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INDIA: Can the Supreme Court end the reign of criminals in politics? 

The judgment of the Supreme Court of India delivered on 10 July 2013 in Civil Writ Petitions 490 and 231 of 2005, declaring Subsection (4) of Section 8 of the Representation of People’s Act, 195...

INDIA: Cultivators – Farmers and Agricultural labourers in Census 2011 – The other side of agricultural growth in Madhya Pradesh 

Sachin Kumar Jain Perhaps, I may not arrive at any conclusions in this feature article. I am in a dilemma over the veracity of the data available on the state agriculture. Perhaps you could help me in...

INDIA: A time for reflection 

“The significance of the protest was no longer defined by the number of people who take part, but by the issues it reflects,” said Hong Kong Secretary for Transport and Housing Anthony Ch...

INDIA: AFAD Statement on Traffic Police Abuses Experienced by Parvez Imroz, Council Member from Jammu and Kashmir

The Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD) denounces the ill treatment and physical manhandling by a traffic officer against AFAD Council member and Advocate Parvez Imroz, Chair of...

INDIA: The promise and pretence of democracy 

The Constitution of India explicitly states that the right to life, equality, education, and to participate in elections as fundamental rights. When these rights are violated, the Indian system does n...

INDIA: Invest in Food Security for your own good 

The National Food Security Bill (NFSB) has been the center of much debate since it was introduced in Parliament by the UPA government in December 2011. One of the most persistent arguments against a f...

INDIA: पूर्वांचल: जहाँ बच जाना मौत से भी बदतर सजा है 

प्राकृतिक आपदाएं बता कर नहीं आतीं, न ही अक्सर उनका सटीक पूर्वानुमान कर पाना ...

INDIA: क्यों तोड़ना चाहिए रोज़गार गारंटी क़ानून? (मनरेगा 6) 

महात्मा गांधी ग्रामीण रोजगार गारंटी योजना केवल एक आर्थिक गतिविधि नहीं है. इ...

INDIA: The pain of progress 

The United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture observed around the world on June 26 serves as a sober reminder of the reality that this ugly side of humanity is still very much ...

INDIA: क़ानून के हकदारों को योजना का हितग्राही बनाने की कवायद (मनरेगा 5) 

मध्य प्रदेश में देरी से हुए भुगतान की कुल राशियाँ जिले का नाम वर्ष (राशि करोड़ ...

INDIA: Don’t these lives worth INR 17 a day shame you, Mr. Prime Minister? 

INR 17, or approximately 30 cents in USD, is what an average poor spends a day in rural India. Their urban friends are no better off either; they have to content with spending INR 27 for seeing a day ...

INDIA: Gorakhpur – the killing fields where only thing worse than death is survival 

In India, death has a myriad ways to prey on hapless children and sniff the life out of them. Often, it has rather trustworthy accomplices: the union and state governments. Take but one way it strikes...

INDIA: The makers and breakers 

“Out of 4835 Members of Parliament and Members of the Legislative Assembly analysed, 1448 members or 31% have declared criminal cases against them in a self sworn affidavit filed with the Election C...

INDIA: The Indian government: Deliverers of (in)justice

India prides itself as a government “of the people, for the people, and by the people”, worthy of praise for being a rare model of democracy in the region. Yet, the government is criticised as the...

INDIA: The Chief Minister of Gujarat stop vilifying Mr. Harsh Mander

A Statement from a group of civil society actors in India against the ostracisation of Mr. Harsh Mander, by the Chief Minister of Gujarat forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission New Delhi 12 Ju...

INDIA: Information is power 

There is an ongoing debate about the Right to Information (RTI) Act in India, and the proposed amendments to the scope and extent of that legislation. It is tempting to express one’s sentiments ...

INDIA: कैश ट्रांसफर: राशन के अनाज पर नजर 

सरकार ने नये साल में देश के चुनिन्दा 20 जिलों में अभी 7 सामाजिक सुरक्षा योजनाओ...

INDIA: Indigenous communities of Singda New Bazar, Manipur, facing forced eviction for Singda Dam Area Expansion

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the forced eviction of indigenous communities of Singda New Bazar, Manipur by the Irrigation and Flood Control...

INDIA: A widow’s voice from Manipur resounds at the UN Human Rights Council

A Joint Press Release by Extrajudicial Execution Victim Families Association, Manipur (EEVFAM), India and the Asian Legal Resource Centre INDIA: A widow’s voice from Manipur resounds at the UN H...

INDIA: Discussion on the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958

A Joint Press Release by Human Rights Alert and the Asian Legal Resource Centre INDIA: Discussion on the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 (Hong Kong, May 27, 2013) Human Rights Alert (HRA) and ...