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PAKISTAN: Intelligence agencies using blasphemy to gag criticism of its atrocities

Blogger Ahmed Waqas Goraya, who disappeared earlier this year along with four other social media activists, has recently revealed the names of his abductors. Mr. Goraya posted on his Facebook page tha...

PAKISTAN: A human rights defender disappeared by Rangers at the alleged behest of a multi-national Oil Company

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the disappearance of a young activist by the Pakistan Rangers. He was organizing villagers protesting ...

PAKISTAN: Call to ratify the International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance without any reservation

A Report by the Asian Human Rights Commission/Asian Legal Resource Centre to the 113 session of United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (WGEID) The Asian Human Rights Co...

PAKISTAN: Justice System: successes and failures

Salman Ali William Ewart Gladstone, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in the late 19th century, once said, “Justice delayed is justice denied”. Moreover, the right to receive justic...

PAKISTAN: A tribute to Dr. Ruth Pfau: who successfully fought and controlled leprosy in country

The 87-year-old, Pakistan’s Mother Teresa, who devoted her life to control leprosy in Pakistan is no more available at his 2nd floor small room in Marie Adelaide Leprosy Center (MALC), located in a ...

PAKISTAN: Sudden increase of disappearances in Sindh before Independence Day

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the sudden increase of disappearances of activists including peasant leaders, human rights defenders a...

PAKISTAN: Without respect for law, legal profession will flounder

The darker side of Pakistan’s lawyers’ cartel has been exposed in the case of law student Khadija Siddiqui, who was stabbed 23 times by her class fellow, Shah Husain, the son of a senior Supreme C...

PAKISTAN: Child and young day laborer missing after being arrested by State Agencies

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding two missing persons. A brilliant, 16 ½ year old student and a 21 year old day laborer who were picked...

PAKISTAN: State failure allows jirga to order ‘revenge rape’

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is horrified by the news of the rape of a 17-year-old on the orders of a jirga (tribal council). The girl from the Rajpur area of Multan, Punjab province, was ...

PAKISTAN: Disappearance of youth whose two older brothers already extra judicially killed

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the disappearance of a youth by the police and persons from intelligence agencies. His two older broth...

PAKISTAN/KASHMIR: Madness at line of control takes lives of innocent civilians

There have been repeated outbreaks of cross-Line of Control firing in Jammu Kashmir, with both sides reporting deaths and injuries including of civilians. Heavy weapons are killing innocent civilians,...

PAKISTAN: The dismal state of education

By Salman Ali The Convention on the Rights of the Child and many of the global education goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, aim at ensuring the right to quality education, which, unfor...

PAKISTAN: Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz-Areesar appeals for the safe recovery of disappeared persons from Sindh province

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward an appeal from Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz-A (MQM-A).  For more information, please contact: Dr. Meer Alam Mari, Chairman, Jeay Sin...

PAKISTAN: State complicity abetting Hazara bloodbath

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) strongly condemns the recent spate of attacks on the Hazara community in Balochistan province. In the most recent incident, four family members belonging to th...

PAKISTAN: Young woman gang raped and blackmailed into marriage by traffickers

Dear Friends The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the gang rape of a young woman. The rape was recorded and she was blackmailed into marriage. The perpet...

PAKISTAN: Family of extra-judicially killed Bhutto brothers needs protection

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the abduction of a minor from the Bhutto family home. Previously, two brothers from this family were a...

PAKISTAN: Prosecute assembly member’s family for murder of child helper

On 12 June 2017, Pakistan’s print and electronic media was abuzz with the murder of a teenager serving a politically influential family in Lahore. Master Akther was reportedly tortured to death by h...

PAKISTAN: Non-Muslims forced to do sanitary work

In an act of blatant discrimination against the Christian religious minority, and an infringement of Article 27 of the Constitution of Pakistan, the Hyderabad Municipal Corporation has invited applica...

PAKISTAN: Call for action against district police officers in gang rape of constable’s daughter

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the gang rape of a constable’s daughter by influential persons. The district police of Jacobabad, Sindh prov...

PAKISTAN: State sanctioned police brutality against women must stop

A video has recently surfaced in Pakistan, where a contingent of police officers can be seen baton charging a group of unarmed women mill workers protesting in Muzaffargarh, Punjab. The scuffle occurr...