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INDIA: Deaths in West Bengal during protest against new industrial project 

As protests by farming communities fearing displacement from their land as a result of a new industrial project continue to lead to violence in West Bengal (Eastern India), Amnesty International is co...

BANGLADESH: A nation held captive to political power games

At 11:15pm on January 11 the president of Bangladesh, Professor Iazuddin Ahmed, publicly announced a state of emergency and ordered a curfew in response to increasingly violent conflict paralysing the...

INDIA: Bangladeshi family is brutally assaulted by local thugs, expelled from their land and neglected by police

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from its local partner organisation MASUM in West Bengal that a family of Bangladeshi origin were brutally assaulted and...

BANGLADESH: AHRC cautiously welcomes order on separation of judiciary

(Hong Kong, January 11, 2007) A new order by the Supreme Court of Bangladesh that the country’s judges be set free from government control has been cautiously welcomed by the Asian Human Rights ...

BANGLADESH: An alleged killing of a young man by the Rapid Action Battalion in Jessore after his arbitrary arrest and torture

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is gravely concerned by another alleged extra-judicial killing committed by the members of the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB)-6 in Jessore district...

PAKISTAN: Higher Judiciary is providing impunity to perpetrators in cases of disappeared persons

The judiciary of Pakistan has abdicated their duty to protect the citizens of the country by their blatant and open failure to handle cases of disappearances thereby providing the secret agencies of t...

INDIA: A college teacher arrested and tortured in Manipur

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the case of Mr. Abujam Shidam, a college teacher in Mapipur who was arrested on fabricated charges and torture...

PAKISTAN: Another Hindu girl forcibly converted to Islam after being abducted

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) received the information that a 17-year-old Hindu girl, Deepa has been missing since she was abducted by her Muslim tuition teacher on 31 Decembe...

SRI LANKA: Man illegally arrested and assaulted by excise officers

Dear Friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the violent and arbitrarily arrest of a man being investigated by officers from the Excise Department on sus...

SRI LANKA: Sunday Leader journalist replies to AHRC complaints

We reproduce below the email reply from Ms. Dilruskshi Handunnetti, the Sunday leader journalist who made several allegations against the AHRC in her article entitled ‘Targeting CBK and LTTER...

UPDATE (Bangladesh): Mr. Akash faces three alleged false charges; Judge issued warrant against him

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information on January 7, 2008 that Akash, a human rights defender as well as journalist, has been facing several allegedly ...

INDIA: Yet another minor killed by the Border Security Force in West Bengal

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the case of Kalidas Ghosh, a 17-year-old boy who was killed by the Border Security Force (BSF) stationed at th...

SRI LANKA: Resist violence – make 2007 a year of peace – the Rt Revd Duleep de Chickera, Bishop of Colombo 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following statement by the Rt. Revd. Duleep de Chickera, Bishop of Colombo. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ...

INDIA: Deliberate police inaction into alleged dowry death despite the court order due to nexus between the police and the alleged perpetrator

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from its local partner MASUM in West Bengal regarding an alleged dowry death of a woman in South 24 Parganas district, W...

SRI LANKA: The rights of the people to be accurately informed

 the Sunday Leader issueThe Editor Sunday Leader Newspaper Leader Publications (Pvt) Ltd. 98, Ward Place, Colombo 7 Sri LankaFax : +94-75-365891 – email : Dear Sir, T...

PAKISTAN: AHRC condemns the rearrest and disappearance of Baloch leader

Mr. Salim Baloch, a political leader of the southern province of Balochistan was rearrested by secret service personnels after recording a statement in the Sindh High Court on 31 December 2006, in whi...

ASIA: The law and Christian morality – the law and basic human rights

The following was initially delivered as a talk given by Mr. John J. Clancey, Chairperson of the Asian Human Rights Commission to the priests of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong on January 4, 2007 Wh...

SRI LANKA: Civilians killed by aerial bombing at Padahu Thurai near ILLUPAIKADAVAI

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to forward by way of this statement, a report sent to President Rajapaksa by the Bishop of Mannar on the killing of innocent civilians in an aerial bombardment...

NEPAL: Mentally deficient woman allegedly assaulted and raped by an army officer

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed by the Advocacy Forum, a local human rights organization in Nepal, of the alleged rape of a mentally deficient woman by an army...

UPDATE (Pakistan): A politician allegedly abducted once again by secret service agents after giving his statement in Sindh High Court

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received the information that Mr. Salim Baloch, the acting president of Jamhoori Watan Party was allegedly abducted once again by secret serv...