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INDIA: Fourteen children may die soon due to malnutrition in Varanasi 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from local human rights organisation, the People’s Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), regarding the case...

SRI LANKA: Reprimand of senior journalists unacceptable 

We are extremely disappointed and very concerned to discover that you summoned and reprimanded Sanath Balasooriya and Poddala Jayantha, the President and General Secretary of Sri Lanka Working Journal...

BANGLADESH: A weary High Court suggests appellant seek bail from Allah

A High Court Bench of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh has suggested the counsel of a litigant seek bail from Allah (God), in frustration at the limits of its power under Emergency Rule. Since the Stat...

PAKISTAN: Restoration of judiciary ‘put on ice’ – new government must keep its election promise by restoring deposed judiciary

It has only been in power for two months, but already Pakistan’s new government has broken a election promise: to reinstate the deposed Chief Justice and other judges within 30 days. That deadline ha...

SRI LANKA: Alleged ill treatment against a couple by Ahangama police

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the ill treatment of a couple by the Ahangama police on 26 September 2007. When the wife of the couple asked a...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Life of Mr. Lalith Rajapakse likely to be in danger again

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Centre for Rule of Law (CRL), a human rights organisation working in Colombo, Sri Lanka regarding the case of M...

BANGLADESH: Culture of supersession in Supreme Court will undermine rule of law

The President of Bangladesh Prof. Iazuddin Ahmed has appointed Justice Mr. M M Ruhul Amin as the 16th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh to replace the outgoing Chief Justice, Mr. Mohamm...

SRI LANKA: Senior journalist and Deputy Editor abducted and severely beaten 

IFEX – News from the international freedom of expression community ALERT – SRI LANKA 23 May 2008 Critical defence analyst, newspaper editor threatened, abducted, beaten, released SOURCE: F...

SRI LANKA: Alleged assault of a student by Deniyaya police

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a Sub Inspector attached to Deniyaya Police Station allegedly tortured a young student in the process of interrogat...

INDIA: Another forced displacement due to caste based discrimination

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Navsarjan, a human rights organisation working on Dalit rights in Gujarat, about a Dalit woman and her son beaten b...

UN: Sri Lanka’s Defeat a Victory for Human Rights Council

UN Vote Upholds Council Membership Standards on Rights (New York, May 21, 2008) – UN member states enforced the standards they established for the new Human Rights Council by not re-electing Sri Lank...

BANGLADESH: Supreme Court holds that Election Commission has violated the Constitution

A High Court Division Bench of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh declared that the country’s Election Commission has violated constitutional provision regarding holding general election within 90 ...

BANGLADESH: High Court judgement on bail petition under emergency laws

The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, which consists of the Appellate Division and the High Court Division, has held that no court in the country has a jurisdiction to entertain b...

SRI LANKA: Police refused to take action on rape of girls

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that a mother, whose two teenage daughters had been raped, one remains missing after having been forcibly abducted, was refused by th...

SRI LANKA: Custodial death of young man

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the suspicious death of a young man in the Gampaha Police Station on 7 April 2008 after arrest. The police rep...

SRI LANKA: GoSL lies to the UN Working Group of Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances 

A forwarded statement by the Civil Monitoring Mission which appeared in the Sri Lanka Guardian GoSL lies to the UN Working Group by Mano Ganesan (May 21, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) 25 year old plant...

SRI LANKA: Internal repression internationally condemned

(The Sri Lankan government lost its bid to retain its seat in the UN Human Rights Council yesterday, May 21, as it came under intense criticism from many quarters on its human rights record. This stat...

INDIA: Human rights defender once again receives threats in Uttar Pradesh

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Peoples’ Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) that its convener Dr. Lenin is again receiving life ...

ASIA: Asian NGOs call on UN member-states to reject Sri Lanka’s Human Rights Council election bid 

Your Excellency, We, the undersigned 84 non-governmental organisations working on human rights in Asia, write to urge that your government not vote for Sri Lanka for membership in the United Nations H...

SRI LANKA: UN: Vote Sri Lanka off Human Rights Council 

NGO Coalition for an Effective Human Rights Council – For Immediate Release Three Nobel Peace Laureates Oppose Colombo’s Bid for Re-election (New York, May 1...