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BANGLADESH: Rights group challenges legality of Truth Commission in High Court

A Bangladeshi rights group has challenged the legality of the Truth and Accountability Commission at the High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, local media reported yesterday. Accordi...

GENERAL APPEAL (Pakistan): Four persons burned alive in hot coal tar while other abuses reported during military operation in Balochistan

[NOTICE: The AHRC has developed this automatic letter-sending system using the “button” below. However, in this appeal, we could not include e-mail addresses of some of the Pakistan author...

GENERAL (India): Corruption in public service promotes starvation and malnutrition in Uttar Pradesh 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has previously reported the case of three-year-old Pritam who died of malnutrition. Pritam suffered from malnutrition for seven months until he d...

PAKISTAN: A petition from prisoners waiting on death row

(The Asian Human Rights Commission reproduced below a petition from the condemned prisoners from Adiala Jail, Rawalpindi, which we received from the NNI news agency of Pakistan). To, Mr Yousaf Raza Gi...

PAKISTAN: Human rights defender Aitzaz Ahsan nominated for prestigious UN Prize

The Asian Human Rights Commission and its sister-organisation have nominated prominent Pakistani lawyer and human rights defender, Mr. Aitzaz Ahsan, for the prestigious 2008 United Nations Human Right...

SRI LANKA: Acid thrower remains free and the victim who lost the use of one eye due to the attack is made the accused

In our statement, SRI LANKA: Permanent loss of sight in one eye due to cruel and inhuman treatment, ( we earlier reported the permane...

PAKISTAN: The people defeat Pakistan’s military dictator, General Musharraf

The Asian Human Rights Commission salutes and congratulates the people of Pakistan for their resilient and determined struggle to oust the dictator, General (Ret.) Pervez Musharraf from the post of pr...

SRI LANKA: A one-man system — the debate of written and unwritten constitutions

At the last Human Rights Council session a spokesman for Sri Lanka suggested to the United Kingdom that it may consider holding a referendum for having a written constitution. One wonders whether the ...

SRI LANKA: Call for release of website editor accused of terrorism 

Reporters Without Borders calls on the Sri Lankan government to release J. S. Tissainayagam, a Tamil journalist who has been held since March. A government minister has just said he is charged with te...

PAKISTAN: Bodies of the five women buried alive desecrated by the wild animals

The human remains of the five women who were buried alive in Balochistan province have been and the provincial government has done nothing to provide a decent burial for these victims of honour killin...

SRI LANKA: Is there a shift from fair trials to political trials?

Amongst the few great achievements of human kind, the establishment of the idea and the practice of fair trial is one of the best examples of civilisation’s struggle against barbarism. Centuries of ...

PAKISTAN: A fishing community is made hostage by landlords and police

[NOTICE: The AHRC has developed this automatic letter-sending system using the “button” below. However, in this appeal, we could not include e-mail addresses of some of the Pakistan author...

INDIA: Pathetic state of rule of law is the result of caste based discrimination

A resolution, recently passed by the Naloor panchayat in Narikudi block of Virudunagar district in Tamil Nadu state is the quintessence of caste based discrimination in India. The panchayat convened a...

INDIA: BSF torture a man to death and then bribe the victim’s family to ensure their silence

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed by MASUM, a local human rights organisation in West Bengal that the Border Security Force (BSF) personnel of Battalion No.90, E...

SRI LANKA: FMM appalled at police spokesperson’s justification of minister’s attack on journalists 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from the Free Media Movement. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement from the Free Media Move...

SRI LANKA: Two cases exposing the comic nature of criminal justice in Sri Lanka

Two inquiries into crimes reported recently reveal the absurdities of policing in Sri Lanka. One is the investigation by the Bribery Commission for an alleged act of corruption by way of undeclared as...

PAKISTAN: Five women buried alive, allegedly by the brother of a minister

[NOTICE: The AHRC has developed this automatic letter-sending system using the “button” below. Please click the button for your participation. We also encourage you to send your appeal le...

SRI LANKA: Police allegedly assault and fabricate charges against teachers

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a Head Quarter’s Inspector allegedly assaulted a principal and a teacher on 7 July 2008. It is reported that ...

UPDATE (India): Human rights activists in Varanasi facing continuous threat from women traffickers

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Guria, a local human rights organisation working on women trafficking in Uttar Pradesh regarding the death threats ...

SRI LANKA: Army commander warns newspaper to censor defence columns

IFEX – News from the international freedom of expression community ALERT – SRI LANKA 6 August 2008 Newspaper pressured to cancel defence columns by army commander SOURCE: Free Media Moveme...