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PAKISTAN: Again a judicial crisis — not a bonafide crisis but a crisis created for ulterior reasons 

Ostensibly the crisis is the elevation of chief justice for the Lahore High Court in the Supreme Court of Pakistan, the elevation of the next senior most judge Justice Saquib Nasir, as acting Chief Ju...

SRI LANKA: From Manorani Saravanamuttu to Sandya Eknaliyagoda – the cry of women on the forced disappearances of loved ones 

Basil Fernando The voice of Manorani Saravanamuttu was heard loudly during the last decade of the twentieth century, protesting strongly against disappearances in Sri Lanka. The voice of Sandya Ekanal...

SRI LANKA: The second term of the president-outside constitutionalism, rule of law and due process 

The Sri Lankan President, Mahinda Rajapakse, has begun his second term in office. The system of governance in which he works is one that falls clearly outside constitutionalism. The basic principle un...

SRI LANKA: Cry of three women and water canon in the streets 

Basil Fernando During the last week, three women have tried to speak to their nation about the tragedy each of them faced. One is Sandya Eknaliyagoda, the wife of Prageeth Ekanaliyagoda, the disappear...

PAKISTAN: Supreme Court decision will be a serious blow to corruption and corrupt practices

Aitzaz Ahsan The prominent jurist and former president of the Supreme Court Bar Association of Pakistan, Mr. Aitzaz Ahsan, was interviewed by the Asian Human Rights Commission on the subject of the Ja...

SRI LANKA: Diary of Terror- Eighth Report- 9th February 

A Secret Trial before a Kangaroo Tribunal Why is the Sri Lankan government avoiding the country’s courts? (February 10, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) The case against Sarath Fonseka, the common candid...

SRI LANKA: Attacks on Peaceful Protest 

E01/02/2010 CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT ATTACKS ON PEACEFUL PROTEST “…all parties that have hitherto shared in government must share in some measure the responsibility for these despicable tende...

SRI LANKA: The Diary of Terror – Sixth Report — 04th Feb. 2010 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from the Sri Lanka Guardian. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement from the Sri Lanka Guardi...

INDIA: Culture of impunity must end in Manipur

(Hong Kong, 12 February, 2010) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is launching an online signature campaign today marking the 10th year of Sharmila’s (Iron Lady of Manipur) fast to end the...

UPDATE (Philippines): More details of procedural flaws and torture have surfaced in arrest of 43 health workers

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received further details of how the military and police used psychological torture methods on the 43 health workers who are continuously bein...

THAILAND: The impact of Nationality Verification on migrant workers must be re-assessed

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that over two million migrants from Burma, Cambodia and Laos working in Thailand may face deportation after 28 Februar...

SRI LANKA: Stop military tribunals — respect due process — stop IGP from undermining the rule of law — ensure credible inquiries into all allegations of human rights abuse

In recent weeks the government of Sri Lanka has engaged in alarming attempts to repress the avenues of the political participation of the opposition and the entire population in general. One of the mo...

BURMA: Nine people imprisoned on confessions obtained from torture

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has already issued an open letter on the case of Dr. Wint Thu and eight other people who in December 2009 were given long jail terms for allege...

UPDATE (Nepal): Maina Sunuwar’s murderers have still not been prosecuted, six years on

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concerned about the impunity of those involved in the murder of Maina Sunuwar. Four military officers are accused of having illegally...

PHILIPPINES: The Fruits of Holy Dissent 

Fr. Roberto Reyes It is almost four years since I left the Philippines on voluntary exile. My residence changed each year, at least five times in the last four years. I have lived a rather nomadic lif...

TURKEY: Girl buried alive in honour killing 

WUNRN – A 16-year-old girl was buried alive by relative...

THAILAND: The Year 2009: Ten Steps Forward and Ten Steps Backward – Human Rights 

The Year 2009: Ten Steps Forward for Human Rights 1. Action against industrial pollution in Mab Da Phut Mab Da Phut is an industrial estate where many people have suffered detrimental health effects f...

UPDATE (Philippines): Two torture victims rearrested with 41 others on questionable charges

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you that two activists, whose illegal arrest and torture we reported in September 2008, have been rearrested and are being held ...

SRI LANKA: Balagolla police mislead a magistrate and prepare charges against the wrong person

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that police in Balagolla have deprived a woman of her right to redress and grossly misled a magistrate by presenting the wrong pers...

SRI LANKA: Prageeth Ekanaliyagoda’s disappearance- IGP should explain the progress of investigations 

Is there a procedure within the police detailing what action is to be taken when a missing person¡¦s complaint is received? As there is a current and ongoing case now with regard to the disappearanc...