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BURMA: Three children among six females imprisoned with hard labour

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that three girls in Burma have been sentenced to a year in jail with hard labour for allegedly selling illegal lottery tickets. Whe...

SRI LANKA: Features of a Gulag (1) — The loss of the meaning of legality and illegality

(This article initially appeared in the Sri Lanka guardian and was written as a response to a discussion in Ground Views) Basil Fernando The concept of the gulag, first used by Aleksandr Solzhenisyn i...

UPDATE (Pakistan): An elderly man rescued by court order from a 34-year captivity has been locked up again, with the knowledge of local police

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the relief of a 75-year-old man who was illegally chained in a room for almost 34 years by relatives...

INDIA: Advertisement campaign against Naxalites is a call for violence

A newspaper advertisement published by the Government of India on Sunday, September 20, 2009, reads ‘Naxalites are nothing but coldblooded criminals’. This advertisement is part of the gov...

PAKISTAN: The ritual abuse and naked humiliation of three women casts a deeper shame on the justice system that supported it — Asian Human Rights Commission

The violent humiliation of three women reported from Punjab this week has thrown stark light on the complicity of the police and the courts in gender-based crimes — and on the continued degener...

INDIA: No government programme supports severely malnourished child in Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the People’s Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) that four-year-old Ibran suffers from Grade IV malnu...

SOUTH KOREA: Solidarity needed in support of a people’s tribunal on the Yongsan deaths

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that human rights activists in South Korea will hold a people’s tribunal on October 18, 2009 regarding the deaths of five men...

UPDATE (Philippines): Another detainee dies in jail; 18 others at risk for lack of medical attention

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) deeply regrets to inform that one of the 19 striking workers, held in detention on fabricated charges, has died after contracting an illness insi...

INDIA: An acting village head assaults human rights defenders and villagers in a corruption cover up

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that police and government officials have refused to look into a case of corruption and sponsored thuggery in a Varanasi village, w...

SRI LANKA: The Gulag Island (2) — Zero Status of Citizens- Dayan’s problem (and a response from Dayan Jayatilaka)

“The issue that concerns me is something a little different. Why is it that many people still do not grasp that the system in this country has gotten so warped that it is not capable of what is ...

PHILIPPINES: An appeal to help flood victims and desperately needed improvements to the public warning systems

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) express its sincere condolences to the Filipino people for the terrible loss of life caused by typhoon Ondoy (international name: Ketsana) that affected Metro ...

SRI LANKA: A Gulag Island — a response to Dayan Jayatilaka — the mentality of the phantom limb — Asian Human Rights Commission

Basil Fernando Dayan Jayatilaka begins his article with the words, “I am proud of my country, Sri Lanka.” To demonstrate the differences in our points of view I would like to begin by stating that, ...

PHILIPPINES: How to help ‘Ondoy’ victims 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following press release from the containing the list of private and business groups and institutions ac...

PHILIPPINES: Police violate procedure to benefit from the surrender of a rebel

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to report that various police units have squabbled over the custody of a rebel in front of a judge in open court and violated various ot...

PHILIPPINES: Policemen squabble in open court over custody of a detainee for bounty — Asian Human Rights Commission

To argue that some Filipino policemen are corrupt and extorting money on pretext of enforcing their duties and obligations is something that no rational person could disagree with. This is an establis...

SRI LANKA: The Gulag Island — Asian Human Rights Commission

Alexander Solzhenitsyn added the word ‘gulag’ to the human rights vocabulary to describe a type of experience that is being repeated in many parts of the world. His own three volume study ...

SOUTH KOREA: Prosecutor must stop applying provisions found unconstitutional; accused must be released — Asian Human Rights Commission

The Constitutional Court decided yesterday that two articles of the Act on Assembly and Demonstration are unconstitutional. They are article 10 of the Act prohibiting assembly and demonstrating before...

PAKISTAN: People’s sovereignty threatened as government pushes ahead plan to sell land to foreigners — Asian Human Rights Commission

The Pakistan government’s announcement to push ahead with a plan to sell or lease 500,000 acres of farmland to Saudi Arabia has caused widespread outrage at home, raising serious concern over the det...

SRI LANKA: Biriani, Arrack and Kassipu for ‘Some’ Journalists- part 2 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following article from the Sri Lanka Guardian. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- An article from the Sri Lanka Guardian ...

PAKISTAN: Children are not for sale – the need to devise strategies to tackle the root cause of child trafficking 

A large family size, structural and seasonal unemployment, upward moving prices of food items, lack of social safety nets and endemic poverty is forcing many families in Pakistan to sell their childre...