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INDIA: Katju’s King has been killed 

The concept of sovereign immunity is incompatible with the notion of democracy. It is an anachronistic relic drawn from the British Common Law principles at odds with the constitutional architecture o...

INDIA: BSF bloodies Bharat 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM concerning the torture of Mr Bharat Mondal by BSF personnel attached to Mourashi Camp of Chowski No. 2 under ...

SRI LANKA: Mundalama Police enjoy impunity despite torturing and detaining a businessman in fabricated charges 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. K. A. Somarathna, a businessman, filed a complaint with the Senior Superintendent of Police, (SSP) when a water...

SRI LANKA: The Human Rights Action Plan will be like the Presidential Task Force for Dengue Prevention 

A response to the article by Jeevan Thiyagaraja on a Fact Sheet: Prevention of Torture The Human Rights Plan that is being talked of in an article by Jeevan Thiyagaraja entitled, A Fact Sheet: Prevent...

NEPAL: A young man disappears after being arrested by the police. The police deny his arrest and detention 

Dear friends, According to information that the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received, a 26-year old man has disappeared following his arrest by a joint police team dispatched from the Cen...

THAILAND: Call for observers in the case of a torture victim being prosecuted for exercising basic rights 

[RE: AHRC-FPR-026-2012: THAILAND: Forwarded appeal — Call for observers–torture victim sued by Pol. Gen. Bhanupong Singhara for a complaint made in good faith] Dear friends, On 25 June 201...

HONG KONG/ASIA: Events to mark UN International Day in support of torture victims

(Hong Kong, June 20, 2012) On June 26, to commemorate the United Nations’ International Day in support of victims of torture, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) and Centre for Comparative and ...

BURMA: Questions about torture & death in custody of young woman; arrest of her partner

The Asian Human Rights Commission has followed closely reports since March of the death in custody of a young woman, Nan Woh Phan, in Rangoon, Burma, followed in May by the arrest and detention of her...

SRI LANKA: The role of the Defence Secretary in paralyzing the criminal investigation system

Yesterday (19th June 2012) Sri Lanka’s United National Party (UNP) published a statement demanding the resignation of the Secretary of Defence. The UNP claimed that the resignation was warranted in ...

BANGLADESH: Open borders to Myanmar Refugees 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following open letter and online petition from the AVAAZ community to the Bangladesh government urging them to open ...

SRI LANKA: Attack which killed two attending JVP meeting is a forewarning of another round of terror

Two persons were killed and several others were injured attending a JVP meeting on 15th June. This has once again reminded the country of the system of political terror which has undermined the politi...

NEPAL: Killing of a young man due to inter-caste love affair yet to be properly investigated five months on 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Jagaran Media Center that a 21-year-old man from the Dalit community of Pansera VDC, Siraha District was allege...

SRI LANKA: The Officer-In-Charge and police officers of Chilaw Police Station trespassed and stole from an innocent family and are pressuring the family against pressing charges 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that two police officers, one of whom was an Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of the Chilaw Police Station, broke into the home o...

THAILAND: Review of the renewal of Emergency Decree in the Southern Border Provinces urged 

Open Letter No. 3 15 June 2012 Attention HE the Prime Minister CC: 1. Secretary General of National Security Council (NSC) 2. House Speaker 3. President of the Senate Attachments 1. Open Letter no.1 ...

SRI LANKA: Political Rein

The power of a community depends not only upon its numbers and its economic resources and its technical capacity, but also upon its beliefs. (Bertrand Russell – Power – P. 99) The problem is not ...

INDONESIA: Military members shot civilians and burned their properties in Wamena, West Papua 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding an attack conducted by members of Battalion 756 Wimane Sili towards civilians in Kampung Honai Lama west of Wa...

INDIA: Police Investigations — Mind over batter 

Increasing police atrocities on suspects have led a parliamentary committee to recommend capital punishment to police officials for custodial deaths. The committee has suggested that “threats of...

INDONESIA: Atheist in Padang sentenced to two and a half years imprisonment

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the verdict delivered by Muaro Sijunjung District Court in the case of Alexander Aan who resides in Pa...

SRI LANKA: A 14-years-old student is tortured by a Buddhist monk for refusing to learn Buddhism 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that PG Amila Tharanga Thilakaratne (14) a Year 9 student of Mahanama College Geatambe in the Kandy District was severel...