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SAUDI ARABIA/PAKISTAN: Victim of rape sentenced to prison then forcibly deported 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you of the plight of a young woman (whose parents are Pakistani) who was raped in her country of birth, Saudi Arabia, and then s...

UPDATE (Bangladesh): Court orders supplementary investigation following disputed Judicial Probe Commission report 

[RE: UP-083-2006: BANGLADESH: Police defy High Court order by continuing to make threats; UP-062-2006: BANGLADESH: Harassment and threats continue towards victim despite a High Court ruling ordering t...

SRI LANKA: Sri Lanka faces a problem far greater than the escalation of violence

Violence is escalating in Sri Lanka, with an attack by a suicide bomber in Colombo on the army headquarters that has seriously injured the army commander and killed many others. In retaliation, the Go...

UPDATE (Bangladesh): Government names District Judge to conduct a judicial probe into the police brutality on journalists 

[RE: UP-089-2006: BANGLADESH: Government names the head of the judicial probe commission into the police brutality on journalists; UA-128-2006: BANGLADESH: Journalists beaten by the police at the Chit...

SRI LANKA: Torture and fabricated charges laid against a man by the Ja-Ela police 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you about a man who was tortured by the police and who is now currently languishing in prison after having had fabricated charge...

SRI LANKA: Tortured to confess to a crime by the Katupotha police 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you of yet another torture case in Sri Lanka. On this occasion the victim was arbitrarily detained by the Katupotha police, who ...

SRI LANKA: Complaint regarding apparent malpractices that seems to be taking place in the case of Mr. Chamila Bandara

(Kandy High Court case number 231/2005); and request for an inquiry regarding it The case of Mr. Chamilla Bandara was taken up yesterday, that is on 25 April 2006 at the Kandy High Court. The accused ...

SRI LANKA: Torture of a husband and wife by the Wanduramba police 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the brutal torture of Mr. W. Sunil and his wife, Wasanthi by the Wanduranba police on 17 March 2006. On March ...

UPDATE (Nepal): Democracy to return to Nepal 

[RE: UP-077-2006: NEPAL: Nepal under curfew; UP-072-2006: NEPAL: Defacto emergency declared in Nepal; UA-117-2006: NEPAL: Arrests made ahead of public rallies in the capital, Kathmandu; UP-079-2006: N...

SRI LANKA: Torture of a woman by the Baddegama police 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the torture of Ms. M. K. Buddhika by the Baddegama police on 17 February 2006. Ms. Buddhika pleaded with the p...

INDIA: Irresponsible firing by Salar police kills a woman and injures a man in Simulia, Murshidabad district, West Bengal 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from its local partner, Manabadhikar Suraksha Mancha (Masum), regarding the death of 25-year-old Ms. Tulsi Das, who was ...

SRI LANKA: Civil society in Sri Lanka must learn lessons from the people’s movement in Nepal

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AS-080-2006  April 25, 2006 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) SRI LANKA: Civil society in Sri Lanka must learn lessons from the people’s movement in ...

NEPAL: Rekindling the flame of democracy in Nepal

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) joins hands with the hundreds of thousands of people gathered in the streets of Nepal who have successfully defeated a coup started on February 1, 2005 by the ...

UPDATE (Nepal): Call for intervention by the United Nations Secretary General and High Commissioner for Human Rights to ensure the establishment of a constituent assembly and democratic government in Nepal 

[RE: UP-077-2006: NEPAL: Nepal under curfew; UP-072-2006: NEPAL: Defacto emergency declared in Nepal; UA-117-2006: NEPAL: Arrests made ahead of public rallies in the capital, Kathmandu; UP-079-2006: N...

NEPAL: International community’s response to King Gyanendra’s address criticised by detained Nepali activists 

Dear friends,   Please find a letter written to the international community by a group of Nepali activists being detained in Duwakot Armed Police barracks, criticising the response to King Gyanen...

SRI LANKA: The Constitutional Council must function — a meaningful interpretation needed 

The meaning of a Constitution is to be found, not in slavish adherence to the letter, which sometimes killeth, but in the discovery of its spirit, which giveth life…”[1] The general dismay voiced ov...

NEPAL: Continuing fight for democracy by the people of Nepal 

Yesterday, April 22, we witnessed a in Kathmandu how revolutionary fervour transforms the poor and oppressed people to a determined force for change. The poor of Nepal who for centuries have lived on ...

INDIA: Mentally disabled boy lynched to death by a mob for stealing a biscuit in Bardaman District, West Bengal 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from its local partner, Manabadhikar Suraksha Mancha (Masum), detailing the death of Subhankar Mondal, a mentally disabl...

NEPAL: World must support people’s aspirations to oust coup leader and restore democracy

After years of unbearable horrors, the people of Nepal are once more in the streets as they were in 1990, demanding democracy and human rights. The recent offer by coup leader Gyanendra to allow for a...

SRI LANKA: 17th Amendment crisis — immediate appointment of the nine members of the Constitutional Council is the way out

The issues of the non appointment of the Constitutional Council (CC) members and the resultant collapse of all the relevant independent commissions remain unresolved despite unprecedented public prote...