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PAKISTAN: Floods 2014- colossal failure of state authorities

by Bushra Khaliq The 2014 floods in Pakistan is the fifth in series of floods since 1973, 1988, 1992 and 2010. This time the late monsoon rains [in the early part of] September unleashed terrific floo...

PAKISTAN: In Memory of the desecrated All Saint’s Church, Peshawar

[On 22nd of September, last year] was the day when peaceful Christians of Kohati Gate, Peshawar  assembled for the Sunday prayer service inside the All Saint’s Church in Peshawar where they wer...

PAKISTAN: An Islamic scholar is shot dead by “unknown” persons on Blasphemy charges

The menace of ‘unknown persons’ shooting to death innocent civilians continues in Pakistan. This time, Dr. Shakeel Auj, the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies of the University of Karachi has ...

PAKISTAN: September 11, 2012 – when workers were forced to be burnt alive

Two years ago on 11th September  2012 a third degree fire broke out at the Ali Enterprises, garment factory in the industrial area of Karachi, where  259 workers perished – burnt alive. It was on...

PAKISTAN: 04 journalists and 05 support staff shot dead, 38 injured and 06 others received death threats during this year

The Asian Human Rights Commission has received shocking reports of journalists having to face the worst ordeals possible, during the course of the year 2014. Four journalists and five of their support...

PAKISTAN: Baldia factory fire tragedy-the compensation is not the only solution to deal with such an incident

The worst ever industrial disaster in Pakistan’s history occurred on 11th September 2012 when a massive fire in the three-storied garment factory called Ali Enterprises situated in the Baldia T...

PAKISTAN: Children of Baloch asylum seekers targeted for enforced disappearances

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that security agencies have started targeting the family members of Baloch refugees who have fled to western countries. ...

PAKISTAN: Statement to mark the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances

The government must ratify the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance The government as well as the judiciary has today fully realized the prevalence of...

PAKISTAN: A call to save the people of Tharparker and surrounding desert areas from the acute drought

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that the desert areas of the  Sindh province particularly in Thar District are faced with an extreme drought  and gove...

PAKISTAN: Government refuses to allow the filing of a FIR against Prime Minister and the Chief Minister of Punjab

Courtesy to Daily Dawn The government, once again has refused to follow the orders of the Lahore High Court which directed police to register a First Information Report (FIR) which names amongst other...

PAKISTAN/SRI LANKA: Inhumane and illegal deportation of asylum seekers from Sri Lanka should be stopped

A Statement from the civil society in Sri Lanka forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission As Sri Lankan citizens and Sri Lankan civil society organizations, we are appalled by the recent arrests ...

PAKISTAN: Internally displaced persons of North Waziristan, reproductive health and Gender

Pakistan like other developing countries that face, dearth of democracy and abundance of abusive authority has never been a homogenous country. There is the Pakistan of masses and there is the Pakista...

PAKISTAN/Sri Lanka: UN experts alarmed at deportations of Pakistani asylum seekers without assessment

GENEVA (14 August 2014) – Two United Nations human rights experts* today expressed their grave concern at the situation of Pakistani asylum seekers in Sri Lanka who are being detained and forcefully...

PAKISTAN: 18 days pass, no hope of justice in sight for the 10 year boy

Eighteen days have passed since the tragic incident where the arms of a 10-year-old boy were severed from his body by a landlord and to-date, no positive developments have been taken nor has there bee...

PAKISTAN: Military and its housing authority responsible for drowning of dozens

During the three days of Eid holidays about three dozens people were drowned at the beaches of Karachi, the majority drowned at a beach run by Military, its commercial outlets and Clifton Cantonment, ...

PAKISTAN: Mob kills 3 Ahmadis – a woman, a young girl, & a baby

On Sunday evening, July 27, a crowd of around 150 fanatics attacked a small, peaceful community of 17 Ahmadi families living in Arafat Colony, on the outskirts of Gujranwala district, Punjab. As a res...

PAKISTAN: A Minor’s Arms Chopped Off by Landlord, Police Unresponsive until Media Coverage

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that the arms of a 10-year-old child were chopped off by a landlord over a minor issue with his father’s payment o...

PAKISTAN: A teenager falsely branded a Taliban and shot dead in a staged encounter – A human rights defender’s life under threat for exposing such encounters

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a 17 year old boy –  a Sindhi national – had  been arrested, illegally detained  for eleven days, t...

PAKISTAN: A love story ended in honour killing-the groom’s family was fined to handover one girl in exchange

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a young couple was murdered after they married in a court on their own choice. The local Panchayat decided to kill ...

PAKISTAN: Minorities hoodwinked yet again

Shortly before the end of his seven month term and following the Peshawar Church bombing last year which left more than 100 people dead, the Chief Justice of Pakistan, Justice Tassadduq Hussain Jillan...