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INDIA: Brutal custodial torture by West Bengal Police of a young couple 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Banglar Manabadhikar Suraksha Mancha (MASUM) concerning another case of brutal custodial torture by the West Bengal...

NEPAL: Community threatened with eviction, no alternative housing offered or provided 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the threat of forced eviction faced by thousands of slum dwellers. According to the information we received fr...

PAKISTAN: A teacher on death row 

WHEN someone claims to have been denied a fair hearing before the courts due to systemic flaws, I think of the golden “chain of justice” that has earned the Mughal emperor Jahangir a place in hist...

CAMBODIA: Civil society urges authorities to arrest the shooter behind last month’s tragedy in Svay Rieng’s Manhattan Special Economic Zone 

A Statement from the Cambodia Civil Society forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission March 15, 2012 – We, the undersigned groups and individual members of civil society, are calling for ju...

SRI LANKA: Sri Lanka’s sinister white van abductions 

Almost three years after the end of the civil war, Sri Lanka is still dogged by allegations of human rights violations. Amid fresh moves in the UN’s Human Rights Council to hold Sri Lanka to acc...

INDIA: Prospect is in inaction 

The national debate regarding India’s position about the proposed resolution at the United Nations Human Rights Council concerning Sri Lanka is limited to a Tamil view of the issue. The views ex...

SRI LANKA: LLRC Recommendations should be implemented to establish Law and Order in this chaotic society 

A Press Release from ‘Citizen’s Rights’ forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) The Resolution that is proposed to be taken up at the 19 Session of the UNHRC in Geneva ...

THAILAND: Urging Thai Government to heed to recommendations by country delegation made during the UPR regarding justice process and unrest in the Southern Border Provinces 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following press release from the Cross Culture Foundation (CrCF) and the Muslim Attorney Centre Foundation (MAC) reg...

SOUTH KOREA: The internal malpractice in the judiciary invites miscarriage of justice 

The judiciary is that branch of the state which adjudicates on conflicts between state institutions, between the state and the individual and between individuals. The judiciary is independent of both ...

SRI LANKA: Lawyers Call for an Immediate Halt to Ongoing Abductions 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following press release from [Name of the Organisation/Media]. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ——...

THAILAND: Thai government urged to review another extension of states of emergency in the Southern Border Provinces 

A Press Release from Cross Cultural Foundation and Muslim Attorney Centre Foundation forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) March 12, 2012 With the submission of an Open Letter no. 2 ...

INDIA: Predicament from organised lawlessness 

The murder of an Indian Police Service officer Mr. Narendra Kumar on 8 March in Morena district of Madhya Pradesh has again brought to light the criminal nexus between the mining mafia operating in th...

BANGLADESH: State cannot deny freedom of expression by suspending media telecast 

The government of Bangladesh on Monday blanked out three satellite television channels – Ekushey Television, Bangla Vision and Islamic TV – almost an hour before the leader of the opposition Beg...

INDONESIA: ‘Saying that there are no political prisoners in Papua is a Lie’ 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement written by a group of human rights activists published in Bintang Papua. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ———&#...

BANGLADESH: Arbitrary arrests and detention must end immediately 

The people of Bangladesh are living in a tense situation prior to a mass rally in Dhaka on March 12, 2012 called by the opposition parties against the ruling regime. The opposition political parties, ...

PAKISTAN: Government makes no effort to halt the persecution and killings of Ahmadis 

The situation in Pakistan grows worse for the religious minority groups on a daily basis. The security and law and order situation has become so chaotic that the authorities seem to have no control ov...

INDIA: GHE fear at New Delhi 

INDIA: GHE fear at New Delhi Reading the proposed draft resolution mooted at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) concerning human rights in Sri Lanka, one cannot help wonder why India di...

PAKISTAN: Saleem Shahzad case -rule of law or rule of ISI? 

Freedom of expression is one of the essential pre-requirements for the practice, protection and promotion of democracy. If we are to speak of a democratic Pakistan we need to examine, whether the medi...

NEPAL: A Dalit man stabbed to death — his family members are under threat following an inter-caste marriage

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Feminist Dalit Organization (FEDO) a human rights group working for the rights of Dalit women and the Dalit Nat...