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BURMA: Man imprisoned for complaining about electricity supply

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has obtained details of another case in Burma speaking to the country’s “injustice system” and how it affects the rights of all...

PAKISTAN: Military is the main obstacle in the investigation of extrajudicial killings of three Baloch nationalists — Asian Human Rights Commission

No progress has been made in the investigation into the extrajudicial , Ghulam Mohammad Baloch, Sher Mohammad Baloch and Lala Muneer Jan Baloch, after their abduction by the persons from the military,...

PAKISTAN: Army leadership should be taken to task for issuing public statements on political matters — Asian Human Rights Commission

The Pakistani parliament is debating a controversial American bill, the Kerry Luger bill, which would provide Pakistan with US$ 1.5 billion per year over the next five years for democratic, economic a...

SOUTH KOREA: The human-hunting crackdown against migrant workers 

October 1, 2009 – The Lee Myeong-bak administration has begun yet another concentrated crackdown against undocumented migrant workers, which is supposed to go on from October until November. In ...

WORLD: Tearing down the wall of caste 

A group of representatives from caste-affected communities in Asia recently gave me a piece of brick from the wall of a torn-down latrine. The brick symbolized the global struggle against the degradin...

THAILAND: Thai Government must now ratify ILO conventions 87 and 98 

Today (7th October, 2009) is World Day for Decent Work. On behalf of a network of labour organisations, and in the name of the Working Group to Promote Ratification of ILO C.87 and C.98 (consisting of...

PAKISTAN: The special assistant to a chief minister and policemen attack villagers to grab land killing three persons

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that the special assistant to the chief minister of Sindh, Mr. Ismail Dahri, in the company of several policemen attacke...

SRI LANKA: Ranga Bandara MP talks to the AHRC about the arson attack on his house and office 

   Mr. Ranga Bandara, a Member of Parliament gave a live interview to the Asian Human Rights Commission, based in Hong Kong, on October 6th about the arson attack and about the political environment...

PHILIPPINES: Treatment for tuberculosis must also be afforded to prisoners — Asian Human Rights Commission

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes with deep concern that two detainees, Leo Paro and Melvic Lupe, have died, reportedly due to tuberculosis while being held at the Karangalan Police Stat...

SRI LANKA: The Arson attack and the abysmal lawlessness — Asian Human Rights Commission

The opposition politician Ranga Bandara’s house was burned to cinders on the evening of the 4th October. Sometime earlier, the house of another opposition politician, John Pulle, was similarly r...

INDIA: An Mutinational Cooperation (MNC)’s GM Corn field trial in the state of Madhya Pradesh 

Respected Chief Minister, A prominent newspaper had recently carried a detailed story on the field trial of a Genetically Modified (GM) Corn of the American multi national company Monsanto being condu...

INDONESIA: AHRC urges President to act regarding student disappearances

(Hong Kong, October 6, 2009)  Between 1997 and 1998, 24 student activists in Indonesia, who challenged Suhartoe’s New Order regime disappeared by an abduction of the Army Special Forces Command...

BURMA: Amend the Child Law — Asian Human Rights Commission

Last Friday, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) issued an Urgent Appeal on the case of three teenage girls who have been imprisoned for alleged involvement in an illegal lottery ring in Burma (A...

BANGLADESH: Bangladesh’s international obligation of criminalising torture remains pending for eleven years — Asian Human Rights Commission

On October 5 1998, the government of Bangladesh, under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina, ratified the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT). ...

PAKISTAN: Pakistan’s Persecuted Minority 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following article from Asia Sentinel. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- An article from Asia Sentinel forwarded by the A...

ASIA: South Asian organisations must be more active against caste based discrimination — Asian Human Rights Commission

Human rights organisations working against caste based discrimination in the region must engage in debates on the need for a comprehensive UN framework to tackle caste based discrimination and should ...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): A journalist is receiving death threats from police after his torture and arrest on false charges

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that the life of a journalist who has been twice arrested, tortured and remanded on tenuous charges, is in danger. Senake Ekanayake...

SRI LANKA: Opposition demands dismantling of war time security measures 

Basil Fernando     Nearly five months have passed since the government claimed complete victory over terrorism by the defeat of the LTTE. And at the same time, it was claimed that peace had ...

INDONESIA: Government should enforce the law regarding student disappearances of 1997/98 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 2, 2009 AHRC-OLT-026-2009 An Open Letter to the President of Indonesia by the Asian Human Right Commission (AHRC) Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono President of the Republic o...

THAILAND: The Attorney General orders an Inquest of the Dead on Mr Usharee Samaae deceased for two years 

Monday 28 September 2009 at 9.00 am, the court in Yala spoke with the public prosecutor and the lawyer for the first trial in the death inquest of Mr. Usharee Samaae (26) according to Criminal Procedu...