towards Reconciliation and Rebuilding of the Nation’. In this exercise th...

SOUTH KOREA: A model once appreciated becomes another example for others in the region 

Democracy and human rights were taboo under the military regime until the movement of democratisation which took place in 1987 triggered the 9th Amendment to the Constitution in the country. This Amen...

INDONESIA: Jakarta courts sentence innocent teenagers for murder, ignoring torture claims

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information on the torture case of June 2013 of six minors and young adults in Jakarta. As of yet, criminal investigation of...

INDIA: Two children executed and one critically injured in Assam

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from North East Dialogue Forum, a coalition of human rights organisations, and North East Research & Social Work Net...