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SRI LANKA: Under age child recruitment on the increase August 2005 

Media Release on 18 August 2005 The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka is deeply concerned to note the dramatic increase in child recruitment by the LTTE reported from our offices in the North and E...

SRI LANKA: Rape of 14-year-old girl in Galagedara 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about the rape of a 14-year-old girl in Galagedara, Sri Lanka on 29 July 2005. After the girl’s father reported th...

INDIA: Torture and arrest of human rights activist in Uttar Pradesh 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from reliable sources about the torture and arrest of human rights activist, Mohammad Musa Azami, in Varanasi, Uttar Pra...

INDIA: Denial of basic rights to village students in West Bengal 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM, a human rights organisation in West Bengal, about the illegal occupation of a room in a primary school build...

SRI LANKA: Torture of a man detained on fabricated charges

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you of the alleged torture of a man by police attached to the Gokarella Police Station. On 4 July 2004, Mr H.M. Susantha Herath ...

NEPAL: 17-year-old victim seeks justice from his jail cell 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the torture of a 17-year-old boy at the hands of the police, following his arrest on seemingly fabricated thef...

UPDATE (India): Updates on death threats to human rights activists working with dalit and marginalized group in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 

[RE: UA-138-2005: INDIA: Human rights activist facing death threats for working with Dalit and Backward Community] Dear friends, The article below includes the updates regarding the death threats to Â...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Rohitha released 

[RE: UA-136-2005: SRI LANKA: Two persons severely injured after being tortured by iron rods by the Wattegama police; UP-97-2005: A torture victim with serious injuries is chained to his bed due to leg...

SRI LANKA: A pregnant woman died due to the negligence of hospital staff 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received another case of death cased by negligence of hospital staff. According to the information received, Ms. Deepika Prasadhi Jayasuriya ...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Rohitha remains in chains in hospital due to legal technicalities 

[RE: UA-136-2005: SRI LANKA: Two persons severely injured after being tortured by iron rods by the Wattegama police; UP-97-2005: A torture victim with serious injuries is chained to his bed due to leg...

INDIA: Indians still to receive true independence

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) welcomes the call by the President of India, Mr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam to the nation that the country should be self-sustaining within a period of 25 years in r...

SRI LANKA: Foreign Minister’s Assassination and The Law and Order Situation

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) expresses shock and condemns the killing of Sri Lanka’s Foreign Minister, Mr. Lakshman Kadirgamar on 12 August 2005. In direct and indirect terms the Gov...

PAKISTAN: Whereabouts of journalist remains unknown following his detention by police officials 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you that a senior Pakistani journalist remains missing after being picked up by police officials on 24 July 2005. Mr Rasheed Cha...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): A torture victim with serious injuries is chained to his bed due to legal technicality 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information about Rohitha Upali Liyange, who was brutally tortured by the Wattegama police. (See further: UA-136-2005) He i...

INDIA: Family struggles to provide for their livelihood as government continues to destroy homes in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed of the current situation of one adivasi (indigenous) family living in the Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra. Forty year-old Ra...

UPDATE (India): Another human rights activist threatened for working with Dalits in Uttar Pradesh 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you that further threats have been made to a colleague of Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi, who we reported on only two days ago as having ...

SRI LANKA: A couple was tortured for refusing the advances of an amorous policeman 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about the illegal arrest and brutal torture of a couple by the Saliyawewa police on 26-27 July 2005. The incident happen...

UPDATE (India): Wait for justice continues after ten years; Vacant court denies justice to a handicapped woman

[Re: UA-07-2005: INDIA: Handicapped torture and rape victim waits ten years for justice. Ms. Hasna Mondal, a handicapped woman, from East Daukimari, District Jalpaiguri, West Bengal is still waiting f...

INDIA: Human rights activist facing death threats for working with Dalit and Backward Community 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to bring to your immediate attention the situation faced by Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi, a human rights activist working for the Dalits and the ...

NEPAL: Threats made to human rights activists by the government 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you of the threats made to a group of human rights activists in Nepal. The first threat was made by a group of Maoists who insis...