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CAMBODIA: Police report a man drowned in water of hardly a meter depth

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that a man was found dead with a broken neck and severe injuries on his head in a river in Takeo province on 8 May 2008. The police h...

SRI LANKA: Police fabricate charges against two men after assault on his private matter

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the assault of two men by police officers attached to Hikkaduwa Police Station on 2 April 2008. One police off...

SRI LANKA: SC holds prison officers to have committed torture on Tony Fernando

This week the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka, by a majority judgement of two out of a bench of three, held that several prison officers had violated the constitutionally guaranteed rights of Michael Antho...

ASIA: Protecting the Dike that Safeguards the Rule of Law

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to present the speech given by Mr. John J. Clancey, Chairperson of the Asian Human Rights Commission at the Awards Ceremony for the Asian Human Rights Defender...

NEPAL: Police illegally searched a human rights lawyer’s house in Banke district

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing to you regarding the illegal house search of a human rights defender Mr. Sushil Kumar Lakhe by the police in Banke district on 11 May ...

NEPAL: An alleged serious assault of a political activist by Maoists in Bhojpur district

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to bring your notice the cases of abduction and a serious assault which has not yet been adequately investigated and in which no perpetrat...

SRI LANKA Threat (authorities attempt to prevent foreign media from covering elections in Eastern Province) 

IFEX – News from the international freedom of expression community ALERT – SRI LANKA 9 May 2008 Authorities attempt to prevent foreign media from covering elections in Eastern Province SOU...

SRI LANKA: UK missed chance to charge Sri Lankan rights abuser 

Subject: UK: Missed Chance to Charge Sri Lankan Rights Abuser Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 17:51:27 -0400 For Immediate Release Karuna Case Could Have Been Landmark for International Justice (London, May 9, ...

BURMA: AHRC now accepting donations on behalf of partners

Twelve days since Cyclone Nargis, international aid groups and bilateral donors are still greatly hampered in getting access to stricken populations in Burma who are now at risk of a massive outbreak ...

ASIA: Muneer Malik and Aitzaz Ahsan accept the AHRC’s Human Rights Defender Award

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AHRC-ANM-003-2008 May 14, 2008 An Announcement by the Asian Human Rights Commission ASIA: Muneer Malik and Aitzaz Ahsan accept the AHRC’s Human Rights Defender Award The As...

INDIA: Student arrested for organising meeting against SPOs in Manipur

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Human Rights Alert (HRA), a human rights organisation working in Imphal, Manipur regarding the illegal arrest and d...

UPDATE (India): Urgent call to appoint a special public prosecutor to ensure fair trial

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received additional information concerning the case of rape that was reported earlier by the AHRC on 31 March 2008. The AHRC is informed thro...

NEPAL: Nepal Tibetan Solidarity Forum appeal for Tibet 

An All Women Silent Appeal March will be carried out today starting from Lainchour proceeding through Thamel areas. The women dressed in black and white with black armband around their arms, mask ove...

PHILIPPINES: Appellants invoke UN’s decision holding government responsible for delay

(Hong Kong, May 13, 2008) The lawyers for the Abadilla Five, have invoked, as addendums to their Petition for Review on Certiorari, a decision by the United Nation Human Rights Committee, finding the ...

CHINA: Extending concerns for the earthquake in China and urging China to do more for cyclone victims in Burma

The Asian Human Rights Commission extends its concerns to the Chinese people and the Chinese government at this moment of tragedy by way of the severe earthquake. After news of the heavy earthquake th...

BANGLADESH: SC Lawyers boycott of Supreme Court to protest ruling obstructing granting of bail

The Supreme Court lawyers decided on Sunday (May 11, 2008) to boycott the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court for two hours on Thursday, May 15, in protest against a series of verdicts, including ...

THAILAND: Websites are denounced for allowing forum discussions

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that two Thai websites (Fah Diew Kan and Prachatai) have been charged under Article 116 (2) of the Criminal Code for p...

NEPAL: Four men tortured by the Udayapur district police while in illegal detention

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is concerned by the torture of four young men by the Udayapur district police during their illegal detention in March 2008. They all have been ch...

SRI LANKA: Police officer reportedly rapes a woman while conducting inquiry

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a police officer attached to Hakmana Police Station raped a woman in her house on March 9, 2008. She has complained...

SRI LANKA: Bodies in the bag

(This is the second reply to a columnist of the Sunday Leader who wrote his column on May 11, 2008 referring to the Asian Human Rights Commission and its Executive Director, Mr. Basil Fernando). May 1...