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PAKISTAN: Parallel Event on Freedom of Belief in Pakistan

Organised by: International Human Rights Committee (IHRC) UK Hosted by: Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) Hong Kong Title: Freedom of Belief in Pakistan Date: 12 March 2015 Time: 15:30 – 17:00 ...

PAKISTAN: A 13 year old son of an eye witness abducted to stop him from giving evidence in court

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a minor child, 13 years old, has been abducted, allegedly by members of an ethnic minority political group, the Mut...

PAKISTAN: Appeal to stop the victimization of teaching staff of the Urdu University

The academic activities of the Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science & Technology (FUUAST), where 13,000 students are enrolled, are severely affected by the defunct vice chancellor and suspende...

PAKISTAN: Services of Pakistani Nobel laureates Dr. Abdus Salam and Malala eulogized

A Press Release from Pakistan Institute of Labour Education and Research (PILER) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) KARACHI, Feb. 16: A civil society gathering has demanded the ...

PAKISTAN: Rape of Christian girls-no issue for authorities

Women and minorities are the most marginalized faction of the Pakistani society; the Muslim majority is increasingly being intolerant towards people professing religion other than Islam. In a recent c...

PAKISTAN: The army chief must be stopped lobbying against Baloch at international level

Since the Peshawar carnage, touted to be Pakistan’s 9/11, the Chief of Army Staff General (COAS) Raheel Shareef has been on a spree of visits to garner international support for the war on terror. T...

PAKISTAN: Anti-Torture Bill presented in Senate will fail to deliver

On 21 January, the Senate Standing Committee on Interior and Narcotics has unanimously adopted a draft anti-torture bill. PPP Senator Farhatullah Babar moved The Torture, Custodial Death and Custodia...

PAKISTAN: The Missing Commission

More than a month after the deadly attack on Army Public School Peshawar, the tragedy is still under thick impenetrable clouds. The uncertainty about what the Prime Minister termed ‘a national t...

PAKISTAN: School students’ baton charged for demanding right to education

Police excess is quiet a norm in Pakistan but on January 23 police transcend their authority and baton charged school children who were demanding that their school run by trust be reopened and adminis...

PAKISTAN: Is there no remorse, for the killing of these children? Are they of a lesser God?

2014 was the deadliest year yet, for the children of Pakistan. The year began with the killing of 19 school children on 15th January 2014 – all pupils of the Bright Future High School in Daulat...

PAKISTAN: Government of Sindh fails to conduct inquiry into the custodial death of a young man

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a young man, Faraz Alam, who has been tortured to death in police custody and the Sindh Provincial Government, has ...

PAKISTAN: A land of executions

Following the gruesome incident of the massacre of children at the Army Public School on 16th December 2014, within the military Cantonment, in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtoonkha Province, the government u...

PAKISTAN: “Terrorism and militancy cannot be thwarted by military courts” – Justice Nasir Aslam Zahid

This is a second interview in a series of interviews by the AHRC which seeks views and  comments from jurists on the amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan to establish military courts. Justice Na...

PAKISTAN: Tears start falling as schools reopen

Schools across Pakistan reopened on 12th January 2015 following the horrors of the Peshawar carnage that was unleashed on 16th December 2014, on the innocent school children at the Peshawar Army Pub...

PAKISTAN: A pocket size hand book on torture is launched

The Asian Human Right Commission and Asian Legal Resource Centre has developed  a handbook on torture titled “Let’s Stop torture together” the book is first of its kind in South Asi...

PAKISTAN: Military courts against the doctrine of basic structure; Justice (R) Rasheed A. Rizvi

The AHRC has started collecting the comments from jurists on the amendment to the constitution to establish military courts and the following is the first interview in the series. This is a war of rel...

PAKISTAN: Military courts-creating a legal and political mire

6 January 2014 shall forever be etched in our collective concise as a sad day when we sold our souls to the devil. Senator Raza Rabbani appeared heartbroken on the floor of the assembly as he shed tea...

PAKISTAN: UPR recommendations and child specific compliance

Universal Periodic review UPR is one of the significant UN mechanism through which a comprehensive overview of human rights profile of each UN member country is periodically made. The Working Group on...

PAKISTAN: Establishment of military court: a recipe for disaster

by Javeria Younes The year 2014 bids us adieu, as the government of Pakistan gears up to set up military court “come what may”. The military machinery at GHQ is at full swing these days as hurried...

PAKISTAN: Military courts will only add more fuel to the fire

Everyone knows that Pakistan’s government and military have failed to deal with the widespread terrorism in the country. All Pakistanis would agree that this problem needs to be addressed and that i...