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ASIA: YouTube presentations on Burma, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and the UDHR

(Hong Kong, December 22, 2007) Four separate presentations on several pressing issues have been presented by the Asian Human Rights Commission on YouTube. Contempt of court in Burma and the illegal ju...

BURMA: Release U Aung Thein and U Khin Maung Shein – a YouTube presentation

(Hong Kong, December 18, 2008) The Supreme Court lawyers U Aung Thein and U Khin Maung Shein were convicted by a Burmese court for contempt of court when they withdrew their representation on behalf t...

BURMA: Lawyer’s Testimony Highlights Distorted Justice 

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following press release from Human Rights Watch. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————...

WORLD: The 2008 AHRC Human Rights Report for eleven countries now available on the internet

(Hong Kong, December 17, 2007) The Asian Human Rights Commission annual publication of the Human Rights Report for 2008 on Eleven Asian countries is . The report (314 pages) covers the human rights si...

ASIA: Special Issue of the Sur Journal on Human Rights of People on the Move: Migrants and Refugees 

The Human Rights University Network – Sur and the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) invites all interested parties to send in their contributions for the Special Issue of the...

ASIA: AHRC message on the 60th Anniversary is on YouTube

(Hong Kong, December 10, 2008) The message of the Asian Human Rights Commission on the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is now available at YouTube. The director of the AH...

WORLD: United Nations heading for failure on 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 

As the world marks the 60th anniversary of the on 10 December, in a report released today Reporters Without Borders looks at the record of the Geneva-based Human Rights Council, the main UN body conce...

ASIA: 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

(Hong Kong, December 8, 2008) “There is no getting away from the fact that despite 60 years being passed after the UDHR, the actual enjoyment of human rights in most countries of Asia is even mu...

ASIA: Protection of human rights in non-rule of law countries – institutional reforms in the administration of justice must be given primacy of place

The celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the UDHR is a grim reminder that even after 60 years of the adoption of this great declaration the gap between what is declared and what is actually achieved...

BURMA: New web page on imprisoned lawyers launched

(Hong Kong, December 5, 2008) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on Friday launched a new web page on the case of two lawyers in Burma who were sentenced in November to four months’ imprisonmen...

BURMA: International Bar Association writes on case of two lawyers jailed for contempt 

U Aung Toe Chief Justice Office of the Supreme Court Office No. 24 Naypyitaw MYANMAR Tel: + 95 67 404 080/ 071/ 078/ 067 or + 95 1 372 145 Fax: + 95 67 404 059 26 November 2008 Dear Chief Justice We a...

BURMA: Resolution of the Fourth Regional Consultation on an Asian Charter for the Rule of Law on the case of Supreme Court advocates U Aung Thein and U Khin Maung Shein

We assembled jurists, lawyers and legal academics from throughout Asia gathered in Hong Kong on 17-21 November 2008 for the Fourth Regional Consultation on an Asian Charter for the Rule of Law, are al...

BURMA: Transfers to remote jails are “death sentences”: AHRC

BURMA: Transfers to remote jails are “death sentences”: AHRC (Hong Kong, November 19, 2008) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on Wednesday condemned the sending of wrongly convicted...

BURMA: UN experts strongly condemn the severe convictions and unfair trials in Myanmar 

Five United Nations experts* strongly condemned severe convictions and the unfair trials of prisoners of conscience in Myanmar. Following one year of arbitrary detention, dozens of individuals who had...

BURMA: Mad rush to convict exposes criminal injustice system

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) shares in the global outrage that has this week greeted the sentencing of dozens of persons to lengthy jail terms for their parts in the nationwide protests ag...

BURMA: A call to all lawyers to defend U Aung Thein and U Khin Maung Shein — two senior Burmese lawyers and human rights defenders illegally sentenced under the pretext of contempt of court

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to bring to the notice of all lawyers the arrest of two senior lawyers and human rights defenders in Rangoon on November 7, 2008 for submitting a letter to cou...

BURMA: Two rights lawyers imprisoned for contempt of court

The Asian Human Rights Commission joins with the Burma Lawyers Council in condemning the detention of two Supreme Court advocates in Rangoon yesterday, 7 November 2008, and calling for their immediate...

ASIA: Fourth Asian Human Rights Consultation on the Asian Charter of Rule of Law – Hong Kong, 17-21 November 2008

THEME – Prosecution systems in Asia CONCEPT PAPER A well functioning judicial system is one of the cornerstones upholding the rule of law and democracy.  Concerns, about the relative perceptio...

WORLD: US election a mandate to end the terrorizing of populations under the pretext of anti terrorism

The importance of the results of the United States election on this occasion is more a reflection of the overwhelming rejection of the way in which America has been run in the recent past, particularl...

BURMA: First charges against monk who led protests and 10 others now going to court

Dear friends, In the latest in the series of cases of persons involved in last September’s mass protests in Burma, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) brings you details of the first charge...