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THAILAND: Hundreds detained under emergency regulations

Dear friends,  The authorities in Thailand have extended the emergency declaration imposed in response to anti-government protests, and which enables arbitrary detention with minimal judicial oversig...

[AHRC Forwarded Open Letter] THAILAND: Complaint of arbitrary detention under Emergency Decree 

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following open letter to the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand from Mr. Somyot Pruksakasemsuk regarding r...

THAILAND: Hunger strike of Suthachai Yimprasert while under arbitrary detention 

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following statement release by Mr. Bonsong Chaisingkananont, academy of Department of Philosophy, Silpakorn Universi...

THAILAND: End Violence Now! 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following statement release from Working Group on Justice for Peace (WGJP). Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ...

THAILAND: Government must fulfil obligations regarding detainees 

The Asian Human Rights Commission shares in the worldwide concern over the recent violence in Bangkok, and especially deplores the loss of life, irrespective of all other factors. It calls upon the go...

UN: Competitive vote would improve membership of Human Rights Council 

New Members Should Take Visible Steps to Improve Practices Before Joining in June Please find below a joint press release issued by 10 international NGOs, including the Asian Legal Resource Centre. (N...

ASIA: Vitriolage — the horror and injustice of acid attacks 

Baseer Naveed and Stewart Sloan “Acid will be thrown on the faces of women and girls who step out of their houses without covering their faces… People who fail to comply with these orders will ...

THAILAND: Request for all sides to adopt peaceful means and negotiations in order to find a common path out of the crisis 

H.E. Prime Minister, Director of the Centre for the Restoration of the Emergency Situation (CRES) and Leaders of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD): The violent outbreak that oc...

THAILAND: Media beset by both violence and state of emergency 

23 April 2010 Reporters Without Borders Reporters Without Borders is extremely concerned about the impact on press freedom of the political in Thailand and reiterates its appeal to all parties to resp...

THAILAND: Condemn the use of violence at Muang Pattani Police Station 

WGJP no.005/2010, 21 April 2010 Today, 21 April 2010, two bomb explosions occurred at the lawn in front of the Muang Pattani Police Station. First, the grenades were thrown by two unknown parties towa...

THAILAND: URGENT–Further bloodshed must be avoided at all costs 

This evening, April 21, there are many disturbing reports of a possible new attack to disperse anti-government protestors that have continued to assemble in Bangkok, calling for the unelected premier,...

THAILAND: Censorship and policing public morality in a state of emergency 

The Asian Human Rights Commission joins other concerned groups and individuals around the world to condemn the blocking in Thailand of 36 websites. The websites were blocked under a state of emergency...

Invitation to a side event on forced disappearances, Room XVII, 3 – 5 pm, Wednesday March 17, 2010 

The Asian Legal Resource Centre wishes to inform you about the side event of the 13th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on The Global Phenomenon of Enforced Disappearances and t...

ASIA: Statement of the Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants on the 100th year Anniversary of the International Women’s Day 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from the Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement from the A...

ASIA: A general view of the conditions of women in Asian countries 

International Women’s Day–2010 Today the world is looking to women for change in what remains a situation that offends human rights on a daily basis. In its work as a listener and voice to clai...

ASIA: High Commissioner speaks out against domestic violence and “honour killing” on occasion of International Women’s Day 

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following press release from the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Asian Human Rights Commission Ho...

THAILAND: Invitation to “Art Exhibition on the Disappeared and Their Families” to mark the 6th anniversary disappearance of Somchai Neelapaijit 

On behalf of the Working Group on Justice for Peace (WGJP) and the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), we would like to invite you to attend an “Art Exhibition on The Disappeared and Their Fam...

UPDATE (Thailand): Witnesses to the Kalasin killings will testify in court for the first time on March 2

Dear friends, On 2 March 2010 the main hearing will begin in the case of Kiettisak Thitboonkrong, who was one of the 28 victims of the Kalasin Killings. It will take place at the Criminal Court in Ban...

THAILAND: WJGP call for a halt in the use of GT200 for personal and house search 

Working Group on Justice for Peace 002/2010 16 February 2010 Public Statement A call for a halt in the use of GT200  The Working Group on Justice for Peace (WGJP) has been calling for the Thai govern...

THAILAND: The impact of Nationality Verification on migrant workers must be re-assessed

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that over two million migrants from Burma, Cambodia and Laos working in Thailand may face deportation after 28 Februar...