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PAKISTAN: More than 26000 employees of Pakistan Telecommunication were denied wages increases as announced by the government

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that gross violations of labour laws, retrenchment and coercive methods against the workers were witnessed in Pakistan T...

SAUDI ARABIA/SRI LANKA: The AHRC urges the government of Sri Lanka to immediately enable the family of Rizana Nafeek to go to Riyadh 

The Asian Human Rights Commission urges the government of Sri Lanka to immediately enable the family of Rizana Nafeek to travel to Riyadh to participate in the proceedings of Rizana’s case. It i...

PAKISTAN: Asma Jahangir awarded UN prize for promoting human rights 

The Asian Human Rights Commission offers its warmest and sincere congratulations to Ms. Asma Jahangir on the announcement that Pakistan’s leading human rights defender has been named as this yea...

SRI LANKA: The AHRC urges the government of Sri Lanka to immediately enable the family of Rizana Nafeek to go to Riyadh 

The Asian Human Rights Commission urges the government of Sri Lanka to immediately enable the family of Rizana Nafeek to travel to Riyadh to participate in the proceedings of Rizana’s case. It i...

PHILIPPINES: Release of financial assistance to torture victim recommended

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that the regional office of the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) in Cotabato City, has recommended the release of “immedi...

SOUTH KOREA: National human rights institution losing any trace of independence fast 

An Open Letter to the International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for Human Rights by the Asian Human Rights Commission   Rosslyn Noonan Chairperson International Coordinating C...

BURMA: The spirit of 2007 revived 

The Asian Human Rights Commission shares the excitement felt worldwide at the release of Burma’s unrivalled symbol of democracy and hope for the future, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and at her first public...

SOUTH KOREA: Ignoring domestic laws jeopardises NHRI’s status 

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is concerned about the serious degradation of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea (NHRCK)’s internal regulations and systems, which increasingl...

SAUDI ARABIA/SRI LANKA: Saudi King responds to the plea for Rizana 

The Asian Human Rights Commission is happy to learn that His Royal Highness King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia has taken the initial steps towards a reprieve for Rizana Nafeek, the Sr...

BANGLADESH: Thirteen elderly including widows facing lack of food and health care in the Gaibandha District 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Right to Life Foundation working in Northern Bangladesh that more than 13 elderly including widows are facing a...

SRI LANKA: Who will take responsibility for Rizana Nafeek? 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following article from the Sri Lanka Guardian, written by Dr. Hatoon Ajwad AL FASSI (Ph.D). Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong   ——...

NEPAL: A man dies under questionable circumstances in police custody in Chitwan District and no investigation is conducted.

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the death of Som Bahadur Barai, a 49 year old man, while in the custody of the Area Police Office, Ratnanaga...

INDONESIA: Secret Files Show Kopassus Targets Papuan Churches, Civilians 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following article from investigative journalist Allan Nairn regarding a secret Indonesian military report planning intelligence operations against civilians...

PAKISTAN: Outcry over death sentence for ‘blasphemy’ mother who offered farmhands water 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following news by AFP published in the Sydney Morning Herald. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A press release by AFP p...

SAUDI ARABIA/SRI LANKA: Continuous appeals needs to be sent to the King Abdullah to save the life of Rizana Nafeek 

The Asian Human Rights Commission once again wishes to draw your attention to the case of Rizana Nafeek, the innocent Sri Lankan girl, who has been sentenced to death by beheading in Riyadh, Saudi Ara...

SOUTH KOREA: Government’s prohibition of entry of activists becomes a mockery 

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) strongly condemns the Korean government’s prohibition of entry against activists of civil society movements from other countries without reason and the r...

BURMA: The importance of Aung San Suu Kyi 

Yesterday, 11 November 2010, the Supreme Court of Burma rejected a special appeal against the continued detention of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of the National League for Democracy, following the tr...

PAKISTAN: Thousands of peasants to attend a protest rally on December 10, the international day of human rights 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from Anjuman Mozareen Punjab. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement from Anjuman Mozareen Pu...

SOUTH KOREA/INDIA: The one who Prime Minister Singh should meet are people in India and South Korea! 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from the Korean civil society groups. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement from the Korean ...

INDONESIA: Notes on follow up to TNI reform 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following joint press release from the following organistions in Indonesia: ICJR, IDSPS, Imparsial, INFID, KontraS, ...