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PHILIPPINES: Police illegally arrests, tortures three human rights defenders

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you of the arrest of three human rights defenders. At the time of the arrests no warrants were produced. They were arrested on 2...

UPDATE (Philippines): Many on leaked target list have a history of campaigning and being threatened

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) would like to share brief profiles of those listed as targets in a recently a leaked document, allegedly belonging to the Philippine military. ...

GENERAL (Philippines): Soldiers burn houses, blocks food supply for over 34,000 displaced families in Maguindanao 

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing to draw your attention to the continuing food blockade the military has imposed in Maguindanao thereby depriving over 34,000 families ...

PHILIPPINES: List of targets exposes activists to abduction, killing 

When the 67-page PowerPoint presentation containing the list of 105 names of persons, including lawyers, union leaders, religious leaders, human rights and political activists, appeared in public af...

GENERAL APPEAL (Philippines): 105 Human Rights defenders reportedly listed as military targets in a leaked document

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes with deep concern over the listing of 105 Human Rights defenders, which included, lawyers, journalists, human rights and political activis...

PHILIPPINES: The AFP’s “Order of Battle”: Witchhunting and adulterated lies 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from Union of Peoples’ Lawyers in Mindanao (UPLM). Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement fr...

PHILIPPINES: Conclude investigation into the killing of two farmers

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concern over the delay in the conclusion of the investigation into the deaths of two farmers who were last seen alive taken by soldie...

PHILIPPINES: Blinding and Paralyzing Fear and Indifference — Asian Human Rights Commission

Jesus answered, ¡§Truly, I say to you, you look for me, not because you have seen through the signs, but because you ate bread and were satisfied. Work then, not for perishable food, but for the las...

ASIA: Rural and Indigenous Women Claim our Right to Food! 

You claim that although the food crisis we suffered globally in 2008 is only a cyclical phase, the serious structural problems remain. The structural problems affect much more people in developing cou...

UNITED NATIONS: Elect Rights-Respecting States to Human Rights Council

General Assembly Members Should Not Reward Rights Abusers with Votes (New York, April 20, 2009) — Serious human rights violations in Azerbaijan, China, Cuba, Russia, and Saudi Arabia undermine ...

HONG KONG/PHILIPPINES: Complaints filed against a local newspaper and journalists over ‘super bug’ report

HONG KONG/PHILIPPINES: Complaints filed against a local newspaper and journalists over ‘super bug’ report (Hong Kong, April 8, 2009) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has filed sepa...

PHILIPPINES: ‘State of Emergency’ in Sulu province is devoid of legality — Asian Human Rights Commission

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concerned by the unilateral declaration of Abdusakur M. Tan, governor of Sulu province in Mindanao, placing the entire province under a ‘State ...

PHILIPPINES: Activist priest hits neglect of ‘Abadilla Five’ as other convicted prisoners released

(Hong Kong, April 6, 2009) A Catholic priest, Fr. Roberto Reyes, who had been campaigning for the release of the Abadilla Five, has criticised as “wrong” the pardon and subsequent release ...

PHILIPPINES: Investigation to ‘vigilante killings’ requires adequate witness protection to be effective — Asian Human Rights Commission

As the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) welcomes the investigation that the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) is conducting into ‘vigilante killings’ in Davao City, it holds reservation...

Human Rights Council Elections — A letter to the Eastern European delegations to the United Nations — Asian Human Rights Commission

To: Eastern European Your Excellency, As a diverse coalition of human rights organizations, we write in advance of the 2009 Human Rights Council elections to welcome reports that Eastern European stat...

Human Rights Council Elections — A letter to the Western European and other delegations to the United Nations 

To: Western European and Others Your Excellency, As a diverse coalition of human rights organizations, we write in advance of the 2009 Human Rights Council elections to urge the states in the Western ...

Human Rights Council Elections — A letter to the Asian delegations to the United Nations — Asian Human Rights Commission

To: Asian Your Excellency, As a diverse coalition of human rights organizations, we write in advance of the 2009 Human Rights Council elections to urge Asian states to present a competitive slate for ...

PHILIPPINES: Pretrial on Landmark case against Cigarette Company set on March 30, 2009

(Hong Kong, March 27, 2009)  Vincent P. Reyes smoked Philip Morris cigarettes for twenty years. He stopped and after a few years discovered he had lung cancer. He struggled against the disease from D...

WORLD: UN – Hold Competitive Voting for Rights Body

Regional Groups Should Honor the Spirit of Council Membership Standards on Human Rights  (New York, March 25, 2009) — More than 30 human rights organizations from around the world today wrote ...

ASIA: The Quest for Protection — A human rights Journey at the United Nations by Bertrand Ramcharan (206 pages)

(Hong Kong, March 27, 2009) The AHRC is happy to announce that this book by one of the world’s best known authorities in the field of human rights is now available in our website by the kind permissi...