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SRI LANKA: We dream of an independent judiciary, says a released Burmese political prisoner 

In Yangon, I have been meeting many persons with long stories to share. Some of those whom we have met are the daughter of the first Prime Minister of Burma, who has returned after 35 years of exile i...

SRI LANKA: The Supreme Court requests the PSC to withhold the impeachment inquiry 

The Supreme Court yesterday (November 22) decided to inform the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) appointed to inquire into the allegations made in the impeachment motion filed by a number of Membe...

SRI LANKA: PSC rejects the request of the Supreme Court and continues with the impeach proceedings 

Yesterday the Supreme Court in a carefully worded order made a request of the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) inquiring into the impeachment not to proceed with their inquiry until the Supreme Co...

PAKISTAN: The people live in terror not knowing whether they will survive to see another day 

Daily life in Pakistan is today marred by terrorist attacks that range from bombings to shootings and execution-style killings. All these are taking place in an environment where the law enforcement a...

SRI LANKA: Executive presidential system and the judiciary- An over-view 

From the beginning of the executive presidential system, the most important threat to it was perceived to be the judiciary. With a four fifths majority in parliament, J.R. Jayawardene, the UNP leader,...

INDIA: Does impeachment of the Chief Justice in Sri Lanka matter? 

The Chief Justice of Sri Lanka, Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake, is facing impeachment in that country. Those who know the state of affairs in Sri Lanka, might have no doubt, that the impeachment is politic...

PAKISTAN: Is Dr. Abdus Salam – a Nobel Laureate or persona non grata? 

“The Holy Quran enjoins us to reflect on the verities of Allah’s created laws of nature; however, that our generation has been privileged to glimpse a part of His design is a bounty and a ...

CANADA/PAKISTAN: Prime Minister and all party leaders nominate Malala for Nobel Prize in response to petition 

(The Asian Human Rights Commission welcomes this Press Release by announcing the petition to support the nomination of Malala Yusufzai for the Nobel Peace Prize) Prime Minister Harper decla...

SRI LANKA: The Supreme Court can now decide on the correct impeachment procedure 

It is the Supreme Court that should have created the disciplinary process for judges. The executive or legislature should not have usurped the function of the judicial branch, which is an independent ...

PAKISTAN: Universal children’s day— a campaign is launched for the ratification of Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on Child Rights 

The Society for the Protection of the Rights of Child (SPARC), on the occasion of   Universal Children’s Day, urges for the “Implementation of UNCRC and ratification of Optional protocol...

PAKISTAN: Putting land reforms on political agenda 

Representatives of the leading parliamentary parties and civil society bodies have called for land reforms to get rid of the country’s colonial economic power structure. They urged political parties...

BURMA: Release of detainees welcome, but questions remain 

The Asian Human Rights Commission welcomes the release yesterday of a few dozen political detainees in the latest amnesty announced by the government of Burma, as well as the other initiatives contain...

SRI LANKA: Will the predictions about the judiciary come true? 

In an article entitled ‘Once judiciary is broken the Rajapaksas will use the court to destroy every remaining right or freedom’, Tisaranee Gunasekara makes the following prediction: If the...

INDIA: मौत से जिंदगी का सफ़र चुनते सत्याग्रही और दुधारी 

कुपोषण की वजह से होने वाली मौतें राज्य व्यवस्था के माथे पर कलंक का टीका हैं। ...

PHILIPPINES: The government must take full responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of Temogen ‘Cocoy’ Tulawie 

In September 2012 the Supreme Court of the Philippines approved the transfer of the trial of Temogen ‘Cocoy’ Tulawie for murder charges from Davao City to Manila City; and at the time of w...

SRI LANKA: Giriulla Police tortured an innocent man after illegal detention 

Dear friends, Mr. T. A. Erantha Srinath is a clerk by profession. He was illegally detained and tortured by the Giriulla Police on 31 August 2012. Erantha Srinath and his colleagues were at Hettipola ...

SRI LANKA: A young man is under constant threat by the Officer-in-Charge of the Thambuththegama Police 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Porawakara Arachchilage Pramesh is being harassed by officers of the Thambuththegama Police Station because he ...

BURMA: Prominent rights lawyer’s licence reissued 

(Hong Kong, November 20, 2012) A prominent human rights lawyer who had lost his licence for political reasons among 32 on whose behalf the Asian Human Rights Commission has been campaigning for three ...

SRI LANKA: Statement on the Motion to Impeach the Chief Justice of Sri Lanka 

The Commonwealth Lawyers Association (CLA), the Commonwealth Legal Education Association (CLEA) and the Commonwealth Magistrates’ and Judges’ Association (CMJA) are concerned about the rec...

INDIA: State legitimise a hate propagandist 

Bal Thackerey is no more. His funeral attracted lakhs of people. Mumbai remained shut for so many days. It is time to sit and ponder over what really is the legacy of Sena. The champion of Hindu Natio...