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UPDATE (Burma): Thousands of monks and protestors in Rangoon defy threats from regime

Dear friends, Threats from the military regime in Burma have failed to get thousands of protestors of the streets again today, 25 September 2007. Here the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) gives th...

ASIA: Children in armed conflict

Item 3: Children in armed conflict – Ms. Coomaraswamy, Under-Secretary-General, Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict Thank you Mr. President, The ongoing use of child soldiers ...

MYANMAR/BURMA: The moment for decisive action has arrived

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing to you further to our letter of August 24 concerning the protests in Myanmar (Burma) following the dramatic increases in fuel prices there of the sa...

BURMA: Protests fast accelerating towards uprising

The protests that began in Burma during August to voice public frustration and discontent over sharp price rises have in the last week fast accelerated–under the guidance of the Buddhist clergy,...

WORLD: Unreasonable delays in administration of justice corrupt due process and subvert people’s faith in the justice system

I am writing this to convey some basic concerns of a group of lawyers, judges and human rights defenders who met at Hong Kong from the 17th to the 21st September to discuss the impact of delays in the...

UPDATE (Burma): Monks on the march, boycotting military regime across country

Dear friends, The recent dramatic and historic developments in Burma, with thousands of monks taking to the streets, have received a lot of international attention in recent days. Here the Asian Human...

BURMA: The alms bowl and the duty to defy

One of the greatest legacies that Gautama Buddha left to the ascetics who followed his path was the requirement that they obtain their food and other needs in the form of alms from the people. The giv...

ASIA: An Asian consultation on delays in adjudication will begin tomorrow

(Hong Kong, September 16, 2007) Twenty one participants from nine Asian countries will meet in Hong Kong from 17th to 21st September to discuss the problems of delays in adjudication and the implicati...

ASIA: UN Human Rights Council statement in response to the High Commissioner for Human Rights

ASIA: UN Human Rights Council statement in response to the Mr President, Madam High Commissioner, As Human Rights Defenders from Asia, we welcome the commitment and initiatives of you and your office ...

UPDATE (Burma): Two years’ jail for praising Buddhism; four years for solo protest

Dear friends, Further to our previous recent updates on the situation in Burma, this is the first appeal by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on specific cases of sentencing and imprisonment ar...

UPDATE (Burma): Workers’ rights advocates given long jail terms

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) regrets to inform you that six labour rights advocates in Burma have been given long jail terms by a special tribunal in the central prison. They...

BURMA: Courts shut down because of protests

The Asian Human Rights Commission has been informed that courts in Burma’s largest city, Rangoon, have stopped operating. As has been widely reported, protests began in Burma after an increase i...

ASIA: Rule of Law and Elimination of Corruption

A group of 23 legal professionals and human rights activists from Sri Lanka, Indonesia, the Philippines, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Cambodia, Bangladesh, China and Thailand gathered in Hong Kong from May...

UPDATE (Burma): Monks hold government officials as hostages; more protests and arrests around the country

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been receiving daily updates on the dramatic protests against mid-August fuel price increases in Burma. On September 6, the protests went to ...

WORLD: Reflections on pictures — 1. India

This is the first of the AHRC statements under the heading ‘Reflections on pictures’. We encourage everyone to send your reflections about the photo and the related human rights incident t...

BURMA: International community is failing the people of Myanmar again

1. On 15 August 2007, the Government of Myanmar increased the cost of all vehicle and generator fuels, over which it holds a monopoly, without prior announcement. As has been widely reported internati...

BURMA: AHRC petitions governments, launches webpage on protests

(Hong Kong, August 31, 2007) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on Friday launched a new webpage and began petitioning individual governments on the recent dramatic protests against fuel price i...

UPDATE (Burma): Despite over 100 arrests, protests continue; still no action by UN

Dear friends, Despite great personal risks, people in Burma are continuing to come on to the streets in protest two weeks after the military regime there suddenly multiplied the cost of fuels without ...

WORLD: Statement of a group of human rights activists and the AHRC on the International Day of the Disappeared – the need for urgent and serious action to prevent forced disappearances

A group of 25 human rights activists and defenders from Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Thailand who gathered for the Human Rights School Session of the ...

BURMA: What will it take for the UN to act?

To the surprise of many, the protests against sharp fuel rises in Burma have continued for a second week, despite constant arrests and harassment of demonstrators and their leaders by plain-clothed po...