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SRI LANKA: CJ wants impeachment inquiry to be open to public 

Standing orders protect the judge during proceedings of the PSC and if found guilty, then the proceedings would be published. Otherwise it will not be published (Standing Order 78A(8)). The purpose of...

SRI LANKA: Request to Sri Lankan President and Government to withdraw the false Impeachment motion against Chief Justice 

No influence from the politician to judicial system and independence to judicial system Rev/ Your Excellency/ Dear Sir/ Madam, You are aware, that a notice of an impeachment resolution signed by appro...

PAKISTAN: International day of disability—differently abled excluded people net to be included and main-streamed 

“Disability need not be an obstacle to success.” –  Stephen Hawking. Like many several years, this year too, on the eve of International Day of Disability human rights defenders and...

INDIA: भोपाल, मैं और 2 दिसंबर 1984 की 

आज मुझे भी वह अँधेरी सुबह याद आ गयी। 2 और 3 दिसंबर 1984 की दरम्यानी रात, भोपाल के घो...

SRI LANKA: Impeachment against CJ — Irreparable loss of confidence and public respect of the judicial system 

Noting with grave concern that the impeachment proceedings initiated against Her Ladyship the Chief Justice would inevitably lead to an irreparable loss of confidence and public respect of the judici...

SRI LANKA: Speaker’s ruling has no bearing upon the substantive issues in the impeachment 

The Speaker’s ruling relating to the Supreme Court’s notice to the Speaker and the members of the Parliamentary Select Committee does not in any way prohibits the constitutional right of t...

SRI LANKA: Legality of government actions rendered politically irrelevant 

This week, a committed New Delhi based civil rights advocate and incidentally a good friend, observed in a dispassionate aside to an otherwise entirely different conversation in that country that ‘t...

PAKISTAN: AHRC welcomes the inter-ministerial initiative for criminalizing torture 

Today, the federal Ministry for Human Rights arranged an inter-ministerial meeting to discuss the proposed law against torture and custodial death. The proposed draft of the law was submitted by the A...

INDIA: Is it not time to question the role of police in crowd control? 

The Surendranagar firing that killed three Dalit youth on 21 September this year has once again brought to light the concern, that in India, the police do not have adequate training nor the government...

SRI LANKA: The Mahanayaka theras have called President Mahinda Rajapaksa to withdraw the Impeachment Motion against Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake. 

His Excellency the President Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Temple Trees Colombo 3 Your Excellency, Importance of avoiding apprehension in the minds of the people in dispensing law and jus...

SRI LANKA: Contrasting the political climate in Burma and Sri Lanka 

From 1962 there are literally thousands of people who have served sentences in Burmese prisons as political prisoners. The people resisted the military throughout this long period of about 60 years de...

PAKISTAN: Intimidation of journalists continues with the attempted assassination of Hamid Mir 

An explosive device was planted in the car of a renowned journalist. It is not known as to whether this was an attempt to assassinate him or merely intimidate him. A right wing journalist by his writi...

SRI LANKA/BURMA: There is more freedom of expression in Burma now than in Sri Lanka – A conversation with U Nu’s daughter

We were one of the leading nations in agriculture and many other things in South East Asia. We have lost it all since the 1962 military takeover. Now advisors come from those countries, which were in ...

PAKISTAN: International Day to End Impunity– Impunity against media rises to unacceptable levels 

Eighty eight journalists have been killed in Pakistan during last decade out of which 36 were shot dead in target killing. In 2012, ten journalists including one TV channel driver were killed in three...

BURMA: Absurd and offensive pretext to remove demonstrators opposed to mining project 

In the latest turn of events in the struggle against the Letpadaung copper mining project in upper Burma, about which the Asian Human Rights Commission has been campaigning since mid-2012, the governm...

SRI LANKA: The Standing Orders relating to the impeachment are flawed in law – says an international expert 

1. I am Sergei GOLUBOK. I hold postgraduate degrees of LL.M. in International Human Rights Law awarded by the University of Essex in the United Kingdom and Candidate of Juridical Sciences in Public In...

INDONESIA: Police in Medan protect torturers by failing to respond adequately to a torture complaint

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received the information regarding a torture case took place in Medan, North Sumatra. The victim was blindfolded by the police and taken to a...

SRI LANKA: Lawyers urges Parliament & Executive to respect Judiciary; follow the SC recommendation 

The Supreme Court (SC) is now possessed with several cases where the Court is constitutionally bound to interpret the constitution and to determine the constitutionality of the Standing Order 78A, tha...

SRI LANKA: Why only judges should judge? 

The Parliamentary Select Committee’s inquiry has raised the issue of the politicians being judges. Some have even said that the politicians have a better right to judge because they are elected ...

SRI LANKA: Similarities and dissimilarities between the PSC trial and the Moscow Show Trials 

In the mid-1930s, Stalin staged several trials that are now known as Moscow Show Trials. The similarities and dissimilarities between them and the “trial by PSC” are as follows. 1.    S...