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SRI LANKA: An Open Letter to Mr. Ban Ki-Moon by Fr. Tissa Balisuriya and a reply by Basil Fernando 

(Fr. Tissa Balisuriya, chairperson of the Centre for Society & Religion, Sri Lanka, has sent to the AHRC an open letter which he has written and which was published earlier by the Sunday Island wi...

CAMBODIA: The government must ban social control that violates human rights 

Cambodian society was under communist rule for some 15 years before the international community helped it to embrace liberal, pluralistic democracy with rule of law and respect for human rights at the...

SRI LANKA: Poddala Jayantha – Latest Journalist victim in Sri Lanka 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following article from D.B.S. Jeyeraj’s website. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- An article from D.B.S. Jeyeraj’s We...

THAILAND: Submission of ILO complaint regarding systematic discrimination against Burmese Migrants in Thailand 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from the State Enterprise Workers Relations Confederation, Thailand (SERC) on submission of ILO complaint regarding systematic discrimin...

PHILIPPINES: Police illegally arrests, tortures three human rights defenders

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you of the arrest of three human rights defenders. At the time of the arrests no warrants were produced. They were arrested on 2...

SRI LANKA: Justice and the rooster coop 

(This article is published on the occasion of the retirement of the Chief Justice, Sarath Nanda Silva’s, who is due to leave office on the 7th June. The article examines the fundamental failure ...

PAKISTAN: One Ahmadi trader killed while another escapes from attempted beheading by fundamentalists

The targeted killing of members of the Ahmadi community, a minority sect of Islam, is continuing in the Punjab province. In the latest incident, Mian Laiq Ahmad, 54, a well known Ahmadi trader in Fais...

SRI LANKA: Vanni IDPs live under appalling condition – Sri Lankan Chief Justice 

(This statement by the Chief Justice was aired with Tamil translation Wednesday night in MTV News bulletin). Vanni IDPs sheltered in transit centres in Cheddiku’lam cannot expect justice under t...

UPDATE (Thailand): Court condones the death by suffocation of 78 men in military trucks

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) deeply regrets to inform you that after a four-year-long post mortem inquest, a provincial court in Southern Thailand has absolved all official...

UPDATE (Philippines): Many on leaked target list have a history of campaigning and being threatened

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) would like to share brief profiles of those listed as targets in a recently a leaked document, allegedly belonging to the Philippine military. ...

INDIA: Tribes, living in stigma and starvation 

Sixty-two children have died of malnutrition in Khalwa Block of Khandwa district since May 2008. They were all from the Korku community, a tribe about which the outside world knows very little. There ...

GENERAL (Philippines): Soldiers burn houses, blocks food supply for over 34,000 displaced families in Maguindanao 

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing to draw your attention to the continuing food blockade the military has imposed in Maguindanao thereby depriving over 34,000 families ...

PAKISTAN: A tragedy of errors and Cover-ups 

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) is convinced that the cost of the insurgency in the Malakand Division has been increased manifold by the short sightedness and indecisiveness of the non-...

SRI LANKA: A man and his family are tortured by police

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about an alleged incident of torture involving the Kamburupitiya Police on 5 March 2009. Ramanayakage Nishantha Perera...

SRI LANKA: More journalists harassed 

The investigation into the assault on journalist Poddala Jayantha took a new turn when the police arrested and interrogated another journalist who provided the initial information about Mr. Jayantha&#...

PHILIPPINES: List of targets exposes activists to abduction, killing 

When the 67-page PowerPoint presentation containing the list of 105 names of persons, including lawyers, union leaders, religious leaders, human rights and political activists, appeared in public af...

SRI LANKA: Press freedom activist badly beaten in Colombo, hospitalised

Reporters Without Borders/Reporters sans frontieres 2 June 2009 Reporters Without Borders is outraged by an assault on Poddala Jayantha, the secretary-general of the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Asso...

PAKISTAN: A young man is shot dead by police at a wedding party

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received reports that a young unarmed man was shot dead during his cousin’s wedding party by a police officer in Panjgore district, Baloch...

SRI LANKA: A man is randomly detained and extensively tortured at Bandaragama police station

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a man was kept in illegal custody for seven days and tortured extensively and severely by the Bandaragama police ...

SRI LANKA: Journalist attacked – a civil society organisation threatened and a provocative campaign against freedom of expression continues

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AHRC-STM-125-2009 June 2, 2009 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission SRI LANKA: Journalist attacked – a civil society organisation threatened and a provocative campai...