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INDIA: Sexual perversion a manifestation of graver structural failures 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information concerning the illegal arrest, detention and custodial violence against three men in Murshidabad, West Bengal by police ...

SRI LANKA: Victim of a sexual harassment continuously harassed by the Dikwella Police and denied justice

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Miss S.H. Thushari Dilrukshi of Dikwella in the Matara District was illegally arrested by police officers attached ...

INDONESIA: President urged to appoint without delay team for dialogue with Papua

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is urged to immediately appoint members to a dialogue team in order to intensify dialogue with stakeholders both in the Land of Papua and Jakarta.  The formation of...

SAUDI ARABIA/SRI LANKA: The AHRC writes to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II seeking intervention to save the life of Rizana Nafeek facing the death sentence in Saudi Arabia

(Hong Kong, June 5, 2012) On the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II the Asian Human Rights Commission has sought Her Majesty’s kind intervention to save the life o...

INDIA: Beaten by BSF, but, unlike Babu, still breathing 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM concerning the torture of 40-year-old Krishna Mondal on 1 January 2012 in yet another case of Border Security...

SRI LANKA: Is the police spokesperson, SP Ajith Rohana, living on the moon? 

Today, June 4, in the Daily Mirror on line edition the police spokesperson, SP Ajith Rohana is quoted as saying “Generally as a practice torture never takes place in Lankan Police stations.̶...

INDONESIA: President’s commitment to tackle disappearance cases on test

An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of the Republic of Indonesia   Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono The President of Indonesia Jl. Veteran...

SAUDI ARABIA/SRI LANKA: Open letter to President Rajapakse on the need of diplomatic effort to save Rizana Nafeek

An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to His Excellency, the President of the Socialist Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka His Excellency the Hon. Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa President Sociali...

THAILAND: Call for observers in the case of Land Rights and Human Rights Defenders in Lamphun Provincial Court

Dear friends, On 6 June 2012, at 9 am in the Provincial Court in Lamphun Province, the Supreme Court verdict in a case involving three land rights activist in northern Thailand will be announced. The ...

INDIA: Robbed of sleep and freedom: illegal arrest, detention and fabrication of charges in West Bengal 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM concerning the illegal arrest, detention and torture of Mr Jalil Sardar and Mr Ramjan Tarafdar by personnel f...

SAUDI ARABIA/SRI LANKA: Royal intervention needed to save Rizana Nafeek from imminent beheading 

Dear friends, Rizana Nafeek of Muthur, Trincomalee in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka left to Saudi Arabia as a domestic helper when she was 17 years old. She became a victim of a recruitment agent ...

THAILAND: Prominent activists and farmer leaders facing imprisonment for their role in leading Thailand towards important land policy reforms 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following open letter from Thai and International Non-Government Organisations and Individuals to Prime Minister of ...

PAKISTAN: International Children’s Day- Risk reduction strategies are required to minimize violence against children 

A cursory look of Pakistani newspapers and television channels clearly tells that violence against children is increasing very rapidly in our society.  Within a last couple of week, the print and ele...

INDONESIA: Rekomendasi UPR 2012: Tantangan Komitmen Indonesia dalam Penegakan HAM 4 Tahun ke Depan 

inggris versi   Pernyataan bersama KontraS, SETARA Institute, Asian Human Rights Commission, International Center for Transitional Justice, Persekutuan Gereja Indonesia dan Protection Internation...

INDONESIA: UPR 2012 recommendation: challenges to Indonesia’s commitment in enforcing human rights for the next 4 years 

Indonesian A Joint Statement by Kontras, SETARA Institute, Asian Human Rights Commission, International Center for Transitional Justice, Indonesian Church Fellowship and Protection International Kontr...

PAKISTAN: The life of Dr. Shakil Afridi, who assisted in the raid on Osama Bin Laden’s compound, is in danger after Muslim fundamentalist have issued a Fatwa against him 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a doctor who helped the American forces to locate Osama Bin Laden, the former chief of the Al-Qaida terrorist group...

SRI LANKA: An innocent man has been detained more than six months without being produced before any court or charged

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Jesuthasan Tennisan Leon (27) has been detained in Boossa Detention Camp for more than six months without being...

CAMBODIA: The culture of impunity and violence must stop

A Joint Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission Phnom Penh, 30th May 2012– We, Cambodian and International civil society organizations represented in this statement, condemn the use of ar...