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PHILIPPINES: Prisoners jailed for a decade; nine justices fail to complete review of sentence

In August 1999, five men, known as the “Abadilla Five”, received the death sentence by a Regional Trial Court (RTC) in Quezon City, Manila for the murder of an influential police colonel, ...

PHILIPPINES: KILLINGS – Two more killings: a priest and a judge – a symptom of lawlessness

The killing of a Catholic priest, Jesus Reynaldo Roda of Tawi Tawi and a judge, Roberto Navidad of Calbayog City illustrates how miserable the lives of citizens have become in a cruel environment on t...

PHILIPPINES: KILLINGS — Why can’t security forces act without being asked?

On January 9, the Court of Appeals (CA) reportedly heard the petition for writ of amparo filed by Cleofas Sanchez, mother of disappeared victim Nicolas, who, together with his cousin, Heherson Medina,...

PHILIPPINES: KILLINGS — Claims of police efficiency at odds with reality

In a functioning criminal justice system, offenders of a crime are given an appropriate punishment following prompt and effective judicial proceedings. In the Philippines, however, it is commonly expe...

PHILIPPINES: Killings leave deeply entrenched fear and distrust

At the height of the escalating incidents of the murder of activists, there was strong condemnation, both within and outside the country that forced the government to do something to stop the killing....

PHILIPPINES: Recurrence of threats on church leaders explains fallacy of improved protection mechanism and human rights conditions

In December 2007, a bishop and three priests of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente (Philippine Independent Church or PIC) once again have been threatened that they will be killed and have been the sub...

UPDATE (Philippines): Colleague of murdered bishop receives death threats

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that another colleague of the late Bishop Alberto Ramento of the Philippine Independent Church (PIC), a prominent human rights ...

UPDATE (Philippines): Renewed surveillance on a priest facing threats

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you that a priest, Rev. Eleuterio J. Revollido, whom we reported to have been facing continuing threats, has once again been exp...

PHILIPPINES: Adequate protection and investigation integral to improve human rights

Any improvement in the condition of human rights in a country should be measured on the extent of protection that victims and families have obtained, and how the investigations are made by the police ...

ASIA: A year of historic struggles for human rights

The year 2007 will be remembered as a year in which brought out increasingly belligerent responses from ruling elites across Asia. It is certain that throughout the region more and more people are res...

UPDATE (Philippines): Police charged for violently dispersing teachers holding peaceful demonstration

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that charges have been filed against the policemen involved in violently dispersing a group of public school teachers holding a...

UPDATE (Philippines): Two men illegally held in custody released; one details experience of nauseous and brutal torture

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you that the two men illegally arrested and detained by soldiers and paramilitary group have already been released in separate ...

UPDATE(Philippines): A mother of an infant who died from severe malnutrition dies; illness worsen by lack of food, medicines 

[RE: HA-26-2005: PHILIPPINES: Infant dies of severe malnutrition and a hunger related disease in General Santos City, Mindanao] ——————————&#...

ASIA: Using the law for social change

Presentation at the International Human Rights Colloquium at San Paulo organised by CONECTAS from 3rd to 8th November by: Basil Fernando Executive Director of the Asian Human Rights Commission This is...

UPDATE(Philippines): More activists and widows helping victims facing threats in separate incidents

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed of continuing threats made on human rights activists and widows of activists who are helping victims. On November 2, activist O...

PHILIPPINES: Activist forcibly taken by soldiers disappear while in custody

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you that an activist, Ruel Munasque, who was forcibly taken by soldiers on 24 October 2007, has disappeared while in their custo...

ASIA: The future opportunities for the eradication of torture and proliferation of universal human rights within the current global discourse

Basil Fernando (A presentation for the International Seminar on Freedom from Torture – Challenges we face for the rehabilitation and prevention on the occasion on the 25th anniversary of the Rehabili...

PHILIPPINES: Obvious surveillance on a legal aid office for workers continuing

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you of the renewed surveillance being carried out on a legal aid office for workers and labour organizations. Staff members of t...

PHILIPPINES: Killing of three more persons in Negros Occidental; one victim’s body mutilated and sexual organ severed

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) deeply regrets to inform you of the extrajudicial killings of three activists in separate incidents in August and October 2007 in Negros Occident...

PHILIPPINES: Lawyers release primer on writ of amparo

(Hong Kong, October 23, 2007) A group of lawyers have released a primer on the writ of amparo, a new rule adopted by the Supreme Court that grants relief to those whose right to life has been violated...