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BANGLADESH: Supreme Court observes unelected government’s promulgation of ordinances ultra vires and unconstitutional

A High Court Division Bench of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh declared on Sunday (13 July 2008) that promulgation of ordinance by the country’s President, under unelected caretaker government b...

CAMBODIA: Police allegedly extort bribes in arrest in Rattanakiri province

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that the police allegedly ordered parents to pay a bribe of 150000 riels (US$37.5) each if their sons were not to be arrested after t...

BANGLADESH: Justice denied to another custodial death case

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from ODHIKAR, a Dhaka-based human rights organization that a man was found dead after he was left by Detective officers ...

BANGLADESH: Dysfunctional policing system is useless in upholding the Rule of Law

The Bangladeshi media, during the weekend (28 and 29 June 2008), published the news of a cell phone theft by a police officer that has been found to be true following investigation. According to the r...

BANGLADESH: A man tortured to death; relatives threatened to withdraw the case

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) that a man was dead on the way to a hospital after being beaten by ...

BANGLADESH: Crimes of the armed forces are not beyond judicial procedures

The New Age, a Dhaka-based national English daily, has published a report yesterday (26 June 2008) quoting a former General of Bangladesh Army, who has launched a political party during the ongoing St...

BANGLADESH: Bangladesh patronises torture instead of criminalising it

(June 26 is observed every year as the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture.) The UN declared 26 June as International Day in Support of Victims of Torture in 1997 in orde...

BANGLADESH: Rule of Law institutions of Bangladesh worship corruption

On Thursday (19 June 2008) the media of Bangladesh reported on a survey conducted by the Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB). The survey highlights the rampant corruption in the country. The T...

BANGLADESH: Police chief admits abuse of emergency laws

The Inspector General of the Bangladesh Police, Mr. Noor Mohammad, was widely cited in the national dailies on 10 June 2008 following his comments in a press briefing held at Police Headquarters on 9 ...

BANGLADESH: UN Human Rights experts should intervene to stop en masse arbitrary arrest

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  AHRC-STM-156-2008 June 4, 2008 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission BANGLADESH: UN Human Rights experts should intervene to stop en massearbitrary arrest The New A...

ASIA: Speech of the Mr. Muneer Malik, former president of Pakistan Supreme Court Bar Association at the award ceremony at Gwangju at South Korea

We wish to share with you the following speech of Mr. Muneer Malik, delivered on his acceptance of the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights. He received the human rights award on May 18, 2008 on the occasio...

BANGLADESH: 14 years’ detention without trial invokes Bangladesh to reform its rule of law institutions

The Prothom Alo, a vernacular national daily newspaper of Bangladesh, reports in its 27 May’s online edition that a person was held in detention for 14 years in the Bagerhat District Jail with...

BANGLADESH: A weary High Court suggests appellant seek bail from Allah

A High Court Bench of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh has suggested the counsel of a litigant seek bail from Allah (God), in frustration at the limits of its power under Emergency Rule. Since the Stat...

BANGLADESH: Culture of supersession in Supreme Court will undermine rule of law

The President of Bangladesh Prof. Iazuddin Ahmed has appointed Justice Mr. M M Ruhul Amin as the 16th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh to replace the outgoing Chief Justice, Mr. Mohamm...

BANGLADESH: Supreme Court holds that Election Commission has violated the Constitution

A High Court Division Bench of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh declared that the country’s Election Commission has violated constitutional provision regarding holding general election within 90 ...

BANGLADESH: High Court judgement on bail petition under emergency laws

The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, which consists of the Appellate Division and the High Court Division, has held that no court in the country has a jurisdiction to entertain b...

ASIA: Asian NGOs call on UN member-states to reject Sri Lanka’s Human Rights Council election bid 

Your Excellency, We, the undersigned 84 non-governmental organisations working on human rights in Asia, write to urge that your government not vote for Sri Lanka for membership in the United Nations H...

ASIA: Open letter to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) foreign ministers’ special meeting on 19 May 2008 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following open letter from Amnesty International to the Secretary General of ASEAN. Asian Human Rights Commission Ho...

ASIA: Protecting the Dike that Safeguards the Rule of Law

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to present the speech given by Mr. John J. Clancey, Chairperson of the Asian Human Rights Commission at the Awards Ceremony for the Asian Human Rights Defender...

ASIA: Muneer Malik and Aitzaz Ahsan accept the AHRC’s Human Rights Defender Award

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AHRC-ANM-003-2008 May 14, 2008 An Announcement by the Asian Human Rights Commission ASIA: Muneer Malik and Aitzaz Ahsan accept the AHRC’s Human Rights Defender Award The As...