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UPDATE (Philippines): A villager died due to lack of food and access to medical treatment due to extreme poverty 

[RE: AHRC-HAG-001-2009: PHILIPPINES: Landless farm labourers in Davao suffer from hunger and extreme poverty] Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) regrets to inform that an impoveris...

INDONESIA: Open Letter to President of Indonesia on Papuan Political Prisoners 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following open letter from NGOs and West Papua Networks worldwide regarding political prisoners in Papua and West Pa...

SRI LANKA: Right to Truth of the victims, their relatives and representatives regarding death sentences carried out secretly by state agencies 

One of the most disturbing features of modern times is the claim of some security agencies of their right to decide on the death sentence and assertion of their right to carry it out. Such claims impl...

PAKISTAN: Flood unleashes wave of human trafficking 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following article from Nicholas Trainer published in The Epoch Times. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- An article from ...

BANGLADESH: Politics — Corruption Nexus in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study of the Impacts on Judicial Governance

The Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) has published a new book titled “Politics — Corruption Nexus in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study of the Impacts on Judicial Governance“. The boo...

SRI LANKA: The decision of the Military Tribunal against General Fonseka ugly but not surprising 

A military tribunal made its decision against General Fonseka finding him guilty of the charge of being engaged in politics while in military service. The Tribunal made the decision without respect to...

PAKISTAN: The flooding — Serious efforts are needed by the authorities to restore the trust of the people and the international community 

It is reported in the Pakistani media that intentional breaches were made in the protective embankments at Ghospur and Thorhee bands, Sukkur district, Sindh province in order to protect the agricultur...

INDIA: Independence August 15th 1947 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from Sri Aurobindo which was previously broadcast over All India Radio. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ———...

PAKISTAN: Christians observe black day 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from Pakistan Christian Post. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement from Pakistan Christian ...

PHILIPPINES: Police made traumatized torture victim withdraw his complaint

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information that the policemen investigating the complaint of a torture victim made him sign a document withdrawing his comp...

SRI LANKA: The Right to Know the Fate of Relatives 

The Right to Know the Fate of Relatives What was the fate of Prageeth Eknaligoda? What Prageeth Eknaligoda’s wife and children are asking is this very elementary right: The Right to Know the Fate of...

SRI LANKA: Right to truth – the Prageeth Eknaligoda case 

As Prageeth Eknaligoda remains a matter of concern the principles of international law relating to the right to truth is a relevant issue. we reproduce below the General Comment on the Right to the T...

SRI LANKA: An Appeal to the women’s movement against inhuman treatment of a young woman on religious grounds 

This is a narrative of the husband of the victim, a 17 year old woman with a two month old child, who was subjected to the horrible experience of being beaten about 100 times with the hard centre stem...

PAKISTAN: Negligence of the authorities exposes the lives of millions to peril 

The negligence of the authorities and improper mechanisms to deal with natural disasters has put the lives of millions of people in peril after the heavy rains in Pakistan. As a result the lives of th...

INDIA: Daily discussion of the Fourth National Convention on Right to Food 

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following press release from the groups joining the fourth National Convention on Right to Food. Asian Human Rights ...

SRI LANKA: Where is Prageeth? 

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following press release from Reporters Without Borders. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ———...

NEPAL: The Nepal Army has given absolution to one of Maina Sunuwar’s murderers 

The Nepal Army announced on 14 July that an internal inquiry had found Major Basnet ‘innocent’ of the torturing to death of Maina Sunuwar. The details of the enforced disappearance, tortur...

NEPAL: The Nepal Army has given absolution to one of Maina Sunuwar’s murderers 

The Nepal Army announced on 14 July that an internal inquiry had found Major Basnet ‘innocent’ of the torturing to death of Maina Sunuwar. The details of the enforced disappearance, tortur...

SRI LANKA: Attack on mass media continues 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from the South Asia Forum for Human Rights. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement from the S...

NEPAL: Advocacy Forum and ALRC submit joint UPR report to the UN concerning ongoing violations and impunity

A Joint Press Release by Advocacy Forum and the Asian Legal Resource Centre NEPAL: Advocacy Forum and ALRC submit joint UPR report to the UN concerning ongoing violations and impunity Please find the ...