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NEPAL: Police arbitrarily arrest and torture two men in Kathmandu

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the torture of two men arrested in Kathmandu on 12 August 2013. They were tortured continuously for twelve day...

PHILIPPINES: Declare a humanitarian ceasefire in Zamboanga City, now!

Global Network of Women Peacebuilders, a program partner of the International Civil society Action Network  Tel: 1 212 729 1062  355 Lexington Avenue, 3rd Floor New York 10017 USA A P...

PAKISTAN: Gang rape of a poor minority woman by five accused

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information regarding the gang rape of minority woman in district Tharparker, Sindh. The lady was raped by five people in front of her husb...

PHILIPPINES: An appeal by the Free Cocoy Tulawie Movement

In the name of peace, for the sake of humanity and in behalf of the innocent civilians who are again bearing the brunt of violence and atrocities, I am appealing to Chairman Nur Misuari and all my bro...

SRI LANKA: ‘Judgeitis’ — disease of the judges 

The Guardian reported on September 11 that Lord Carlisle has argued for an inspectorate of judges which could deal with problems before they lead to complaints. Meanwhile new regulations dealing with ...

PAKISTAN: Innocent Ahmadis continue to be harassed persecuted and murdered while the government looks on

Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan continue to be persecuted, prosecuted, humiliated, harassed, tortured and subjected to target killings. In the very recent past hundreds of Ahmadis have been murdered for th...

INDONESIA: Police must investigate the fatal shooting of a man in Nabire, Papua

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the shooting of a Papuan man in Nabire, Papua. The victim, Marthen Gobai, was shot in the head on 5 September ...

SRI LANKA: Lanka becomes freedom from torture’s top country of origin for referrals

As revealed by our recently published 2012/13 Annual Review, Sri Lanka surged ahead to become the top country of origin for those referred to Freedom from Torture for clinical services in 2012. Of 1,...

SRI LANKA: A tribute to Sunila Abeyesekara 

Sunila Abeysekera passed away yesterday in Colombo. Born in 1952 she stood for the liberal values of equality, liberty and human rights at a very dark period in her country. By 1962, at the age of ten...

BURMA/MYANMAR: Rapist of child convicted, but inadequate sentence imposed

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is pleased to inform you that a man accused of repeatedly raping a teenage girl in Burma has, despite his efforts to destroy the case, been convi...

SRI LANKA: An Appeal to support Ravaya publication

We are forwarding this appeal made on behalf of Ravaya Publication To All Friends, Standing up for media freedom and independence in Sri Lanka Dear colleagues and friends, As you know by now, we as a ...

SRI LANKA: A short report on the features of the increasing authoritarianism 

Download the full text of the report ( PDF) (Word) In her media statement from Colombo on 31 August 2013, Dr. Navi Pillay, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, said, “I am dee...

PHILIPPINES: Daughter of rearrested and falsely charged torture victim writes about her ailing father 

(Hong Kong, September 6, 2013) Sylvia Patricia Sarmiento, daughter of torture victim Aristedes Sarmiento, writes about her father, and how she and her family, have struggled because of her father̵...

SRI LANKA: The debate on multiculturalism, uniculturalism and monoculturalism 

We need to define the concepts of multiculturalism, uniculturalism and monoculturalism before entering into a debate on their application, practice and future direction in Sri Lanka. Multiculturalism ...

BANGLADESH: Oppression of free speech must end 

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is concerned about the continued and arbitrary detention of Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan Secretary of Odhikar. The AHRC has learned that the government has introdu...

INDIA: Statement on National Food Security Act

Peoples’ Rights Forum, Assam and groups working on the Right to Food are relieved that the Government of India, after dragging its feet for over four years since 2009 when it announced its inte...

PHILIPPINES: Why journalists should be convicted for libel for publishing a police report? 

After nine years of trial, on September 3 Stella Estremera, editor-in-chief of Sun.Star Davao; and Antonio Ajero, the newspaper’s former publisher, were convicted by a local court in Digos City ...

INDIA: Report of the fact finding investigation conducted by All India Dalit Mahila Adhikar Manch to ascertain facts in the case of alleged rape and murder of Dalit girl in Jind district of Haryana

We wish to share the following Fact Finding Report conducted by All India Dalit Mahila Adhikar Manch to ascertain facts in the case of alleged rape and murder of Dalit girl in Jind district of Haryana...

SRI LANKA: The need for public engagement and vigilance to ensure free and fair elections

A delegation of the Friday Forum met recently with the Commissioner of Elections Mr Mahinda Deshapriya with a view to initiating a constructive exchange of views on measures taken by him to ensure fre...

INDIA: Remembering Ayodhya that was not the fountainhead of sectarian strife in the subcontinent 

By Avinash Pandey Ayodhya was in news, for all the wrong reasons, again. Vishva Hindu Parishad, that venomous organization with equal hatred for the minorities and the nation, had tried to infiltrate ...