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UPDATE (India): No compensation to family of adivasi, murdered by forest official, despite a four year wait 

[Re: UA- 50 -2005: INDIA: Three and a half year wait for justice for the brutal murder of an Adivasi (tribal person) by a forest official in Gujarat] Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (A...

UPDATE (Burma): ILO clarification on case of villagers complaining about forced labour 

[RE: UA-31-2005: BURMA: Local officials set up on forced labour charges to cover for senior military officers; UP-69-2005: BURMA: Villagers lodge second complaint for detention of wrong persons in for...

BURMA: Court refuses to act on death due to torture in custody 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from reliable sources about the torture and death of a man in Hlaing Township, Rangoon, Burma. On 1 May 2005 30-year-old...

ASIA: Governments of Asia obliged to respond to rising popular sentiment against torture

Protests against the use of torture by law enforcement agencies are becoming more widespread in countries throughout Asia. These are emanating from a growing popular sentiment against torture as an ab...

BURMA/MALAYSIA: Sixty eight Burmese protestors holding a peaceful demonstration are arbitrarily detained by the police 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from SUARAM, a human rights organization in Malaysia, that 68 Burmese protesters are being detained at the Pudu Police S...

UPDATE (Burma): Defamation case against villager continues 

[RE: UA-112-2004: BURMA: Complaints against forced labour blocked and victims punished issued on 3 September 2004; UP-11-2005: Four officials sentenced to prison for forced labour in Kawmhu Township, ...

UPDATE (Burma): Police officer convicted of assault let off with petty fine 

[RE: UA-81-2005: BURMA: Brothers jailed and beaten for complaining about police assault over tattoo; UP-65-2005: BURMA: Successful conviction of police officer but one victim remains in jail] Dear fri...

BURMA: Raped villager allegedly forced to marry police assailant, then refuses divorce 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has heard a report through the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) radio service that a woman in western Burma was raped by a police officer, after w...

UPDATE (Burma): Villagers lodge second complaint for detention of wrong persons in forced labour case 

Dear friends, According to new information received by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), villagers in Taunggut Township, Arakan state, Burma have lodged a new complaint with the International ...

UPDATE (Burma): Preliminary hearing against villager who obtained first successful forced labour prosecution completed

[RE: UA-112-2004: BURMA: Complaints against forced labour blocked and victims punished issued on 3 September 2004; UP-11-2005: BURMA: Four officials sentenced to prison for forced labour in Kawmhu Tow...

UPDATE (Burma): Successful conviction of police officer but one victim remains in jail 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received further information from the Yoma-3 news service, Thailand about a young man and his cousin (earlier reported as brother) who were j...

UPDATE (Burma): Local officials seek revenge against villager who obtained first successful forced labour prosecution 

[RE: UA-112-2004: BURMA: Complaints against forced labour blocked and victims punished issued on 3 September 2004; UP-11-2005: BURMA: Four officials sentenced to prison for forced labour in Kawmhu Tow...

ASIA: Forensic science an integral part of effective criminal investigations to prevent human rights abuses in Asia

From May 12 to 14, 2005 the Asian Human Rights Commission held a consultation in Hong Kong with a group of forensic and legal professionals to discuss the interplay between forensic science and human ...

BURMA: Brothers jailed and beaten for complaining about police assault over tattoo

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Yoma-3 news service, Thailand that a young man and his brother were jailed in Burma after attempting to complai...

UPDATE (Burma): Health and family conditions of jailed villager worsen 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Yoma-3 news service, Thailand about the worsening health and family conditions of a villager jailed illegally f...

ASIA: Three countries in human rights limbo: Nepal, Burma/Myanmar and Cambodia

As the Sixty-first Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights (CHR) is taking place in Geneva, we would like to draw attention to the colossal absence of human rights in three countries in the Asia ...

BURMA: Local officials set up on forced labour charges to cover for senior military officers 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from a number of sources that three local government officials in Taunggut township, Arakan state, western Burma, have b...

UPDATE (Burma): Four officials sentenced to prison for forced labour in Kawmhu Township, Yangon Division 

[RE: UA-112-2004: BURMA: Complaints against forced labour blocked and victims punished issued on 3 September 2004] Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is happy to inform you that o...

UPDATE (Burma): Photographs of destroyed houses and internally displaced persons in Papun Township, Karen state 

[Re: HA-08-2004: BURMA: Several thousand villagers fled from army attacks in Papun Township, Karen state on 29 December 2004] Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has recently receiv...

BURMA: Several thousand villagers fled from army attacks in Papun Township, Karen state

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is gravely concerned by the brutal actions of the Burma army, which has burnt an inordinate amount of rice in the Karen state, and caused thousan...