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INDIA: Vicious and brute force by the state against villagers and media in Khardrapani 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) that the Madhya Pradesh state administration has illegally arrested and detained a...

INDIA: Arrestation d’un caricaturiste poursuivi pour “sédition” 

Reporters sans frontières dénonce vivement l’arrestation, le 8 août 2012, du caricaturiste Aseem Trivedi par la police à Uttar Pradesh. Il est poursuivi pour “sédition” suite à l...

SRI LANKA: Enforced disappearances and deprivation of enforceable entitlements have turned Sri Lankans into a broken-hearted people 

Yesterday, we discussed several protests that took place in Asia. They are the students protest in Hong Kong; the protests of the people fighting against eviction from their lands by the Onkareshwar D...

INDONESIA: Religious minorities’ relocation is not a solution 

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is disappointed with the decision taken by the Indonesian Interior Minister regarding the relocation of the Taman Yasmin Indonesian Christian Church (GKI Yasmi...

BURMA: Lawyer who returned believing situation changed jailed 

An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to the President of Myanmar/Burma U Thein Sein President President’s Office Office No.18 Naypyitaw MYANMAR Dear President We regret to learn...

INDIA: Drowned by a dam; disowned by a democracy 

With dejection written large on her face, Leela Bai stood submerged neck deep in water, as she had been for the last 11 days. So were about 50 other people from the east Nimaar region of Madhya Prades...

SRI LANKA: The murder of an innocent man by the Hungama police must be independently and promptly investigated 

Dear friends, Mr. Koggala Marakkalage Thushara Samanthilake (37) of No.66, Cheythiya Pura, Ranna/ East, Ranna in Hambantota District was a Security Officer attached to a private security firm and stat...

INDIA: Anti-corruption cartoonist arrested and charged with sedition 

Reporters Without Borders strongly deplores the arrest of the cartoonist Aseem Trivedi by police in Uttar Pradesh state on 8 August. He has been charged with sedition for publishing cartoons on his ...

THAILAND: Review of the extension of the enforcement of Emergency DecreeI the Southern Border Provinces (SBPs) 

Open Letter No.4 10 September 2012 Subject: Review of the extension of the enforcement of Emergency Decree in the Southern Border Provinces (SBPs) Attention: Her Excellency the Prime Minister of Thail...

NEPAL: The ALRC urges Nepal to invite new UN Special Rapporteur on transitional justice to the country without delay

An Oral Statement to the 21st Session of the UN Human Rights Council by the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC), a non-governmental organization in general consultative status Thank you Madam President...

SRI LANKA: Four protests and the results 

Last week we reported on three great protests taking place in Asia. We will now add a fourth from Pakistan where there was a worldwide protest against the charging of a 14-year-old girl, Rimsha, und...

PAKISTAN: The AHRC welcomes the visit of the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances 

It is very heartening that the five member delegation of the United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (WGEID) is, at the time of writing visiting Pakistan. The delegation...

INDIA: Ban corruption, not banish the cartoonist 

The arrest of Aseem Trivedi, a cartoonist and a member of India against Corruption, is not only ridiculous but also a telling comment on the paranoia that has set in the government circles and deserve...

INDIA: Too little too late 

After 17 days of daring to stand in neck-deep water, the villagers who are protesting against the unjust compensation package offered for the Onkareshwar Dam in Madhya Pradesh is yet to receive any gu...

BANGLADESH: 11 year old Indigenous girl raped by police in Chittagong Hill Tracts 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding an incident of rape. An 11-year-old girl has been raped by a policeman in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. The mino...

SRI LANKA: Interview with Eran Wickramaratne, MP from Sri Lanka 

(Hong Kong, September 10, 2012) Further to our Press Release of September 7, 2012, ASIA: Speeches of the Asian Alliance against Torture and Ill-Treatment – the meeting of the parliamentarians,...

PAKISTAN: Rising incidents of violence against child domestic workers 

During the last couple of month, Pakistani newspapers and TV channels have displayed many terrible stories of violence against innocent children, especially against child labourers including domestic ...

SRI LANKA: Video showing the attack on students 

The attached video shows how the police in Sri Lanka are dealing with student protests. Hundreds of policemen surrounded the students and a group of students were forcibly put into a police van and ta...

SRI LANKA: Duty to feel high about Mau-Bima 

“What is this talk about the stock market?” I asked a friend, who is lawyer and also a businessman. “It is all through fraud,” he said, adding, “I also lost ninety lakhs....