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BURMA: Nine people convicted without admissible evidence over protests

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has closely followed and issued appeals on many of the cases that arose from the September 2007 nationwide protests against military dictatorsh...

SRI LANKA: Study on the prevalence of CIDTP 

Please find attached the link for a Study on the prevalence, determinants and causes of torture and other forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (CIDTP) in Sri Lanka. http://mat...

SRI LANKA: Probing human rights abuses and crimes against humanity – a lesson to be learned from Bangladesh

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, stated on the 13th March: “Certain actions being undertaken by the Sri Lankan military and by the LTTE may constitute violatio...

CAMBODIA: Eliminating opportunists in land disputes requires effective local administration and proper public consultations

The Cambodian government¡¦s drive for the all out development and beautification of urban centres has created one of the most serious problems for its people. This particular problem is widely known...

SRI LANKA: UN Human Rights Council urged to intercede on behalf of two detained journalists 

Reporters without Borders, which has consultative status with the United Nations Human Rights Council, today asked the council to intercede on behalf of two imprisoned Sri Lankan journalists, J.S. Ti...

ASIA: The region to benefit from the High Commissioner’s visit

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  March 18, 2009  ALRC-STM-002-2009 A Statement by the Asian Legal Resource Centre ASIA: The region to benefit from the High Commissioner’s visit The Asian Legal Resource ...

PAKISTAN: Two murdered and 15 charged as discrimination against Ahmadis continues unabated

The Asian Human Rights Commission is concerned to find two cases this month in Pakistan’s Punjab province that have targeted the Ahmadi minority sect. In one incident fifteen men in Sargodha dis...

SRI LANKA: Serious violations of international law committed in Sri Lanka conflict: UN human rights chief 

GENEVA (OHCHR ¡V 13 March) — The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay expressed her growing alarm Friday at the increasing number of civilians reported killed and injured in the co...

ASIA: A New Report

(Hong Kong, March 16, 2009) The Asian Legal Resource Centre has produced a new report in the latest volume of article 2 (volume 8, No. 1) on the abuse of police powers of arrest and detention for mone...

PAKISTAN: The long march of the lawyers restores the chief justice

Clearly demonstrating the iron will of the people of Pakistan to return to the rule of law and reassert the independence of the judiciary the people took to the streets, lead by the great movement of ...

SRI LANKA: Police allegedly torture a man to get information

Dear Friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the torture of a youth by officers attached to Moragahahena police for the purpose of obtaining information ...

PAKISTAN: Police gang rape a teenage boy in custody and distribute footage on the Internet

The law enforcement community in Pakistan has been shamed once more by an incident in which three officers arrested a boy, beat and raped him in custody, and distributed a video of the rape. A year la...

PHILIPPINES: A statement of the widow of murdered activist, Jose Riveral Manegdeg III 

Greetings with music of the sacred breath my dear brothers and sisters, My ancestral name is Dom-an. I am also Florence Macagne-Manegdeg, 36 yrs old, widow of Jose (Pepe) Riveral Manegdeg III and duly...

PHILIPPINES: Two farming villagers killed on pretext of a “legitimate encounter”

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you that two persons, one of whom was a woman, were killed under the pretext of a “legitimate encounter” that took...

PAKISTAN: As the government has protesting lawyers and activists arrested, hope fades for an independent judiciary and a democratic future

For a government that came into power promising to champion the rights of lawyers and restore the independence of the judiciary, the cabinet of President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yusuf Raza...

SRI LANKA: Greater powers granted to bad police in Sri Lanka

The government’s announcement that permission from the Ministry of Defence is required for all functions to be conducted with the participation of the general public, and that the approval of the nea...

THAILAND: Somchai Neelaphaijit–Reading between the lines (3)

To mark the fifth anniversary of the police abduction and forced disappearance in Bangkok of human rights lawyer Somchai Neelaphaijit on 12 March 2004, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is dist...

THAILAND: Statement on the fifth anniversary of enforced disappearance of lawyer Somchai Neelapaijit 

On the fifth year of the enforced disappearance of Mr. Somchai Neelapaijit, I and my family truly appreciate the attention the Abhisit Vejjejiva government gives to the case and that they promise to g...

INDIA: Child prostitution beside police outpost in Allahabad

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Guria, a local human rights organisation working against women trafficking in Uttar Pradesh, regarding the case o...

CAMBODIA: National Congress where the ruled and rulers meet must not be a still-born constitutional institution

Cambodia’s constitution which the Constituent Assembly issued from the UN-organised election had adopted in 1993 has established an institution of direct democracy called National Congress. This...