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NEPAL: Abduction, brutal torture, illegal detention and arbitrary arrest of a man by personnel from the Royal Nepal Army 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the brutal torture, arbitrary arrest and illegal detention of a young journalist in Nepal. Mr Chandralal Giri ...

NEPAL: Abduction and extra-judicial execution of a man goes unredressed

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from sources about the inaction of the police and the Attorney General in regards to the abduction and murder of a man i...

NEPAL: Trauma treatment should be integral to Nepal’s human rights monitoring operation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AS-72-2005 June 27, 2005 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Trauma treatment should be integral to Nepal’s human rights monitoring operation Torture, e...

NEPAL: Restriction of movement of activists can prevent human rights monitoring 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from a reliable source regarding the restriction of human rights defenders and political atavists in Nepal. Freedom of m...

ASIA: Governments of Asia obliged to respond to rising popular sentiment against torture

Protests against the use of torture by law enforcement agencies are becoming more widespread in countries throughout Asia. These are emanating from a growing popular sentiment against torture as an ab...

NEPAL: Confirmed re-arrest of at least 32 political activists and human rights defenders in violation of court orders following the royal takeover 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from a reliable source regarding the current grave human rights situation in Nepal. From this information we can confirm...

NEPAL: Two recent incidents involving threats to a Teachers’ Union leader and the re-arrest of citizens despite Supreme Court release orders 

UA-99-2005: NEPAL: Two recent incidents involving threats to a Teachers’ Union leader and the re-arrest of citizens despite Supreme Court release orders Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Comm...

NEPAL: U.N. mission to Nepal: money arrives; time to act

On May 26, the Danish government announced that it has earmarked 4.5 million Danish Krone (US$ 750,000) for the new office of the U.N. High Commission on Human Rights in Nepal. The office will use thi...

NEPAL: Re-arrest of Nepalese citizens undermines official court orders and rule of law

NEPAL: Exceptional collapse of rule of law; Re-arrests; Undermining of court orders; Re-arrest ———————————————...

ASIA: Forensic science an integral part of effective criminal investigations to prevent human rights abuses in Asia

From May 12 to 14, 2005 the Asian Human Rights Commission held a consultation in Hong Kong with a group of forensic and legal professionals to discuss the interplay between forensic science and human ...

NEPAL: Comprehensive monitoring of human rights in Nepal

The agreement this April to establish a United Nations monitoring mission in Nepal, which was endorsed in a resolution passed at the 61st Session of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights (E/CN.4/2005/L....

NEPAL: Military-sponsored vigilantes savage treatment of citizens 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is gravely concerned by new information received regarding the savage treatment of citizens by a military-sponsored civilian militia group called...

ASIA: Three countries in human rights limbo: Nepal, Burma/Myanmar and Cambodia

As the Sixty-first Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights (CHR) is taking place in Geneva, we would like to draw attention to the colossal absence of human rights in three countries in the Asia ...

NEPAL: Teacher assaulted a young boy and then school shuns responsibility 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you of the assault of a young boy in Nepal by his school teacher, who then, along with his colleagues, threatened the boy, his s...

NEPAL: Whereabouts of forcibly disappeared man remains unknown after 18 months 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you of the disappearance of a young man named Sanjiv Kumar Karna (alias Dipu), whose whereabouts have remained unknown since 8 O...

NEPAL: Time to act: State-sponsored mob violence unleashed in Nepal

The government of King Gyanendra in Nepal, who took absolute power on February 1, is now mobilising military-backed mobs to engage in extreme acts of violence on the pretext of fighting Maoists. The a...

NEPAL: escalating violence and the need for international intervention

Reports of highly orchestrated violence by mobs encouraged and supported by the military and ministers of the government appointed after the February 1 coup in Nepal are now arriving from Kapilabastu ...

NEPAL: Mass killings and humanitarian crisis in Kapilabastu district of Nepal 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the burning of more than 300 houses and the mass rape and murder of innocent civilians by a mob backed by the ...

UPDATE (Nepal): Additional list of people arrested in Nepal 

[Re: UP-18-2005: NEPAL: Additional lists of arrested political leaders/activists and human rights defenders; UP-16-2005: NEPAL: List of arrested political leaders and human rights defenders; Internati...

NEPAL: The aftermath of the coup: Nepal may lose its middle class

The February 1 coup in Nepal has brought the country under the control of the military, with no law controlling its actions. The number of persons under arrest–those under house arrest as well a...