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THAILAND: Criminalization of free speech ahead of election 

In May 2011, the government of Thailand announced that the country would go to a national election on July 3. It might have been expected that this announcement would result in a lessening of the thre...

PAKISTAN: What is the score in Balochistan? 

Baseer Naweed After the killing of Professor Saba Dashtyari, a renowned scholar of Balochistan, a question commonly asked by the people is: What is the latest score in Balochistan? The killings, wheth...

THAILAND: FCCT calls for press and discussion on “UNJUST”, documentary film regarding 3 women Human Rights Defender in Asia 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following press release from Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Thailand. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong...

PAKISTAN: Commonwealth Journalists Association outraged over slaying of Syed Saleem Shahzad 

June 01, 2011 The Commonwealth Journalists Association is outraged over the slaying of yet another Pakistani journalist and urges the Pakistan government to do all it can to find the perpetrators. The...

SRI LANKA: Use of live bullets on protesters – A discussion on video

(Hong Kong, June 3, 2011) On May 30, 2011 the Sri Lankan police used live ammunition on a group of demonstrating workers. As a result a 22-year-old man has died and about 200 people were injured. The ...

PAKISTAN: President of newspapers’ society confirms that Saleem Shahzad was receiving threats from ISI 

Mr. Hameed Haroon, the chief executive officer of the Dawn, a leading daily newspaper of Pakistan and the president of the All Pakistan Newspaper Society, an organization of owners of the print media,...

PAKISTAN: The Baloch Noam Chomsky is dead 

PAKISTAN: The Baloch Noam Chomsky is dead Malik Siraj Akbar There is renewed anger across Balochistan over the dreadful assassination of one of the most popular icons of Balochi literature and civil s...

PAKISTAN: Freedom of expression, new law robs journalists of their sources 

By Shamsul Islam A ban has been imposed on all government officials from interacting with the media under the new Protection and communication of official information rule. As per Rule 46 of the Punja...

PAKISTAN: Police fail to arrest the murderers of two fisher folk activists whereas encouraging false charges upon the villagers

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information from the fact finding team that conducted a fact finding mission concerning two deceased fisher folk activists...

NEPAL: Review of the Universal Periodic Review recommendations-1 Torture 

A joint Statement by Advocacy Forum and the Asian Human Rights Commission On 25 January 2011, the state of human rights in Nepal was assessed for the first time under the United Nations Human Rights C...

PAKISTAN: Invisible agencies take the life of another well known journalist Saleem Shahzad 

Saleem Shahzad, who had earlier announced the danger to his life from the intelligence services (ISI) in Pakistan was abducted last Sunday, May 29, and his body was discovered on May 31. This is one m...

NEPAL: Review of the UPR recommendations-2 Extrajudicial killings 

A Joint Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission and Advocacy Forum On 25 January 2011, the state of human rights in Nepal was assessed for the first time under the United Nations Human Rights C...

SRI LANKA: AHRC condemns attacks on peaceful demonstrators 

The Asian Human Rights Commission condemns the brutal attack that injured at least 250 peaceful demonstrators yesterday, the 30th of May, at Katunayake. They were protesting against a proposed law whi...

SRI LANKA: Who gave the orders to use live bullets on protesters at Katunayake?

The government of Sri Lanka has announced the appointment of a one-man commission to inquire into the shooting at Katunayake on May 30, where, according to reports over 200 persons were injured when p...

PAKISTAN: A senior journalist is missing after exposing the Al-Qaida network in the navy

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a senior journalist of Asia Times, a Hong Kong-based news agency, was abducted by unidenfied persons from Islamab...

PAKISTAN: The appeasement policy — government misses the initiative of taking the armed forces to task 

Baseer Naweed  The government of Pakistan — the so called legacy of Bhuttoism — has once again come out in support of our armed forces in an attempt to present them as brave and innocent....

PHILIPPINES: Ombudsman did not investigate cases of threat and torture on its own

Dear friends,  With regard to two cases that we have asked the Ombudsman to conduct investigations into one involved threats to the lives of an activist and his family. No investigation had been cond...

NEPAL: Court acknowledges torture but no sanction is taken against the perpetrators

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the case of torture of Mahima Kusule, a 26-year old woman who was tortured by officers of the Dolakh...

WORLD: In defence of the human rights defender: FMA Razzak’s story told 

States and state agents have historically used violence to stifle public debate, and silence their critics. In many countries around the world today, states no longer rely heavily upon overtly coerciv...

SRI LANKA: Innocent man brutally assaulted and DIG (Central Province) prevented the victim from making a complaint

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Suppaiah Sivakumar (33) of No: 51/2, Pinnakutiya Watte, Allepola, Senarathwela, Teldeniya in the Kandy distri...