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SRI LANKA: A Gratuitous Relationship for the Promotion of Human Rights – AHRC and Sri Lanka 

Sri Lanka Report for 2017 2017 was a decisive year for Sri Lanka, showing what progress had – and hadn’t – been made in the past few years. In January 2015, a new government was elected with a m...

WORLD: “Chauvinistic nationalism is the polar opposite of the UN, its very antonym and enemy.” – Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

A Statement from United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Opening statement and global update of human rights concerns by UN High Commissioner f...

SRI LANKA: UNHRC view asking the Sri Lankan government to pay compensation to the victim of sexual abuse and rape. 

We reproduce below the full text of the view adopted by UNHRC in Rita Jesudasan’s case. The case was submitted to the committee by ALRC. Views adopted by the Committee under article 5 (4) of the Opt...

AHRC TV: Indian youth lynched in Assam and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 223 

This week Just Asia begins with India, where two young men were lynched on the suspicion of being child abductors. Niloptal Das and Abhijeet Nath were artists based in Goa, who had come to Assam to ce...

INDIA: The deterrent fallacy of Sex Offender Registries 

With incidents of sexual assault and rape being reported more widely across India, there have been increasing calls for the establishment of a sexual offender registry in the country. The gangrape and...

NEPAL: Communist government moves to curtail civil liberties

By Supriya Manandhar The Nepal Communist Party (NCP) government has announced two new policies that have oversight to infringe on civil liberties in Nepal. The National Integrity Policy 2018 places ti...

WORLD: Gratuitous cooperation between AHRC and Nervazhi 

This is a joint statement of the Asian Human Rights Commission and Nervazhi, Kerala, India. Nervazhi is one of the many organisations that the AHRC works with throughout Asia. In question and answer f...

WORLD: Lies and filth are no conversation 

By Basil Fernando, Avinash Pandey The world has seen a lot of debate over falsehood being spread in the name of facts recently. This, though, is not a chance encounter. There is a very definite method...

AHRC TV: Thai activists charged for walking and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 222 

  This week Just Asia begins with Thailand, where police issued summons to at least another 47 individuals on May 29, for exercising their freedom of peaceful assembly to call for elections and d...

PHILIPPINES: Four people arrested and implicated in three separate false cases

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you about the wrongful arrest of four people in three separate cases. In the first case, a human rights defender was denied her ...

NEPAL: Deeply engrained racial discrimination continues

A written submission to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) by the Asian Legal Resource Centre and the Terai Human Rights Defenders Alliance The Asian Legal Resource Centr...

BANGLADESH: Killings of suspected “drug offenders” in Bangladesh must stop – UN Human Rights Chief

A Statement from the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission GENEVA (6 June 2018) – UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra...

INDONESIA: Company confiscated customary land belonging to a local indigenous tribe in West Papua

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) regarding a customary land dispute between Bintuni Agro Prima Perkasa Co...

WORLD: Is not Nilantha Ilangamuwa a congenital liar: a personal reply by Mr. Basil Fernando

Like the proverbial animal with thousands of horns, Ilangamuwa has many titles such as “One of the” Editors of Sri Lanka Guardian, a correspondent for Sri Lanka Guardian, Special Correspondent an...

PHILIPPINES: Two women activists killed in separate incidents while urban poor office harassed

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) deeply regrets to inform you about the killing of two women activists in separate incidents, and the harassment of the urban poor office. One of ...

PHILIPPINES: Five peasants arrested as alleged rebels in Cagayan Valley

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you regarding the arrest and trumped up charges against five peasants in Cagayan Valley. The military claims the five farmers ar...

PHILIPPINES: Peasant leader killed for land rights campaign in Negros

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) deeply regrets to inform you about the killing of a peasant leader in Negros Occidental. The victim actively led landrights campaign in their are...

INDIA: Police violence in Tuticorin a gross violation of due process and rule of law 

On May 22, 2018, the people of Thoothukudi(Tuticorin) were protesting for the 100th day against the environmental damage caused by the copper smelter unit of Sterlite Copper company, a unit of Vedanta...

INDIA: People’s Watch condemns the indiscriminate and random police violence in Tuticorin

A Press Release from People’s Watch forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) People’s Watch calls for the order of immediate closure of Sterlite Copper Smelter Plant No. 1 and for the...

PHILIPPINES: Civilians tagged as rebels and killed in two separate alleged encounters

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) deeply regrets to inform you about the killing of civilians in two separate encounters by the military. Three civilians were killed in Camarines ...