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INDIA: Chutka — Power games in pitch dark alleys 

Chutka has reminded the political masters once again that the tribal and marginalized communities have stopped bowing down to their whims and fancies. The confidence of the communities fighting the nu...

INDIA: Villagers forced to get their rations from a PDS shop 11 kilometres away 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the plight of tribal villagers residing in a forest village named Dhurkuch, Gram Panchayat Kota in Jawa block ...

INDIA: Let Parliament discuss Food Security Bill than stalling it 

Food Security Bill, a rather ambitious though inadequate measure to eradicate hunger from India, was supposed to be tabled in the parliament yesterday. It was not. Despite the claims of supporting the...

INDIA: चुटका — घुप्प अंधियारे में रोशनी का खेल 

चुटका परमाणु विद्युत परियोजना को लेकर सरकारी महकमे, सम्बंधित कंपनी, उसके कर...

INDIA: The right to be informed is the quintessence of independence 

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) congratulates India and the people of this great nation, on its 67th Independence Day. The AHRC, however, is concerned to learn that, on 12 August 2013, the Mi...

INDIA: Welfare schemes reached a person only after he starved to death in Odisha. 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received disturbing information regarding the recent spurt in cases of starvation deaths in Odisha from a fact finding team. The team compris...

INDIA: Army deployed to counter insurgency in Assam allegedly involved in extortion and burglary in Arunachal Pradesh

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that army personnel deployed in Assam to counter insurgency are allegedly involved in an extortion and burglary activity...

INDIA: The midday meal scheme must continue despite the Bihar disaster 

Despite claiming to be a champion of the poor, the Government of India has in recent years expressed an increased interest in introducing cash transfers instead of subsidized food. In this context, t...

INDIA: AFSPA, yet another opportunity for the judiciary 

The Commission of Inquiry, constituted by the Supreme Court of India, in Writ Petition (Criminal) 129 of 2012 [Extra Judicial Execution Victims Families’ Association and Another (petitioners) Ag...

INDIA: देश की गरीबी बनाम सरकार का नैतिक दिवालियापन: सन्दर्भ – योजना आयोग द्वारा जुलाई 2013 को जारी गरीबी का नया आंकलन) 

भारत में 2011 से 2012 के बीच में 8.49 करोड़ लोग गरीब नहीं रहे. वे उस रेखा के ऊपर आ गए हैं ज...

INDIA: Prime Minister must save RTI Act from amendments 

(Hong Kong, July 31, 2012) The Asian Human Rights Commission fully endorses the following petition issued by the National Campaign for People’s Right to Information (NCPRI) India. Online petitio...

INDIA: लोकतंत्र को ढकेलते न्यायालय 

पिछले साठ सालों में भारतीय लोकतंत्र मजबूत हुआ है। हमारा चुनाव आयोग दुनिया क...

INDIA: Good Figures for Bad Situation – Fabrication of Poverty data in India 

By Sachin Kumar Jain By a magic wand unfurled by the Planning Commission, 84.9 million Indians have stopped to be poor between 2010 and 2012: they went through and soared above the poverty line pushed...

INDIA: खाद्य सुरक्षा अध्यादेश उर्फ़ रोटी का गेम चेंजर क़ानून – क्या ये देश के साथ केंद्र बनाम राज्य खेल खेल रहे हैं? 

गेम चेंजर है राष्ट्रीय खाद्य सुरक्षा अध्यादेश (यदि बना तो क़ानून); जी हाँ; भारत...

INDIA: The Bihar school meal disaster: The government must go 

Last Tuesday the 16th of July, schoolchildren from a government school in Bihar complained that the midday meal they were served by the school tasted bad. They ate it anyway, because they were hungry...

INDIA: The Bihar school meal disaster: The government must go 

Last Tuesday the 16th of July, schoolchildren from a government school in Bihar complained that the midday meal they were served by the school tasted bad. They ate it anyway, because they were hungry...

INDIA: बच्चों को भूख की शिक्षा के पक्ष में 

बिहार में २७ बच्चों का जीवन मध्यान्न भोजन योजना ने छीना है या व्यावस्था ने; इ...

INDIA: Court report suggests frightening administrative failure in Manipur 

The Commission of Inquiry, constituted by the Supreme Court of India, in Writ Petition (Criminal) 129 of 2012 [Extra Judicial Execution Victims Families’ Association and Another (petitioners) Ag...

INDIA: Supreme Court’s scathing report against the government on encounter killings in Manipur 

(Hong Kong, 19 July, 2013) “If one innocent person is killed by [the] police or other security forces in a fake encounter, it creates tremendous upsurge of hatred…people always accurately know...

INDIA: जनगणना 2011 में किसान और खेतिहर मजदूर सचिन कुमार जैन 

मैं इस आलेख में विश्लेषण को कोई निष्कर्ष पर नहीं पंहुचा पाऊंगा. शायद मैं इस स...