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BANGLADESH: State offers citizens insanity instead of justice 

Mr. Ashok Kumar Bishwas, Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Jhalokathi District, has reportedly offered a proposal to the family of college student Limon Hossain, who, courtesy the point blank shooting by Ra...

INDIA: How to improve the national image? 

  The statement by Mr. L. K. Advani, a leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) that the country’s global image is at an all-time low is partially correct. It is reflected in manifold for...

CAMBODIA/VIETNAM: Open Letter to His Excellency Ngo Anh Dung, Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia, calling for the guilty verdict in the case of two imprisoned Vietnamese songwriters to be overturned 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following open letter from Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) to the Ambassador of Vietnam in Cambodia. CCHR...

INDONESIA: Tatchell arrested at Indonesian President protest 

West Papuan flag unfurled – Arrest for breach of the peace President accused: War crimes in West Papua & East Timor London – 1 November 2012 The State Visit to the UK of Indonesian Pre...

INDIA: Villagers face imminent forced eviction at a dam site in Manipur 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Mapithel Dam Affected Villagers Organisation and the Committee on the Protection of Natural Resources in Manipu...

SRI LANKA: A victim of police torture shares his ordeal on YouTube 

(Hong Kong, November 1, 2012) Janasansadaya has issued a YouTube presentation on the case of torture of Chaminda Sampath by the Bandaragama police. Chaminda says, “I was taken to the police stat...

PAKISTAN: ‘One Billion Rising’ campaign to end violence against women in Pakistan 

The Aurat Foundation is spearheading efforts in Pakistan as part of a global campaign called One Billion Rising (OBR) to end violence against women. The call for One Billion Rising campaign has bee...

SRI LANKA: New Sri Lanka report on the Judiciary, the Attorney General and State Immunities 

The Sri Lankan government must immediately cease its assault on the independence of the judiciary, the International Commission of Jurists said in a new report released today. The 158-page report, Aut...

SRI LANKA: The impeachment of the Chief Justice is a prelude to greater militarisation

After a series of attacks on the judiciary the Mahinda Rajapaksa government is now reported to be engaged in preparing papers for the impeachment of the Chief Justice (CJ). While the accusation agains...

BANGLADESH: To release an exfiltrated abductee the RAB demands bribes from the family 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from local human rights organisation Odhikar that the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) caused a man to disappear. After hi...

SRI LANKA: International Bar Association condemns attacks on judiciary 

‘An independent judiciary functions as a critical institutional mechanism providing a check and balance on the executive and legislative branches of a democratic society. The independence of thi...

SOUTH KOREA: Need to show more commitments to improve its human rights 

A Joint Commentary by the Korean NGO Coalition for the 2nd Cycle of the UPR on the Republic of Korea (31 October 2012, Seoul) On 25 October 2012, the Republic of Korea was reviewed under the Universal...

PAKISTAN: Children handling animal waste during Eid-ul Azha — a disgrace on the government

The involvement of young children in collecting the offal, leftovers and refuse of sacrificed animals, on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha, an Islamic festival, has been a common sight in many cities and t...

SRI LANKA: Do legislators have the right to be silly in parliament?

In an earlier article we asked the question, “Can the legislature declare all automobiles to be rickshaws?” We must simplify the question by asking whether legislators have the right to be...

SRI LANKA: AHRC and RCT collaboration

Appreciation on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the RCT (Photo Courtesy: Janasansadaya) On the occasion of the Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims (RCT) celebrating its 30th...

BURMA: AHRC urges bail for Japanese national, reinvestigation of partner’s death in custody 

(Hong Kong, October 31, 2012) The Asian Human Rights Commission on Wednesday called for the release on bail of the partner of a young woman who died in custody in Burma during March, and urged that a ...

INDIA: The placebo cabinet

The cabinet reshuffle in India has concluded. New Delhi has witnessed the usual exit and entry of old and new faces. While speculating, reporting and allegedly analysing the event, the Indian media li...

SRI LANKA: Can the legislature declare all automobiles to be rickshaws?

The answer to that question is if the legislature can do whatever it likes, as it is becoming fashionable for some in Sri Lanka to say, it can also make such a declaration. The leader of the party tha...

INDIA: Malnutrition kills 28 more children while the administration looks the other way in Madhya Pradesh 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Sahyog, Support in Development about the death of 28 children belonging mostly to the Sahariya community; a schedul...

SRI LANKA: Lawyers urge the Government to cease attack on Judiciary: urge public to standby Chief Justice and the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) 

The Lawyers’ for Democracy are concerned about the ongoing unprecedented mudslinging campaign and all forms of attacks against the Judiciary.  This has far reaching and repercussions on the rul...