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INDONESIA: Activists are detained by the police for reporting deaths due to lack of medical treatment in Tambrauw, Papua

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the detention of two activists by the Sausapor Sub-District Police in Papua. The activists were taken from the...

NEPAL: A fifteen year old gang rape victim deserves protection and justice

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the gang rape of a fifteen year old school girl on 26 March 2013, in her house of Methinkot VDC-8, Kavrepalanc...

THAILAND: Legal actions against Finnwatch researcher are an attack against human rights defenders and freedom of expression

FINNWATCH STATEMENT 1st of April 2013 Legal actions against Finnwatch researcher are an attack against human rights defenders and freedom of expression. Thailand’s authorities must immediately l...

SRI LANKA: Resolution on the rule of law and judicial independence in Sri Lanka

REFERRING to the Statements we have previously issued expressing our grave concern about the flawed impeachment process by which Chief Justice Bandaranayake was removed from the office of Chief Justic...

INDIA: A heartless nation for women 

Topic: Violence against Women in India Objective: Inform the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences; on violence against women in India pending the Rapporteur...

INDONESIA: Website launch

Jayapura, Tuesday 16 April 2013 Today the Civil Society Coalition for the Upholding of Law and Human Rights in the Land of Papua, working together with a number of human rights NGOs in Jakarta and ...

ASIA: Professional independence of judges and lawyers central to the protection and promotion of human rights, the rule of law and democracy in Asia 

The following is a statement issued by a group of Asian jurists, who met from 9-11 April in Bangkok, to discuss about threats to professional freedom of lawyers and the independence of the judiciary i...

PAKISTAN: Tribal elders pressurised to sign peace deals with the Taliban 

Yet another policy change by the army indicates that the Taliban are now an asset in the new develop of the region As the time of the withdrawal of the USA and the allied forces is coming closer the P...

PAKISTAN: CHRE welcomes the ban on seeking votes on religious grounds

Centre for Human Rights Education and its member organisations all over Pakistan welcomed the ban by the Election Commission of Pakistan on seeking votes on religious grounds and demanded concrete mea...

BANGLADESH: Intervene now, to save the life of the detained journalist, Mr. Mahmudur Rahman 

Yesterday, on 11 April 2013, the authorities in Bangladesh arrested the Interim Editor of a prominent Bangladeshi daily, Daily Amardesh, Mr. Mahmudur Rahman. When Rahman was brought before the Chief ...

ASIA: A statement by Asian jurists on the impeachment of the Chief Justice and the collapse of rule of law in Sri Lanka 

A statement by Asian Jurists on the Impeachment of the Chief Justice, Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake, and about the threatened rule of law in Sri Lanka. The statement is issued by the jurists who attended ...

PAKISTAN: Does the country enjoy freedom of expression to any extent? 

Baseer Naveed Freedom of expression is today at its lowest in the history of the country. The people of the country have, in fact, never enjoyed freedom of expression. However, during the last decade ...

BANGLADESH: Intervene immediately to save the life of detained journalist Mr. Mahmudur Rahman 

Today, 11 April 2013, the authorities in Bangladesh have arrested the Interim Editor of a prominent Bangladeshi daily, Daily Amardesh, Mr. Mahmudur Rahman. Officers raided Rahman’s office at abo...

PAKISTAN: The street children have the right to survival and protection from abuse and exploitation 

Amir Murtaza The International Day for Street Children is celebrated every year on 12th April. The Street Children Day was launched in 2011 by the Consortium for Street Children (CSC) to create a broa...

PAKISTAN: Food security issues and the challenges

Food security is in fact much more than just food production, distribution and consumption. Food is the top most priority of everybody since our inception. It gives us energy to grow and live stronger...

PAKISTAN: An Open Letter to the media houses after receiving a threatening email from a journalist 

It is not unusual for human rights defender to receive death threats from persons, organisations or governments that do not agree with the stance that has been taken. However, when the threats come fr...

INDONESIA: Government of city of Bekasi close down an Ahmadi mosque, allegedly at the demands of non-tolerant groups

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received the information regarding the closing down of an Ahmadi mosque in the city of Bekasi, West Java. Since its establishment fourteen ye...

PAKISTAN: A road map for peace & self-determination for Balochistan

Six steps to halt the conflict, protect human rights & secure self-rule “The national democratic movement of Balochistan is weakened by the lack of unity and coordination and by the lack of ...

BURMA: Lawyers’ report on Letpadaung released in English 

(Hong Kong, April 10, 2013) A Burma-based lawyers group has released its findings on the Letpadaung land struggle in English. The 39-page illustrated report was submitted by the Lawyers Network (Myanm...