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ASIA: An Asian consultation on delays in adjudication will begin tomorrow

(Hong Kong, September 16, 2007) Twenty one participants from nine Asian countries will meet in Hong Kong from 17th to 21st September to discuss the problems of delays in adjudication and the implicati...

ASIA: UN Human Rights Council statement in response to the High Commissioner for Human Rights

ASIA: UN Human Rights Council statement in response to the Mr President, Madam High Commissioner, As Human Rights Defenders from Asia, we welcome the commitment and initiatives of you and your office ...

INDIA: Violence suffices justice in India

Ten persons were killed by an angry mob on September 13, 2007 in Bihar state of India. A few days before, another person suspected for theft, was attacked by a mob in Bihar. In this incident, a police...

PAKISTAN: Former prime minister is abducted and remains incommunicado in Saudi Arabia

Mr. Mian Nawaz Sharif, a former prime minister of Pakistan, was abducted on September 10, 2007 from Islamabad airport and put on a PIA flight bound for Saudi Arabia. He has since been kept incommunica...

SRI LANKA: Killing and Enforced Disappearances of Religious Leaders and Attacks on Places of Religious Worship in Sri Lanka

We would like to bring to the notice of the Council the trend of attacks on religious leaders and places of worship in Sri Lanka, due to their involvement in protecting and assisting victims of ongoin...

SRI LANKA: A student hospitalised after assault and denied of education by principal

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a boy was brutally beaten by his principal and hospitalised on 3 August 2007. No action has been taken by the polic...

UPDATE (Bangladesh): A human rights defender is implicated with the alleged false charges

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concerned that Mr. Jahangir Alam Akashi, a journalist, as well as a human rights defender based on Rajshahi city, has been implicated w...

INDIA: Three minors killed in an accident and no attempts made to arrest the responsible persons

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) regrets to inform you of a report from MASUM, a local human rights organization based in West Bengal, of the deaths of three minors. The minors w...

PAKISTAN: AHRC gravely concerned about the safety of lawyers and journalists

The head of a ruling coalition party in General Musharraf’s government has threatened lawyers and journalists with dire consequences if they misbehave in future or man handle government lawyers. He, ...

BANGLADESH: Young man dies of brutal torture; four others seriously injured by army’s Joint Forces

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from a reliable source regarding the death of a young man and of severe injuries caused to several others when they were...

PAKISTAN: the AHRC calls for an immediate inquiry into the ruling party attacks on judiciary and lawyers

The government of General Musharraf attacked the Sindh High Court building today (September 10, 2007), beating several lawyers and using abusive language against the judges on the bench which was cond...

ASIA: Rule of Law and Elimination of Corruption

A group of 23 legal professionals and human rights activists from Sri Lanka, Indonesia, the Philippines, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Cambodia, Bangladesh, China and Thailand gathered in Hong Kong from May...

PAKISTAN: One person shot dead and several injured by firing during illegal demolition

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Urban Resource Centre-Pakistan, an organization working on housing rights, that one person was shot dead and more t...

UPDATE (India): Bail application for Dr. Binayek Sen admitted for hearing

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is appealing to you to write to the Indian authorities requesting them to drop the false charges against Dr. Binayak Sen and release him from cus...

WORLD: Reflections on pictures — 1. India

This is the first of the AHRC statements under the heading ‘Reflections on pictures’. We encourage everyone to send your reflections about the photo and the related human rights incident t...

INDIA: Yet another person shot dead at the Indo-Bangladesh border

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM, a local human rights organisation based in West Bengal regarding the death of yet another person at the Indo...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Killing and disappearance of 57 humanitarian workers reported

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) regrets to inform you that 57 humanitarian workers have either been killed or subjected to forced disappearance since last year in Sri Lanka. The...

BANGLADESH: Bangladesh’s State of Emergency is unjustifiable and ensuring abuses of human rights

On January 11, 2007 the President of Bangladesh proclaimed a State of Emergency following an upsurge in violence between rival political groups. Unfortunately, the State of Emergency has been prolonge...

SRI LANKA: The obligations of the one-man commission to reveal information regarding alleged returnees who were reported to have disappeared

Recently Mahanama Tilakaratne, the Chairman of the Commission to Investigate Killings, Disappearances, Abductions and Unidentified Dead Bodies (the one-man commission) was quoted in the press as sayin...

PAKISTAN: AHRC demands judicial inquiry into collapse of a bridge constructed by an organization of army which took the lives of more than 10 persons

A newly constructed bridge erected by a military organization collapsed in Karachi on September 1, 2007, taking the lives . There is still no confirmation of how many people and vehicles may be trappe...