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INDONESIA: Eight years of impunity and injustice on Munir’s case 

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is saddened that after eight years of the assassination of Munir Said Thalib, there has been no sign from the government that it will take the necessary measur...

PAKISTAN: The proposed ‘Fair Trial Bill’ may create conditions for a police state without martial law 

The ‘Fair Trial Bill’ which, according to the news report, the government plans to place before parliament will, if passed, virtually make the fair trial impossible in Pakistan. The provis...

INDIA: Peeling a dead fish 

The villagers’ protest against the absence of reasonable settlement for the land and livelihood lost to the Omkareshwar and the Indira Sagar Dams in the Narmada Valley project has thus far falle...

ASIA: Speeches of the Asian Alliance against Torture and Ill-Treatment – the meeting of the parliamentarians 

(Hong Kong, September 7, 2012) We are glad to present several of the speeches made at the meeting held in Hong Kong from July 21-24 organised by the Asian Alliance against Torture and Ill-Treatment (A...

ASIA: Three great protests – In Hong Kong, Sri Lanka and the Omkareshwar Dam in India 

When people are hurt by the actions of authorities, they protest. When the hurt is deep and widespread it could give rise to collective modes of protest. Three such protest movements are now taking pl...

INDIA: Abandoned to fate 

After 13 days of protest, standing in neck-deep water in the catchment area of the Omkareshwar Dam, the protesters have found that neither the Madhya Pradesh state government nor the Government of Ind...

PHILIPPINES: The son of a tribal leader opposing mining and another transport leader killed in separate incidents

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) deeply regrets to inform you that two people were killed in separate incidents on September 3 and 4, 2012. One of the victims was the son of a le...

PAKISTAN: A journalist was beaten by religious fanatics for watching television programmes considered unsuitable by a particular sect 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a journalist was attacked and beaten by Muslim fundamentalists for watching television and listening to some religi...

INDIA: Activists storm M.P Bhawan demanding justice for the Omkareshwar and Indira Sagar Dam oustees 

(Hong Kong, September 06, 2012) The Asian Human Rights Commission endorses the following press release issued by activists and civil society groups concerning the ongoing Jal Satyagrah being held in M...

SRI LANKA: Government using ‘Hidden Agenda Theory’ to suppress legitimated demands of the University Community 

In Sri Lanka the universities have remained closed since August 21, this year and university staff has been on strike since July. The point of contention is a demand for a 20% pay hike, improved facil...

INDONESIA: Police’s failure to protect the Shia minority in Sampang resulted in the death of a person, many others injured and houses were burnt 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the attack committed by a group claiming to be the followers of a fundamentalist Islamic sect against the Shia...

PHILIPPINES: The Tulawie case — activist’s wife talks about how his arrest changed her and her children 

(Hong Kong, September 6, 2012) Mussah Sherian, the wife of the falsely accused human rights activist Temogen “Cocoy” Tulawie, thought she would just be “behind the scenes taking care...

INDIA: History repeats in Omkareshwar protest 

(Hong Kong, September 05, 2012) “This is taking the Ghandhian method to the water. To be submerged in water continuously for so many days is more difficult, in fact, than fasting…” Mr. B...

INDIA: Rights are a mandate, not a concession 

The ongoing protest by village communities acting against the increase of water level in the Omkareshwar Dam is unique in several aspects. The protest, which has completed 11 days today, is directed a...

SRI LANKA: An innocent woman was physically and verbally abused by the Pamunugama Police who sided with the culprit of her complaint 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that when Ms. Warnakulasuriya Tresa Dorin Marcus tried to make a complaint to the officers of the Pamunugama Police Stat...

PAKISTAN: The plight of fisherfolk and the law of jungle in Chashma Barrage, Punjab 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding a series of human rights violation cases in Chashma Barrage, Mianwali district, Punjab Province. In December 2...

INDIA: Victims protest, while the government threatens to drown them 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received a report from the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) that a large group of villagers who have been evicted from their land without compe...

SRI LANKA: Enforced disappearances embedded into the political culture make Sri Lanka an unjust republic (Part One) 

Forced disappearances have left quite an impression on the psyche of the Sri Lankan people living in all parts of the country. Since 1971, there has been continuous use of enforced disappearances as a...

NEPAL: Women human rights defenders are facing threats and harassment for protecting a victim of domestic violence 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that human rights defenders working with WOREC Nepal, a leading women’s rights organization, and Mitini Nepal, an ...

PAKISTAN: Serious concerns about the ongoing enforced disappearances and lack of action by the government 

On the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances, it is very disappointing that no serious effort has been taken to resolve the issue of enforced disappearances in Pakistan which are...