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INDIA: Judicial Magistrate takes up the witch-hunt against Ms. Madhuri Krishnaswamy, a human rights defender in Madhya Pradesh state

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Badwani, Madhya Pradesh state regarding the continuing witch-hunt against human rights defender Ms. Madhuri Krishna...

INDIA/CHINA/BANGLADESH: Dimapur declaration on water and indigenous communities’ rights

We, the representatives of the indigenous people’s organizations of India’s North East concerned over the issue of water and adverse impacts of mega development processes, such as mega dam...

INDIA: A human rights defender and a musician arrested for complaining against torture of villagers

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information from Human Rights Alert (HRA) regarding the illegal arrest of a human rights defender and a musician from Manipur for they dare...

INDIA: Punish the perpetrators of assault on women Human Rights Defenders in Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received very disturbing information regarding the assault on five women human rights defenders working with Sahjani Shiksha Kendra (SSK) in ...

INDIA: What else was expected other than Sanaullah’s murder? 

Children are conceived, some born, others grow, and many die in Indian prisons. There is nothing particular about this, since such incidents happen in prisons across the world. However, what is unique...

INDIA: Have the judges gone insane? 

Insanity is defined as “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein said this. Applying this definition, to the predicament and expectation of the ...

INDIA: Only a comprehensive food security law can eradicate hunger in India, not this piecemeal bill 

(Hong Kong, May 06, 2013) The Asian Human Rights Commission endorses the following Press Note issued by the Right to Food Campaign. The AHRC urges the government of India to amend the food security bi...

INDIA: A Republic of the rapists, by the rapists, for the rapists? 

The news had sprung up from nowhere. All that I had picked up the newspaper for, was to kill some time on that long flight and here it was, tucked away in a small box, staring at me. Reading it had se...

INDIA: A heartless nation for women 

Topic: Violence against Women in India Objective: Inform the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences; on violence against women in India pending the Rapporteur...

INDIA: An association for families victimised of extrajudicial execution 

The present case appears to be one where two persons along with some others were just seized from a hut, taken to a long distance away in a truck and shot there. This type of activity cannot certainly...

INDIA: Person missing for 18 months in Manipur, family suspects foul play

Dear friends: The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the disappearance of Mr. Sapam Chaoba Singh, 32-years-old, from his home in Imphal West District. It is report...

INDIA: A girl murdered in Manipur, allegedly by two minors acting upon instructions from a man

Dear friends: The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information regarding the murder and probable rape of a 16-year-old girl in Imphal West District, Manipur State. On the 5 March 2013, local...

INDIA: Repeal the Manipur Loktak Lake Protection Act of 2006 and end forced evictions

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is providing an update on the situation of the local Indigenous people of Loktak Lake and the abuses perpetrated by the Loktak Development Author...

INDIA: मनरेगा के हक आधारित प्रावधानों को किनारे किया जाना (मनरेगा 4) 

बेरोज़गारी भत्ता – न्याय का तकाजा यह है कि जब राज्य नागरिकों को उनके हक़ उपलब...

INDIA: The national dishonour is judicial hypocrisy 

Some in India would consider the country’s honour preserved, and finally respected, once the marines from Italy return to stand trial in India. The marines’ return is an issue, in which th...

INDIA: Roll back steep hike in user fee in the NTPC hospitals 

Dear friends,             The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding an indefinite hunger strike (fast unto death) undertaken by the peop...

INDIA: Reforms without honesty 

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) appreciates the proposed reforms to the criminal law in India – Penal Code, 1860; Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, and the Evidence Act, 1872. Amendments t...

INDIA: १६५ ग्राम अनाज का खाद्य सुरक्षा क़ानून 

आप खुद ही सोच लीजिये क्या १६५ ग्राम अनाज से भुखमरी और कुपोषण दूर होगा? पर भारत...

INDIA: Attacking visitors will not end discrimination in Sri Lanka 

In two separate incidents, two Sri Lankan monks have been attacked in India. These two attacks are a continuum to previous assaults upon Sri Lankan nationals visiting India. These incidents are crimin...

INDIA: In observance of International Rivers Day, tribes protest the Chakpi Multipurpose Hydroelectric Project

Dear friends: The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information regarding peaceful rallies that took place on March 12, 2013, in observance of International Rivers Day, regarding opposition t...