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BANGLADESH: Arbitrary detention and torture of Dr. Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir

Dear Friends,  We are forwarding you an appeal from the South Asia Forum for Human Rights (SAFHR) based in Nepal regarding the arbitrary detention and torture of Dr. Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir.  Accordi...

INDIA: A case of gang rape and sexual exploitation against Dalit minor girl

A case of gang rape and sexual exploitation against Dalit minor girl INDIA: Caste based discrimination – a distinct case of racial discrimination on the basis of work and descent; right to life ...

UPDATE: The 19th Open Letter on the Issues Regarding Fr. Pallath’s Case

Dear Friends,  We would like to send you a copy of the 19th open letter sent by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) to the Jesuit superior general in Rome regarding Fr. Pallath’s case.  R...

UPDATE (NEPAL): Innocent detention still continues – release on bail was denied

Dear Friends,  We are sending you updated information regarding our previous appeal (UA-39-2001) about Mr. S. K. Pradhan, secretary-general of the Peoples Forum for Human Rights and Development (PFHR...

INDIA: A Statement of Solidarity to Arundhati Roy

A Statement By the Asian Human Rights Commission – AHRC   The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is saddened by the Indian Supreme Court’s judgement on 6 March 2002 against Arundhat...

INDIA: Mass crimes against humanity based on religious intolerance

Dear Friends,  In the aftermath of the savage violence in the Indian state of Gujarat, many of the survivors and families of the victims are in a desperate situation. Most of them are suffering from ...

UPDATE (India): More appeals for justice for Sr Vanaselvi

Dear Friends  For your continued information and attention to this case, we are issuing here three letters that have been sent on behalf of Sister Vanaselvi, who was summarily ejected from her Order ...

UPDATE (SRI LANKA): NGOs’ appeal on police attack on NHRC

Dear Friends,  Following is an appeal which was signed by more than 30 NGOs in Sri Lanka, to urge the Sri Lankan government to take impartial inquiry and action against a high level police attack on ...

UPDATE (India): An appeal for justice for Sr. Vanaselvi

On February 7 we released a special joint urgent appeal with People's Watch Tamil Nadu regarding the expulsion of Sr. Vanaselvi from the religious congregation Mother of Sorrows Servants of Mary, base...

UPDATE (SRI LANKA): High-ranking police preventing work of human rights defenders

Dear Friends,  As the National Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka has not yet taken any action on this matter, AHRC has written to the Chairman of the commission about the powers of the commission ...

UPDATE (SRI LANKA): Case of torture of Angelina Roshana, No Action Under Act. No 22 of 1994

Dear Friends,  We have written several updates on Angelina Roshana’s case. We are also aware that many persons have written to the Sri Lankan authorities on this matter, however the Attorney Genera...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): High-level police attack on NHRC

Dear Friends  For your information, following is a letter AHRC has written to the National Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka, to urge them to take action against Assistant Superintendent of Police...

INDIA: Expulsion of Sr Vanalselvi while in detention

We have received astounding news relating to the inhumane treatment and dismissal of a nun by her order. Sister Vanaselvi osm, a woman who has completely devoted her life to the service and upliftment...

UPDATE: The 18th Open Letter Regarding Fr. Pallath’s Case

Dear Friends,  We would like to send you a copy of the 18th open letter sent by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) to the Jesuit superior general in Rome regarding Fr. Pallath¡¦s case.  Read...

Sri Lanka: Torture Elimination Day 04 February 2002

A Joint Statement By JanaSansadaya, Sri Lanka and the Asian Human Rights Commission AHRC Sri Lanka will celebrate the 54th anniversary of its independence from the British Raj on 4th February 2002. It...

SRI LANKA: Tamil woman detained without charge for almost four years

We wish to alert you to a case of serious miscarriage of justice in Sri Lanka. A young Tamil woman, Ms. Victor Joyce Scholastica, has been imprisoned for almost four years under the Prevention of Terr...

SRI LANKA: High-level police attack on NHRC

This Urgent Appeal is regarding a high level police attack on the National Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka on 22 January, 2002. 

NEPAL: State of Emergency and TADO enable gross human rights abuses

State of Emergency and TADO enable gross human rights abuses NEPAL: ‘Anti-Terrorism’ law and ‘State of Emergency’ deny right to freedom from torture, arbitrary arrest, extra-ju...

UPDATE: Request for inquiry into abuse of Fr. Pallath

Dear Friends,  We would like to send you a copy of the 17th open letter sent by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) to the Jesuit superior general in Rome regarding Fr. Pallath’s case.  R...

SRI LANKA: Angeline Roshana case – AG fails to prosecute one year after police torture

AHRC draws your attention to the casse of Angline Roshana who was arrested and tortured on 3rd December 2000. Despite many interventions, the Attorney General of Sri Lanka has refused to act Under Act...