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THAILAND: Media beset by both violence and state of emergency 

23 April 2010 Reporters Without Borders Reporters Without Borders is extremely concerned about the impact on press freedom of the political in Thailand and reiterates its appeal to all parties to resp...

THAILAND: Condemn the use of violence at Muang Pattani Police Station 

WGJP no.005/2010, 21 April 2010 Today, 21 April 2010, two bomb explosions occurred at the lawn in front of the Muang Pattani Police Station. First, the grenades were thrown by two unknown parties towa...

SRI LANKA: The murder of a witness by police must be independently investigated

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has gathered detailed information on the escalating harassment of criminal witness Saman Thialakasir by police before his murder in February. H...

PAKISTAN: A man who was disappeared twice and severely tortured has finally appeared in court 

Murad Khan Marri, 45, who was held incommunicado on two occasions, first, for a period of nine months after he was arrested by the Frontier Corp (FC), for the murder of Chinese engineers, holding Indi...

BURMA: Elections without speech 

When the military government of Burma passed five new laws and four bylaws during March in preparation for planned elections later this year, it attracted a lot of interest, discussion and analysis in...

PAKISTAN: A young Hindu girl is detained and forcibly converted by a Madrassa; police refuse to act

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that police and officials are refusing to respond to the abduction of a fifteen-year-old Hindu girl by a neighbour in December last...

BURMA: A human rights defender targeted by medical doctors 

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received a copy of a letter from a human rights defender in Myanmar (Burma), a copy of which has also been addressed to you. As the letter may not have bee...

THAILAND: URGENT–Further bloodshed must be avoided at all costs 

This evening, April 21, there are many disturbing reports of a possible new attack to disperse anti-government protestors that have continued to assemble in Bangkok, calling for the unelected premier,...

BANGLADESH: Sex workers given steroids to make underage girls look older and fleshier–long-term health risks 

The prostitutes in Bangladeshi brothels are often underage and unpaid – and now, many of them are hooked on steroids that are damaging to their health I’m walking along a brightly painted corri...

PAKISTAN: Frontier Corp Attacks on Baloch Families, killing one woman 

Toronto, April 20, 2010 – Baloch Human Rights Council (Canada) condemns in the strongest words the brutal and cowardly pre-dawn paramilitary attack on Baloch families in Quetta, Balochistan. In a pre...

PAKISTAN: Punjab authorities respond weakly to another violent attack on a university professor by radical religious students

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission has learned that police in Lahore made no effort to protect university staff from violent attacks by expelled students from a conservative Muslim orga...

SRI LANKA: A man is tortured by police and held without bail for two years

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that a man was arbitrarily arrested, tortured and held in remand for more than two years before he was finally granted bail. Dehiwela...

PAKISTAN: Journalist injured in kidnap attempt in Tribal Areas 

(April 15, 2010) “It is playing with death to work as a journalist in Bajaur,” a journalist in this Tribal Area told Reporters Without Borders after yesterday’s attempted abduction o...

SRI LANKA: The case of a missing student is still ignored by the authorities two years after his arrest

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that Wellawatte police have taken no action during the two-year period since a young student was allegedly arrested by the Criminal...

PAKISTAN: A Hindu girl has been abducted by a landlord and forcibly converted to Islam; the authorities have refused to intervene

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about the abduction of a 15-year-old Hindu girl in October last year. Police and state officials refused to look into ...

INDIA: Petitions on Child Labour policy & Vedanta mining company 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from India Committee of the Netherlands. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement from India Co...

PAKISTAN: Two Balochis are abducted by plain-clothed agents with the help of police; no FIRs yet lodged

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the illegal arrest, abduction and disappearance of two persons from the Baloch Nationalist Movement on two s...

BURMA: Elections without rights 

The government of Burma has set down conditions for the forming of political parties that would have people associate in order to participate in anticipated elections, but nowhere is the right to asso...

SRI LANKA: Caste origins of authoritarianism in Sri Lanka — Part 2 

Thursday, April 15, 2010Caste origins of authoritarianism in Sri Lanka–Part 2 An interview with Mr. Basil Fernando of the Asian Human Rights Commission by Nilantha Ilangamuwa of the Sri Lanka Gu...

INDONESIA: Police shut down and revoke the licence of a radio station for broadcasting on rights issues

Dear friends,  A radio station in Indonesia – Radio Era Baru – has been forcibly shut down by police in an alleged act of censorship. An investigation by the country’s human rights commission...