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NEPAL: Government should prioritize Dalits’ food security 

Baburam Bhattarai Prime Minister Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Nepal Singh Durbar P.O. Box: 43312 Kathmandu Nepal Tel: +977 1 421 1000 Fax: +977 1 421 1086 Email: Dear ...

SRI LANKA: Innocent man was severely tortured by Dompe Police

Dear friends, On 28 September 2011, Mr. Battharamulla Gamage Susantha Buddhika (19) of No: 243/3, Pelahela, Dekatana, Dompe in Gampaha District was illegally arrested, detained and tortured. He was to...

INDIA: West Bengal police refuse to help victim of child trafficking

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has once again received information from MASUM, a human rights organisation working in West Bengal, concerning the case of 13-year-old girl, who ...

INDONESIA: One person killed, hundreds arrested and five persons charged with rebellion at Third Papuan People’s Congress

Dear friends, The AHRC has received information regarding the killing of at least one person and the arrest of hundreds of participants at the Third Papuan People’s Congress including Forkorus Y...

NEPAL: Ensure fair trial and protection to child torture victim 

A Joint Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission and the Center for Victims of Torture-Nepal As Lapka Tamang’s torture case will be heard on October 24, 2011 in Dulikhel District Court, Kavre,...

SRI LANKA: STF is not the solution to the country’s lawlessness 

In the editorial of the Island on October 19, 2011 with the title: ‘Sowing the whirlwind’ the opening paragraph is as follows: SLFP politicians are killing each other as the government has...

SRI LANKA: Narratives of Torture 

Fabrication of Charges, delayed for 08 Years.  Pathrage Don Jayathilaka is a 56 years old unmarried farmer. He is a resident of Molkava, a village in the Kalutara district. His brother P. D Sunil, ...

SRI LANKA: International Commission of Jurists – Submission to UNCAT Committee — Sri Lanka 

The International Commission of Jurists has recently forwarded a submission to the United Nations Committee against Torture. We present here the executive summary. The full report may be found at htt...

PAKISTAN: Police torture–most confessions are extracted under duress 

An article from The Express Tribune forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Shamsul Islam ”Torture is the only way many police officials know of extracting a confession. They don’t care...

INDIA: Beyond Troy Davis and the Tamils : Activism has to be consistent 

An article by Mr N Jayaram* forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Two groups of Indians facing the gallows in India and two men executed in the United States, but vastly different reactions i...

SRI LANKA: NGOs urge postponement of Sri Lanka’s hosting of top Commonwealth meeting, citing human rights concerns

A Joint Open Letter produced by NGOs from around the world to the Commonwealth Heads of Governments Subject: Sri Lanka as the host of CHOGM 2013 October 20, 2011 Dear Commonwealth Heads of Governments...

SYRIA: NGOs call on UN General Assembly to condemn the violence in Syria

A Joint Open Letter produced by NGOs from around the world to the members of the UN General Assembly October 20, 2011 To: All Member States of the UN General Assembly Dear Ambassador, In light of the ...

SRI LANKA: Death of the primary suspect in the case of the murder of a newspaper editor should be investigated

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Pichchei Jesudasan, the primary suspect in the murder of veteran journalist editor of the Sunday Leader News Paper,...

INDONESIA: No transparency in military proceedings against officers responsible for violence against Kebumen villagers

Dear friends, Regarding the military violence against Kebumen villagers on April 16-17, 2011, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learnt that there have been some legal proceedings against th...

SRI LANKA: Perpetrators of brutal attack on student leader of Jaffna University have not been arrested

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Subramaniam Thavapalasingham, President of the Jaffna University Students Union (JUSU) was severely assaulted b...

INDIA: The BSF strikes again in West Bengal, this time murdering a man by breaking his skull

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has once again received information from MASUM, a human rights organisation working in West Bengal, concerning the murder of an innocent person w...

SRI LANKA: It is not enough to ‘cry for the country’ 

The implications of the failure to prosecute Duminda Silva The editor of the Sunday Leader, in an article entitled ‘The law is an ass’ questions the statement by a government spokesman tha...

INDIA: Administrative neglect and corruption resulted in the death of farmers who lost their land 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that two small-scale farmers died of intense stress and illness after realising they had lost their land to fraudulent c...

INDONESIA: Troops Open Fire On Papuan Gathering 

The Indonesian military and police started shooting at around 2:37pm West Papua time, yesterday 19 October. Information about what exactly transpired are still sketchy but at least one person was shot...

PAKISTAN: Poisoned minds-fuelling the massacre of Shias in Pakistan 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following article from Jinnah Institute, written by Saba Imtiaz. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- An article from Jinna...