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Found 1864 Results.

PAKISTAN: Sexual harassment-a manifestation of exerting power and Abuse of authority at workplace

By Javeria Younus Gender inequality is structural and deeply entrenched in the patriarchal mind-set. According to research conducted by various NGOs throughout the world, a whopping 90% working woman ...

PAKISTAN: Crucial human rights review

By Reema Omer THE European Commission is due to issue a status report this month on Pakistan`s compliance with the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) Plus conditions, which also include an assess...

PAKISTAN: International Court of Justice should intervene in death of Dr. Zafar and ongoing disappearances

Even as Pakistan was still reeling from the Kasur child rape at the beginning of 2018, octogenarian professor Dr. Hasan Zafar Arif was found murdered on January 14. According to news reports, Dr. Zafa...

PAKISTAN: INGOs are not the problem

An article from Daily Times forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission One month ago, the government of Pakistan sparked concern both here and abroad when it expelled some 29 international non-gov...

PAKISTAN: Has the country abandoned its children?

Seven-year-old Zainab from Punjab Province’s Kasur District could not have foreseen her life cut short, but the Punjab Government and law enforcement were aware of the statistics; 11 children abused...

PAKISTAN: Enforced disappearances and violations of religious freedoms becoming point of isolation in world community

Pakistan has recently been placed on a special watch list for severe violations of religious freedom by the United States’ Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. This was done under the International Rel...

PAKISTAN: Peasant leader and lawyer disappeared from jail by the intelligence agency

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding a unique type of disappearance of a peasant leader and lawyer who was disappeared from inside the jail...

PAKISTAN: Call to arrest Provincial Minister for abduction and torture of Fishermen’s leaders

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the abduction and torture of a human rights defender and the Chairperson of the Pakistan Fisher Folk F...

PAKISTAN: Salman Mujahid Baloch-MNA, must be arrested for abduction and torture of a Christian man

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the abduction of a Christian employee, serving as a car driver, by local group Baldia town. It was the...

PAKISTAN: Judicial sobriety and constitutionally defined roles have taken a back seat

Democracy and judicial institutions in Pakistan have long been strange bedfellows, with the pillars of the state unable to refrain from transcending their area of power. Either the bureaucracy or the ...

PAKISTAN: Clemency is no way to curb terrorism

Glamorizing terrorists as born again saviours of humanity is the new tactic adopted by the state to abet home grown terrorism The month of December in Pakistan is akin to March for the Romans, when an...

PAKISTAN: Appeal for safe recovery of Sagheer Ahmed disappeared after pick up from University

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received the following up-dated information. It concerns the enforced disappearance of a 21 year-old student from one of Karachi Universityâ€...

PAKISTAN: Six year old Christian girl shot dead after father failed to pay interest on a loan

A Statement from British Pakistani Christian Association forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Some 8 months ago, a Christian father named Waris Masih (36 yrs.), who resides in the city of Fa...

PAKISTAN: Statement on the occasion of International Day for human rights

Pakistan is a signatory to several international human rights conventions. The country has in its constitution a good set of fundamental rights. Yet, the human rights situation in Pakistan is deterior...

PAKISTAN: Recover peace activist Raza Khan picked up by unknown persons

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the abduction and disappearance of a peace and civil society activist, Mr. Raza Mehmood Khan. Since he...

PAKISTAN: The last nail in the coffin of democracy

The nuclear state surrenders before a religious mob- virtually handing over absolute power and blanket immunity to fundamentalism and militancy The year 2017 in Pakistan has been marked by tussles bet...

PAKISTAN: Mercy plea to the President

An article from forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission MR Mamnoon Hussain President, Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mohtaram Sadar, (Respected President) I am taking the liberty o...

PAKISTAN: Universal Children’s Day- denied fundamental rights children suffer from State neglect

Universal Children’s Day was observed in the country as a formality, while at the same time, millions of children are denied their basic rights. Despite the Constitutional obligation, enunciated und...

PAKISTAN: Baloch student leader and four other activists missing after their arrests

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the disappearance of five activists belonging to the Baloch Student Organization Azad (BSO-Azad) and B...

PAKISTAN: Morality in the back burner as the LEA resorted to disappearing women and children

by Javeria Younes  Despite lacking legal framework on disappearances Pakistan’s constitution prohibits illegal and arbitrary detention and under article 10. Though the phenomenon of disappearance h...