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PAKISTAN: Call to arrest Provincial Minister for abduction and torture of Fishermen’s leaders

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the abduction and torture of a human rights defender and the Chairperson of the Pakistan Fisher Folk F...

SRI LANKA: The Quality of our Judiciary ?

An interview with Dr. Sunil Coorey on delays in the administration of justice The Sectoral Oversight Committee on Legal Affairs (anti-corruption) and Media made its recommendations pertaining to the e...

SRI LANKA: A comprehensive understanding of non-interference with judiciary is a dire need in Sri Lanka

By Nagananda Kodituwakku and Basil Fernando It was heartening to hear from the incumbent Chief Justice, Priyasath Dep, that Sri Lanka’s judiciary is free from any interference. This statement comes ...

PAKISTAN: Salman Mujahid Baloch-MNA, must be arrested for abduction and torture of a Christian man

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the abduction of a Christian employee, serving as a car driver, by local group Baldia town. It was the...

PAKISTAN: Judicial sobriety and constitutionally defined roles have taken a back seat

Democracy and judicial institutions in Pakistan have long been strange bedfellows, with the pillars of the state unable to refrain from transcending their area of power. Either the bureaucracy or the ...

PAKISTAN: Clemency is no way to curb terrorism

Glamorizing terrorists as born again saviours of humanity is the new tactic adopted by the state to abet home grown terrorism The month of December in Pakistan is akin to March for the Romans, when an...

BANGLADESH: Abused independence deepens problems

Bangladesh celebrates its National Martyred Intellectuals Day today, 14 December 2017. The country recalls the martyrdom of some of its citizens who had high professional integrity at the time–1...

PAKISTAN: Appeal for safe recovery of Sagheer Ahmed disappeared after pick up from University

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received the following up-dated information. It concerns the enforced disappearance of a 21 year-old student from one of Karachi Universityâ€...

INDIA: A great betrayal

An article by Prof. Upendra Baxi, published in The Indian EXPRESS, forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission State impunity continues for acts of torture. Lawmakers and court have not stepped up ...

INDIA: Living up to 102 years not enough to find justice

Mrs. Amar Kaur lived a long life and died on 12 December 2017 at the age of 102. What is important about Mrs. Kaur is not just the advanced age into which she lived. Kaur is one of the prime witnesses...

INDIA: Odisha government must return the land acquired for POSCO to its original owners

In 2005, the South Korean-based Pohang Steel Company (POSCO) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the government of the state of Odisha. The MoU involved the building of a steel plant hav...

PAKISTAN: Six year old Christian girl shot dead after father failed to pay interest on a loan

A Statement from British Pakistani Christian Association forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Some 8 months ago, a Christian father named Waris Masih (36 yrs.), who resides in the city of Fa...

NEPAL: The struggles of Women Human Rights Defenders in Nepal

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) and the CIVICUS spoke with Ms. Rajkumari Upadhaya about her experiences as a Woman Human Rights Defenders (WHRD) in Nepal, changing societal attitudes towards ...

PAKISTAN: Statement on the occasion of International Day for human rights

Pakistan is a signatory to several international human rights conventions. The country has in its constitution a good set of fundamental rights. Yet, the human rights situation in Pakistan is deterior...

PAKISTAN: Recover peace activist Raza Khan picked up by unknown persons

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the abduction and disappearance of a peace and civil society activist, Mr. Raza Mehmood Khan. Since he...

INDIA: Judiciary fails to stand up for equality, justice and human dignity

December 10 is Human Rights Day, and this year will celebrate 70 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The theme this year is “let’s stand up for equality, justice and human d...

NEPAL: Government must move beyond partisan interests for realization of rights

In 2017, Nepal saw local elections taking place in the country after more than two decades. Federal Parliament and Provincial Assembly elections were also conducted this year. The Asian Human Rights C...

INDIA: Farmers in border areas must be allowed access to their lands

The border regions of India are manned by members of the Border Security Force (BSF) personnel, who are always heavily armed, and wield significant power over the residents of these border villages. R...

INDIA: Continuous harassment by Police forces Pardhi woman to commit suicide

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Shahri Mazdoor Sangthan about a continuous harassment by Police. They forced Indramal Bai, a tribal woman from the ...

SRI LANKA: Hand Book for Barefoot Lawyers and Human Rights Defenders, produced by Janasansadaya, People’s Forum, Sri Lanka (Sinhala) 

Reviewed by Basil Fernando The Hand Book for Bare footLawyers and Human Rights Defenders is a very useful and valuable contribution for litigants in Sri Lanka. The book is produced by Janasansadaya,Â...